
Episode 16 Poor Beatrice

"Your Majesty, ..., I have one question to ask you.

 I'm not sure how long it took for Faria-Belfaria to open her mouth, after she had gone rigid with astonishment.

 At least a minute had passed, but Setsuna herself had to deal with the situation with some surprise. She didn't have the mental capacity to keep track of the elapsed time, nor did she have the hobby to devote her energy to such a trivial matter.

 What surprised Setsuna was the fact that the person Leongand Ray-Gandia had referred to as "Bell" was Faria. In other words, the report that he had read was based on the interview that Faria had conducted with Setsuna, and how it had come about must have been brought to the king's attention.

 There was no way for Setsuna, a mere student from another world, to know what kind of relationship the organization she belonged to, the Continental Summoners Association, had with Gandia, but it was not hard to imagine that they must have a special relationship.

 It is possible that Setsuna's idea is wrong, of course, but it is also very possible.

"What is it?

 On the other hand, Leongande looked at Faria, who had just recovered from her thoughtlessness, with a graceful smile.

 It's not as if he's looking at a stranger, and it's not as if he's looking at his subjects. In other words, it was the kind of gaze you would give to your beloved sister.

 But no matter how you looked at them, they looked nothing alike, and it was obvious that they were not related. Of course, there was no denying the possibility that Leongande loved Faria like a sister, and Setsuna's dizzying mind supported that idea.

"Why is His Majesty here when he is supposed to be participating in the exercises in Mardar?

 The information that Faria, who was gradually regaining her composure, told her was naturally new to Setsuna. This is the first time I've ever heard of such a thing.

 According to what Setsuna had heard from Faria and Elina, Mardar was the second largest city in Gandia after the royal capital, Gandion, and the common understanding among the people of Gandia was that only Gandion and Mardar could be called cities in this country.

 It is also said to be a fortified city, but I was unable to get any more details than that.

 In the first place, even if Mardar and Gandion were mentioned, it didn't quite make sense to Setsuna, who had to fight against severe pain.

 It's not as important as information about the country or the city for Setsuna, who doesn't know anything about this world, but at that time, fighting to the death with muscle pain was all that mattered. There was nothing she could do about it.

Just before we left Gandhion, we received the news of the Great Callan Fire. Just before we left Gandhion, we got the news of the Kallang fire, and we couldn't stand still.

 Leonganed. He didn't seem to be offended, but acted as if it was a natural reaction.

"That's selfish!

 Faria's reaction was understandable. The head of a country should not be able to overrule a carefully arranged schedule because of his personal feelings. It shouldn't be that simple.

 The king is no longer a single person, but an institution. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that will help you.

I don't have a problem with that, because I'm sure they're doing a good job with the exercises. I'm sure it won't hurt the morale of the soldiers. But it won't be the same here, will it?

 The profile of the young king was beautiful and always a picture to look at. The young king's profile was beautiful and always picturesque, and the way he stood was full of nobility.

 Faria, on the other hand, seemed to be wavering between some exasperation and confusion. Her rage was about to fade away in the face of Leonghand's smile.

"But ...!

'I wonder how it is for a king to act out of temporary sentimentality. I really think so. I'm not a king at all.

 Faria's eyes suddenly became half-lidded as she heard Leongan's words as if they were something else. There was no emotion in his face. I'm not sure what to make of it.

"So, ..., what is your real purpose?

 For some reason, Faria's words had the power of a drawn dagger at her throat. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing.

 However, it might be something that Leongande was used to. He seemed to be passing Faria's gaze with a cool face.

'What do you mean?

'How could His Majesty have pulled off such an important exercise just because of such a thing?

 I'm not sure if it's fair to just dismiss the huge fire in Calang with a single word like that, but I guess it can't be helped at this point. It's not about the size of the damage to the Callan.

"What kind of person do you think I am?

I'm not sure what to make of this.

 This time, it wasn't her icy tone that made Setsuna shudder. I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm not sure how much authority the title of district officer of the continental summoner's association carries, but it's probably the same as that of a citizen, but it's not something an ordinary citizen can say to the king. I don't know. It's beyond the limit.

I'm not sure how you can say that to His Majesty the King. You can be charged with disrespect if you want. ...?

 I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

 It's a great way to make sure you're getting the most out of your money. I'm not sure what to say, but I'm not sure what to do.

 However, Setsuna's worries dissipated with a word from the young king.

"Well, okay. But I want you to believe me when I say this: ... The reason I decided to head to Callan was because I received news of a huge fire. It wasn't until I read through your report that I learned about the armed summoner boy and that his mentor was Azmaria-Altemax.

 And having seen the report, I guess my purpose has changed. Setsuna looked at Leongande's profile with a sigh. Sighing again. It's just that sometimes beauty that can't find a single flaw can only upset people's emotions.


 It was the second time today that Faria rolled her eyes in astonishment. It was the second time today that Faria rolled her eyes in astonishment. It is in this expression, which is so vulnerable, that the true face of the person can be seen.


 While mumbling in her heart, Setsuna saw the loveliness of a flower in Faria's surprised expression. It was not the person who had caused the storm of questions, nor was it the person who had come at her like a demon, and Setsuna agreed that if that was her nature, then that was probably it.

I wonder if I should be that surprised.

"Of course I'm surprised! I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do that.

 Faria's loud voice echoed louder than expected in the early morning city, but she may not have realized it. It was probably because she was concentrating her attention on Leongando.

 It was the same with the Young King. He seemed to be concentrating all his attention on Faria's reaction.

 As such, Setsuna had to fight against loneliness. No, she wasn't afraid of loneliness. However, the current situation was not so much loneliness as it was the silencing of her existence, and that was very painful for Setsuna.

 However, this was not a situation where she could assert herself. In fact, it would have been more miserable if she had done so.

"I saw a carrier pigeon flying along the road...

 Leongando's blithe words were drowned out by Faria's scream.

"Did you shoot it down?

 This is the first time I've ever been to the beach. I'm sure you'll be able to understand that I'm too dumbfounded to even react properly.

"Oh my God, ...!

 In the meantime, Faria seemed to be getting excited about something in Faria.

I'm not sure what to do.

No, no, no, no, no, no. ...

 It's not surprising that Setsuna and Leonganed shook their heads in the exact same way.

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