
The High Demon Caliko

Caliko's P.O.V

You see sweet Princess, I was once a great man in your father's eyes. He and I met when I was six years old. I was a curious child so my father had brought me into the palace to meet the people he worked with. That was the day I found out father was a member of the Sigortsky. He had always told me stories of these great warriors that stood against all threats in the kingdom, never to be defeated once. Never had I imagined that he would be one of them. Let alone that he was one of their most powerful soldiers. He accompanied me into their training room which was located in the castle's dungeon.

It was a sight for sore eyes. The walls were a velvet red and each of them was lined with a variety weapons. There were things that I didn't even know could be used as weapons. "I will be right back my boy. There is someone that wants to meet you" father said and walked away. With nothing else to do, I decided to take a closer look at one of the swords that drew my attention. So I pulled it from the wall and the wall moved away with a sliding motion. It was quite surprising but what I saw inside was even more shocking.

Inside there was a man and a woman engaging in a sword fight. The man was tall with long red hair, grey eyes and gigantic muscles that looked unreal. He looked like he could lift an entire castle if he wanted to. The woman on the other hand had long golden spiky hair, pink eyes and a tiny frame. I was worried for the woman when I saw that they were fighting.

This fight however was no ordinary match, because that tiny woman kept inflicting huge blows on the man and yet she had not sustained a single scratch. I was left in awe watching how she dodged the man's attacks and pummeled his body. Never in my life had I seen such a strong woman. I was so amazed that I dropped the sword. Hearing the clatter of metal they both stopped and turned to look at me. "You must be Caliko. I was so excited to hear you were coming today!" the woman exclaimed eagerly jumping up and down. She was as beautiful as a princess and had a kind smile that reminded me of my late mother's.

She ran towards me and gave me a hug which was a little too tight for comfort. "My name is Lydira sweet boy. I am the Lion Sigortsky" she spoke. "Wait what do you mean Miss Lydira?" I asked out of curiosity. "In total there are ten of us and each of us have different skills Kid. Our skills are represented by the animals we bonded with since birth" the injured man answered in her stead. He came up to me and shook my hand.

He then introduced himself saying "My name is Nebulon and I am the Pheonix Sigortsky". "So what skills do you have Miss Lydira and Sir Nebulon?" I asked eager to learn more about them. "My two major skills are Strength and Earth Ruler. I derive each of my attacks from them. These skills have allowed me to manipulate any ground I stand on" Miss Lydira replied with a cocky grin. She then pointed to the floor with her index finger and yelled "Earth hear my command for I am your King. Come to me now!".

The ground then began shaking and before I knew it a whole new wall sprang up before us. I was so shocked, there is absolutely no way any human could do that. "Wha.....what are you exactly Miss Lydira?" I asked nervously for I had never seen something like that before. "I am an Angel sweet Caliko" she replied and it was then that white wings appeared out of her back. "Waha?..... angel?" I babbled incoherently before passing out from shock. When I finally came to I found myself in my father's arms. "Cali I see you have met some of my comrades" said father with a bright smile.

I looked up and saw that Miss Lydira and Sir Nebulon were standing around us. "Wait a second what happened to your bruises Sir Nebulon?" I asked noticing that he looked flawless. "They healed kid" he shrugged and responded nonchalantly. "Wait are you an angel too?" I asked while sweating profusely. "Nah Kid I'm a human. It's just that I was blessed with immortality by the Angel God Rygo when I was born. I didn't have a family so the Angels were kind enough to take me in and raise me. Plus I am from one of the most powerful human tribes to ever exist so the Angels wanted me to grow and fight alongside them" he answered. This situation was shocking to say the least because I had no idea that people like them actually existed.

My dad picked me up and held me on his waist. "I told you guys to wait a little before telling him. He has never been exposed to our kind before" my father said to his comrades. "Wait what Father?..... Did you just say our kind?" I asked now feeling even more confused. "Yes my dear son.... our kind" he replied looking at me and his blue eyes began to glow. He then began to transform in some way. His ears grew pointy, his short brown hair grew to his waist and turned purple and he unraveled wings but they weren't like Miss Lydira's. Father's wings were beautiful, multicolored like a rainbow. "Allow me to reintroduce myself son. I am Tonraq the fairy God. This is my true form" he told me with a sweet smile. "haa... f-f-f aiiiirryyyyy" I babbled before fainting once again.

I know it was a lot of fainting but can you blame me? I mean I just found out that my father wasn't normal. I mean I knew he was a king but a fairy king? It was just surreal. When I woke up once more I found myself in a big, soft fluffy bed. I looked around the room and saw white and gold decor. I did not know where I was and my father was nowhere to be seen. That was when the door opened and I saw a man walk in. The man's eyes were violet and they seemed to glow like a burning fire. His eyes were disturbingly mesmerizing and it felt as if they commanded my attention. I could not help but examine him closely. He had fiery red hair that fell graciously to his waist in waves and was as tall as the ceiling arcs. He was built like a great warrior and wore a bold smile, but something felt off about him. I could not quite put my finger on it but he was surely different from everyone I had met earlier

"Well, you must be Prince Caliko. I have been wating a long time to meet you" the man spoke sweetly. "Um.... Hello I wish I could say the same but I have no idea who you are Sir" I answered in confusion. "Right my apologies. I am Lord Elrich, King of Palatia. Your father and I are Frayen." the man replied. What? was all I could think so I told him "I have no idea what you mean by that M'Lord. What does Frayen mean?". "I can see that your father did not educate you on matters of our world as yet. Frayen is a pair of creatures who are bonded for life. This bond happens when creatures such as myself and your father are mere newborns. Frayen are destined to fight alongside each other and protect each other at all costs." the king answered. "Wait you said creatures, so are you like the sigortsky members I met earlier?" I asked curiously.

"Caliko I am an angel just like Lady Lydira. In fact my father is the ruler of all Angels. I had wanted to meet you for a long time because of your special abilites" the king replied. "Special abilities? What are you speaking of M'Lord?" I asked feeling very confused. I was as normal as any person could be. "Look into my eyes boy and tell me what you see" he spoke in a serious tone. I was slightly scared because of the change in his voice so I did exactly what he asked. I looked into his violet eyes and felt as if I was sucked into another world. All that began to surround me were clouds and sunlight along with a tiny figure floating amongst the clouds. The figure had light glowing around it and that was when I heard it, a sweet giggle.

It sounded like a baby. So I moved closer to the cloud to inspect the figure and what I saw was absolutely beautiful. It was a baby girl with fiery red hair, brown skin that shone like gold and amber eyes that glowed as beautifully as the sun. She looked into my eyes and reached out to me as if she wanted me to pick her up. So I went to do just that but it was then that this child grew tiny wings out of her back. They were quite strange though with one being a shimmering black and the other a crystal white. After that I immediately found myself surrounded by the white and gold room once more looking at the King. "What just happened?" I asked hoping to hear that I was hallucinating or something. "Caliko my boy, you have been blessed with the ability to see the future, the ability to change it and the ability to show others what you have seen.

This ability only exists in the fairy civilization and it is so rare that no one has possessed it for over a million years. That is until you came along of course. I suspected it because from the moment you were born your father told me of a strange occurence. His servants were tending to you one morning and you started to cry uncontrollably. They tried everything to get you to stop crying. They fed you, changed you, played with you, gave you water from the tree of life and even brought you to your mother but you never stopped all day. Your father was out that day and had come back in the evening. He heard you crying and ran to you immediately asking the servants what was wrong and they informed him of what had been happening all day.

He went over to your cradle and looked at you trying to figure out what was wrong. It was then that you sensed his presence and looked into his eyes. You stopped crying, floated out of your cradle and went straight to him. You held out your tiny hand and rested it against his cheek sending a flash of a ghastly scene through him. That memory almost came true but your father was able to stop it thanks to you. However it did change both of your lives drastically" the King told me. "What had I shown him? and why had he never spoken of this to me?" I asked curiously. "You will find all the answers you seek in due time. I answered you, so now you must show me what you have seen. Place your hand on my cheek and look at me. This is how your power projects to another person, through the touch of your palm" he said.

So I showed him and a look of shock creeped onto his face. "Do you know who it is you have shown me?" the King asked with a strange look on his face. "No M'Lord I have no idea about the baby I saw" I answered. "That baby is my future child, but that is not a normal child. She will be a unique breed. I do not know when this child will come into this world but I am sure of one thing and that is you. You are to become her husband." he replied in a serious tone. "What?.... How do you mean?" I asked nervously. "She reached out to you which means she already knows you and chose you even though she does not yet exist. You see with your power you can interact with anyone in the future even if they are not in this world as yet. She will know you like no other and you will know her the same.

You are a perfect fit for the position of my son-in-law as you are a rarity among the other creatures and the purest of royal fairy blood flows through you" the king answered with a wide smile. He then walked out leaving me to ponder what he had just told me. Later on in the day I also found out that my father had agreed to me marrying you. So from that day forth I began training to enhance my powers awaiting your arrival into this world. It was two years later that you were born along with Carlisle, just two days after my eighth birthday. I remember it like it was yesterday. You were as beautiful as an angel and you refused to let anyone but me take care of you. I fed you, cleaned you and played with you everyday.

Every night I would rock you to sleep and stay near to you in case you needed me. I was quite worried about you because of your mark but I knew that you would have Carlisle to protect you and I would do the same. As you got older, it was my duty to monitor you and Carlisle until he was old enough and strong enough to protect you on his own. There is something you must know about Carlisle though...

Hello everyone this is where you learn more about another important character in the story and it will be quite interesting continuing the next chapter

Whannmariecreators' thoughts