
Helia-Son of Abaddon

One day, I was strolling through the palace garden trying to get some fresh air. I saw Carlisle's parents in front of Lord Elrich's statue. They seemed to be having a heated discussion over something but not once in all their years of marriage have they been seen arguing. So I carefully moved closer in order to hear them, making sure to not be seen. I hid behind some bushes and it was then I found out that Carlisle's father was not his biological father. It turns out that his mother Celine had an affair with a demon and ended up pregnant. However, she was not at fault for this demon had snuck into her room and seduced her using his powers, tricked her into submitting to his every command. All demons had the ability to persuade anyone they wished to but only demons of the purest blood could overpower certain creatures of the Sigortsky.

The Sigortsky only consisted of two angels and one fairy, so the others were of a different breed. In all their years of training, the other breeds had been warned to never stand against a demon of pure blood. The demonic venom flowing through their veins concentrated their blood and made them the most dangerous predators. The only creatures that could withstand their persuasion and resist it were angels and fairies. All these demons had to do was stare into the persuadee's eyes and they would become mesmerized within seconds. After this sick act of adultery took place and the demon left, Celine quickly came back to reality. Every act that was committed now came flooding through her mind and it drove her mad. She screamed with all her might and began tearing her room apart. How could this have happened to her? She was a great warrior of the Sigortsky and should not have been so easily defeated.

Three hours passed and she finally sat curled up in a dark corner wondering what this demon's plan was. She swore not to tell anyone of this moment of weakness, she just felt too ashamed to even ask for help coping. Two months after she realized that her body had not expelled any fertility fluids and comprehended that she was now pregnant. She was frightened and desperate at the same time. She did not want anyone to know of what happened so she came up with a plan. She slept with her husband Donatel multiples times per day, letting him fill her with his seeds each time. A month afterwards she led him to believe that she was pregnant with his child. Donatel was happy for he had long wanted a child.

Six months passed and the child was born. A baby boy came to be and he bonded with the newborn princess placed beside him. It was seen as a blessing that this child bonded with the princess for it meant that the child would do great things in the future to come. There was no way Donatel could know that this was not his son. However a lie always has a way of catching up to a person. The demon Celine had an affair with was none other than the high demon Abaddon. High demons were second to the Royal family in terms of hierarchy. Apart from the Demon King, he was the second most powerful demon in the realm. He had found out from his servant that Celine bore the child they had been keeping watch over. His plan had worked, his seeds had permeated her and she now bore his strong son.

He targeted her because he wanted a child that was a hybrid. Lost in history were the stories of hybrids, the creatures that were most powerful of all. He needed this hybrid son to take over his duties once he retired. It was then he decided to go and see this child for himself. He needed to know how strong this child truly was, needed to witness it for himself. On a dark night with no moon in sight, Abaddon flew into Carlisle's room and watched him closely as he slept. Carlisle was a picture of perfection, with long, wavy, black hair and rosy cheeks. His features befitted that of demon royalty. Observing this Abaddon decided to take his son to his realm and test him.

Hybrids were believed to possess blood that had both venom and living tissues which allowed their blood to be the strongest of all. If they were to suffer any form of lethal wounding they could simply regenerate by tasting their own blood. The blood of Hybrids was referred to as the droplets of life because not only did it allow them to regenerate it also allowed other creatures to regenerate. This is another reason why Abaddon placed such importance on siring a child with mixed blood. Demons are immortal meaning they can live on forever without succumbing to old age but they are still prone to death by wounds.

As long as he had his son he would never need to worry about his enemies killing him. Abaddon placed Carlisle upon his throne and watched, for in the old history it stated that a hybrid when placed upon a throne would light any darkness that surrounded them. He waited and noticed something strange, the child had began laughing but still seemed to be alseep with closed eyes. How was this possible? the child was barely two weeks old. The child then slowly began levitating above the throne. Suddenly wings sprouted from the child's back and brought light in all directions. His wings shimmered like a pool of gems and bore the colours black and gold. Carlisle opened his eyes and looked forward at Abaddon. Abaddon could not believe the sight for his sons eyes emanated light as well. It was then Abaddon spoke the name Helia which meant shining light.

Helia then seemed scared as he was in an unfamiliar environment but Abaddon slowly came closer and ensured him that things would be ok. He took Helia into his arms and rocked the sweet child back to sleep. He would cherish and protect this child in any way that he could. It was then he noticed the child's arm, a marking of a golden dragon. He knew what this marking meant and decided it would be best to send the child back to the castle for a propechy was coming and the child will need to be there when it takes place. He would watch over him secretly ensuring that he was safe. Abaddon had snuck back into Helia's room and placed him in his crib. It was in at that exact moment Donatel walked in a drew his dual kindjals. "Who are you and what are you doing to my son?!".

Just a little taste of Carlisle's origins, his true name being Helia.

Whannmariecreators' thoughts