
01: Crazy Diner



"Hello bitches!!" You gleed with excitement as you entered the kitchen of the diner, which was situated right at the back. Everyone in the kitchen gave you a welcoming smile, but Seokjin came rushing to you.

A super entry of our protagonist.

The diner was about to enter the dinner frenzy rush, just in five minutes there would be flocks of people lining outside just to taste the most authentic Korean food in the whole city. Your morning shift had ended, but working extra time paid off your manicure expenditures.

"Ssh. Keep it hush will you?" Seokjin hushed you. His apron was covered with different kinds of sauces. "Mr. Min is sleeping." He pointed towards a small cabin that occupied three forth of the kitchen. His hand acquired a small carrot, and other completely fidgeting with his apron.

Kim Seokjin, is the best chef here in the city with over four Michelin stars.

You could hear soft snores leaving the cabin, as your eyes witnessed a small figure rolled up on the couch, in deep slumber. He looked so comfy, sleeping on that couch.

"Why is he always sleeping?" You asked Seokjin, quickly grabbing the carrot from his hand and taking a big bite out of it, whilst jumping onto the counter.

"Hey! Don't sit there." Seokjin complained, his shrill whines irritating you. "And how would I know that?"

"Hola amigos!!" The familiar voice made both you roll your eyes. It was deep and husky, even in the night his voice seemed to be hoarse.

"Hey Namjoon!!" You faked your excitement as you turned back to face the content man, your eyes meet Namjoon's warm ones and he seemed to be happy.

"Heyyyy Namjoon..." Seokjin awkwardly waved at him.

That was really awkward.

"You seem to be happy?"

"Are you asking me or telling me?" Namjoon cocked his one brow at you, trying to interpret your dialogue.

"Both?" You hesitated. "Let me guess, you didn't break anything today?!"

"Yep that's right." Namjoon flashed his perfect ivory at you and Seokjin. "Lemme guess, you didn't curse today?" He asked you, only to earn a stern nod of your head that said "no"

"That's not gonna happen. she'll stop cursing when the sun rises from the west." Seokjin rolled his eyes as explaining to Namjoon.

"Anyways the dinner shift is going to start, aren't you going home?" Namjoon asked you, as he cleaned his apron that he clad over his perfect black and white suit. That was his uniform as the server.

You jumped off the counter, straightening your skirt thereafter. "I'm gonna earn some extra bills today."

"Yeah so you two better not mess up anything." Seokjin warned you.

You and Namjoon were the servers, both were equally awkward in meeting and greeting their tables. The weird fact being, you were always alloted tables with bachelors and Namjoon always had to bare flirties.

The three of you were busy chattering in a group, if your boss sees this you're hell of sure to get fired. But being gutsy and playing with fire was your favorite sport.

"Aye aye captain." You said, giving Seokjin a small salute. Seokjin was the head chef, his food was finger licking good. His inspiration for cooking was his mother, he learnt everything that he needed to become a chef at an early age.

"Has anyone seen Yoongi?" An irritatingly shrill voiced man enters the kitchen, smashing the doors against the wall as he enters.

He sauntered right towards you, the three of you senselessly standing in your spots.

When he gets close enough, you all point your index finger at the small cabin. You awkwardly stood there, eyeing Mr. Jung stomping to the office cabin. He slam opened the door and then slammed it again just to close it.

"Guess someone's in a pissy mood." Seokjin commented, looking back at Mr. Jung.

"Yeah, sunshine is finally grumpy." Namjoon grumbled as he walked into the deep end of the kitchen, finally disappearing.

"Well oh my my. The dinner shift starts soon, I should get going. Don't mess tonight (y/n)." Seokjin muttered and warned you as well, in process he took a notice of his wrist watch.  He gave you a glare before tuning on his heels and leaving you stranded on the spot.

You gave him a small salute again, you were about to walk away from the kitchen and get outside to get a breath of fresh air. But the curiosity in you peaked at height, as your ears catched up some muffled arguments coming from the office cabin.

Your feet take you to the scene of nuisance. You lightly placed your ear on the door and the door being thin you could hear their sound travel through it.

"Do you know how big of a deal it is? The three of them could make or break our diner." Mr. Jung yelled.

"I know..." Mr Min's voice was faint, but still audible to your ears. "I was really tired."

There was a long moment of utter silence.

"It's okay. I'm sorry babe. " Mr. Jung said in a soothing voice.

Even if the voices were muffled, you could make out which one was Mr. Jung's and which one was Mr. Min's.

The other staff gave you weird looks as they walk past you. You were literally leaning onto the door, your ear still intact with the door.

"Hey! Eavesdropping is a sin."

"Oh fuck!" You said, as the voice startled you. It came from behind you, you turned on your heels to take a good view of the person that scared the shit outta you.

"Namjoon??" You gave him a death glare.

"Hey detective (Y/n)!!" Namjoon giggled lightly. "What were you doing?"

"Uh..our two bosses were arguing on something." You said, as the two of you got away from the office cabin. Namjoon's face wore a cynical look as he examined your expressions closely.

"Curiosity killed the cat." Namjoon cocked his perfectly curve brow at you.

"But satisfaction brought it back." You retorted, chuckling a bit.

"So what clues did you get. Agent (Y/n)?" He giggled, looking at you for a while.

"Umm Mr. Jung spoke about three guys, something about making or breaking the reputation of our diner." You said.

The two of you were strolling in the kitchen, aimlessly. Your feet took you long away from the actual kitchen and suddenly you realize you were right near the exit.

"Ooh.. three people, making.... Breaking... I think.." Namjoon gave it a thought as you watched him closely think about it. He folded his one hand and the other one near his face, his index finger thoughtfully tapping on his cheek.

"Wait a minute. I know!!" He yelled out.

"Ssh. Our shift is about to start...."

"I guess the three people that Hoseok was talking about are..." "...oh there you are!" Namjoon gets interrupted by Mr. Min.

"Mr. Min?" You gulped.

"Thank God I found you two. (Y/n) you have a very special table to attend to. So off you go." Mr Min dragged you along with him to the main dining area. You waved a small goodbye to Namjoon as you left the kitchen.

Mr. Min lead you to a booth, it was dimly lit and you could barely see anything. It was that round booth which took it's spot by the big window, one could see the soft hails falling and listen to the gentle pitter patter of the rain, hypothetically speaking it was your favorite booth.

It was occupied with three people, their silhouettes were tall, casting a shadow over the table. They were calmly sitted on the red couch, each one of their fingers playing with a nicotine roll.

Mr Min whispers, "Please don't make them mad. They're special guests." And mr. Min leaves you stranded in front of them.

You eye suspiciously at the three men sitting in the booth. The diner having red lights caused everything to be painted in blood. You couldn't see them, but you noticed each of them had a cigarette rolled up in their lips. Their hair was slightly set with a gel and the were smartly clad in suits. The one sitting on the right wore red, the middle one wore blue and the one sitting on the extreme corner wore black one.

They were probably some agents or gangstas. What scared you the most, was that their hand were inked in various tattoos. All screaming gangster. Each one of them had one similar tat, a crescent moon emerging from behind a small butterfly. One of them even had a lip piercing.

Out of the blue, your mind constantly kept on screaming "bad boys"

You gulp and clear your throat, the three of them catching your eye. One of them had blue, where as the other two had hazelish brown ones. The look in their eyes intimidated you, hypnotizing you to your worst. Suddenly you feel the rush in your stomach, a giddy feeling rising in your knees. Their eyes attracted you, pulling you deep in them. You felt lost as you jumped deeper in them, their eyes were the most mesmerizing ones. Your heart rate couldn't behave, beating at miles per seconds.

The one in the black suit seemed to be the youngest of them. The trio looked like brothers to you, maybe they were brothers?

The blue suit clad was shy and timid, observing him fidgeting with his fingers felt cute. But when his eyes meet yours, the angel in him fades away. The devil in him makes a striking appearance, as you felt the urge to run away. You wanted to hide under a rock, somewhere where you couldn't find his gaze on you. This man had a tattoo which illustrated to be a flower but looking at a different angle, it seemed to be a broken heart. This tattoo held it's spot on his neck, as if tempting you. 

The red suit clad, seemed to be calm. His doe eyes were intriguingly mesmerizing, his hair sending chills down your spine. His hair was peculiarly dyed in the tint of blue, as if a contrast to his red suit. A prominent tattoo of snake arised from his neck and ended down, which was hidden by his shirt.

The youngest one had simple brown hair, they seemed to be as soft as cotton. His hazel eyes were prominent, specks of green eyes peeped in them. His lips were plump and kissable ones. There was a owl inked on his neck, something so indifferent than other. His lower lip had a shiny metal ball pierced at the extreme corner, it looked so hot on him that you could barely take your eyes off him.

Your mind soon took you in your fantasy land, a place where you started drowning in all sorts of sexual thoughts about them.

You snap out of it, fortunately.

"I'm (y/n). Welcome to Min's kitchen. I'll be your server for the night." You smiled at them, even though it was difficult to because they looked intimidating. "How would you like to start your night sir?"

"Can we have the finest wine in the house please?" The one clad in red suit said, his voice was so deep and husky that it felt as if he's an angel. His blue eyes pierced through your soft brown ones. Again the feeling of drowning started rising in, you were attracted by his eyes, gently pulling you in them.

"Gladly." You said, excusing yourself from the booth and making your way to the bar. Your heart couldn't calm itself, your hands were trembling and you tried your best to stay up on your two. You felt the urge to find a support, the trauma was getting to you.

You get the wine bottle, and three wine glasses. You carefully saunter to the booth, and place the wine glasses in front of everyone. You pour the delicious grape juice in each one's glass, until the glass is half. The alcoholic smell hits your nose, making you a little dizzy.

Their eyes drink on your petite body, your cleavage getting slightly exposed when you bent to pour the rich grape juice. You felt their eyes all over you, a obnoxious feeling rising in the pit of your stomach. You behave yourself.

"Do you know what you're gonna order sir?" You ask them.

"I'd like to have the chef's special please." The one clad in blue suit said, his voice was shrill but sweet. As if he was a playback singer, it seemed like he sung his words.

You quickly noted down his order on your notepad, that you fished out of nowhere from your apron.

The other two men were constantly staring at your exposed thighs, as the skirt was really short for you. You shifted uncomfortably on your spot, tugging at your short skirt. Your eyes catch the gaze of other's, a prominently teasing smirk embarking on his chiselled face.

You shrugged it off.

"What about you sir?" You asked the other two, uncomfortably. Your voice barely came out, it was just an inaudible whisper.

"I'll have the same please.." the one clad in red suit said.

Your eyes catch a hold of the other two, who were basically checking you out. Their eyes skimming over your body from top to bottom .The two were constantly licking their lips, their eyes were dark and were hungry for something. You couldn't make an eye contact with them, their eyes were getting darker by second.

Your nose tingled with smell of lust arising from the three. The whole ambience seemed to change when the youngest of them opened his mouth.

"And I'd like to have you..."
