
Arcanist Tales

“The tale never ends, until a hero conquers the demons. May science and will prevail.” *** Alistair Neon Percival. The True Apostle of the Luminiferous Aêther, The Reckless, The Defender of all Beings, Self proclaimed king of emotional blackmail, Reborn in the year 1980 NC. His goal? To be the strongest and attain all magical, scientific, and economical knowledge in the world! However, with the flames of war staining the vast world, soldiers bidding their family farewell, and kingdoms of the realm butting heads to see who has the biggest stick. Institutions on the rise, large and small, each competing for benefits while experimenting on the common populace in the name of science. This is the tales of the Alistair, the practitioner of all things Arcane and most especially. The Apostle Of Aether. Note: contains strong themes of violence, real world knowledge, and slightly opinionated narration.

XcrapttS · Fantasy
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180 Chs

Magic is just another form of science


Alistair looked at his father, who jumped down a hundred meters.

'This is not possible! It doesn't make any sense!' Alistair felt a headache because he tried to dissect the visual information witnessed.

'How did Revan jump from there and survive?' Alistair thought since he didn't want to believe what he saw. His mind urged him to label it as an act.

'What kind of creature is that? Also, why is no one reacting to this, or am I the one going insane?!' Alistair thought, faster than he ever has.

Additionally, he struggled to concoct a logical and scientific explanation to unravel what he witnessed.

However, he failed because no reason fitted, and Alistair had to accept the fact.

'Is this…' Alistair scanned the group that strode closer, with his father at the forefront. The rest followed at his rear.

They each possessed a unique aura, meshing together like an art piece and fluidly mixing with the dust that permeated the surroundings. But, the most interesting was the unnatural weapons they each wielded.

The weapons looked like a mixture of steam technology and magic.

'A fantasy world!' Alistair thought with dizziness clouding his mind. Suddenly, Alistair vaguely heard gear-clicking sounds from above, so he looked to the sky.

As Alistair looked on, an astonishing sight unfolded before him. He watched in awe as the remarkable creature, part animal and part machine, soar into the distance. It gracefully passed through the gaps in the domino of dual-colored metallic buildings,

They looked like something from a science fiction movie, their sleek lines and polished surfaces gleaming in the beautiful sunlight.

Despite his fascination, Alistair felt a creeping sense of confusion and bewilderment as he tried to make sense of the strange and surreal scene before him.

'The fuck!' Alistair couldn't help but curse. However, his eyes glistened, and his other sense dulled out. Alistair ignored everything close to him while his mother and father looked at each other.

"Revan," Penelope said, her gaze locked onto his. Her expression was a mix of disappointment and frustration. At this point, she was holding the urge to punch him in the face.

Revan felt sad when he saw how Penelope looked, but there was nothing he could do… yet.

"I am so–"

"You always do this," Penelope said as she looked at Revan with a judgemental eye and her face red with rage. "You are not sorry?"

Revan put his hand in front of him, hoping the gesture would calm her down as he tried to control his sweat. "Penelope, please calm down!"

"Wow, you know! That is so impressive. I wonder what gave it away!?" Penelope said before her mouth opened in mock shock.

"Hurtful. But that is what I wanted to talk to you about…" Revan looked at Penelope. He was trying to organize words to get his point across.

After some time, he continued, "... I asked for a leave and discussed it with Felipe. He decided to decrease my working hours… So I can spend more time with you!"

Penelope's eyes widened at each word. She expected everything, but never this.

"Yes!" Revan smiled and waved his hands to the sides. "So, uh… what do you think?"

Penelope didn't answer, but the smile that formed said it all.

"I–" Penelope struggled to say how she felt; her heart raced at this sudden gift. She wished Revan told her before he did it; she didn't want to embarrass herself in public.

Revan got the message and said, "You don't need to say anything; I know you are happy."

He walked to Penelope and kissed her while grabbing her back. They separated and got lost in each other's eyes.

Time seemed to move slowly as the ambient light around the two escalated.

"Oh, you lovebirds should get a damn room!" A shrewed-faced man interrupted. He possessed a thin-figured, and looked like a slight breeze would blow him away at a moment's notice.

Additionally, the man had whiskers on his cheeks and unkempt hair, with pitch black eyes as black as the abyss. He wore the customary red-black uniform that the rest of the scene wore.

"Oh, Eltic, would you shut your trap? You are only angry at them because your wife left you. That does not put you in a good light," said a 7-foot man with a scarred face and burn marks on his upper body. He possessed white eyes, which made him look blind.

"Theodore, what did you say to me, Dullard?!" Eltic said as he retrieved his daggers with plasma-red edges, which released scarlet mist that burnt the air in its wake.

"Funny that you call me a Dullard. It seems as if you forgot how you were caught?" asked Theodore, with a raspy voice and a raised brow.


"Knock it off, you two!" said a bald lady named Elma. She pointed at Eltic with a gold and black mace.

The mace possessed an azure-colored electromagnetic core at its hollow midpoint. The core shimmed and vibrated as each second passed.

Elma her dressed in red and black, but her clothes was a reminiscent to monk robs from the way she wore it.

"Don't make me beat you with this, you bloody fool!" said Elma before letting the weapon sway by her side.

After the threat, Eltic had a downtrodden expression, and Theodore gave Eltic a mocking look. The act made the malnourished-built fellow react with malice as he moved to curse.

Nevertheless, Elma reacted faster and pointed the mallet at Theodore while looking at him with a threatening look. Theodore reacted and backed off, gazing at the cloud-filled sky without a care in the world.

On the side of the parents, who displayed affection for each other. There was one person who did not take it too well. Alistair.

'Wahhhhhh!' Alistair did not find their honeymoon time welcoming. Because they had squeezed him in, nearly suffocating him in the act.

Penelope and Revan separated at the sound. Revan bent down and tried to comfort Alistair, who stopped crying as Revan neared.

Alistair was subconsciously scared that the man might pull off his skin if threatened by his loud whines. So, he forced the cries to stop!

"Don't mind your father; he just loves mommy very much," Penelope soothed Alistair by moving him up and down, and Alistair wasn't appreciating it. The tone and action disgusted him.

'Damn, I get it. Penelope could you stop fucking flinging me around,' Alistair complained before the woman succeeded in giving him brain damage. However, Penelope did not oblige.

As the family of three enjoyed their time with Alistair as the lead toy. A man, who stood at the center of the squad, trod forth. His gray cape filtered with the wind, and his white leather armor shone under the hot sun.

Penelope noticed the man from the corner of her eyes as she didn't notice him prior.

"Calinar, You came!" Penelope said in shock, surprised at Calinar's arrival. Why? This man was more of a workaholic than Revan, even nicknamed 364 days on duty – 1-day vacation.

"Yes, surprised to see me, Penelope," Calinar said with a noble voice, one filled with confidence and galor.

"You could say that. You're never much of a…" Penelope paused as she thought of a word to use. "Social person."

"Calinar thought it would be inappropriate to come, so he tagged along on the way," Revan answered for Calinar.

"Is that so…" Penelope said, using a tone only she and Revan knew.

The tone translated. 'bullshit, what's the real reason?'

Revan, receiving the meaning, answered, "Absolutely… Calinar stopped us and asked if he could… tag along,"

The translation. 'Calinar hijacked us and wanted to follow. He didn't provide any other reason!'

"Ahh, I 'appreciate' your efforts, Calinar…" Penelope said with a fake smile and forced accent. "Why don't you come to make your acquaintance!"

Calinar nodded as he got between the couple and looked at Alistair.

Calinar smiled. "Alistair, huh? Interesting name!"

Alistair, however, was panicking.

Alistair's heart slowed down. His pupils shrunk. Hot sweat fell down his forehead. 'What is this aura?!!'