
Arcane: Wrath of the damned

Scum, rat, plague...typical adjectives with which pilties would describe Zaunites, words not alien to Deyn, words he has heard since he learned to crawl on the floor of the rotten streets of the subway city Zaun, but he wants more, needs more and will do whatever it takes to get it....

Rattelbitte · Video Games
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14 Chs

What came first the bullet or the gun? The serum!


Some months have passed since the big stealing and I have had enough time to read, experiment, and investigate, all my projects are on the right track, for example, the formula of forced development, I think that soon the "Dracaneas fiorti" will be ready to distill the serum and I can make the first tests with my cells, I have acquired much knowledge and now I understand better how incredible the serum is, of course, Corin was a genius without equal, I hope to meet him someday.

On the other hand, I have managed to synthesize a kind of liquid gunpowder, it has very good rendition because with very little amount you get a very powerful explosion, so having solved the problem of fuel for ammunition, I have started the project "Mourner" whose duty is to produce the most vicious and lethal weapon as much as possible at short range so, at the moment it will be a relatively short shotgun with a rotating barrel with a capacity for six shots, I had to forge each piece by hand so it was quite tedious, another annoying thing was to make an alloy that satisfied all the requirements, like enough hardness, heat resistant and as light as possible, in the end, it was a mixture of steel, nickel, and aluminum for the body of the gun and for the barrel I added tungsten to the mix.

All this hassle was because the combustion of the "liquid gunpowder" gave off an absurd amount of heat so at least the barrel of the gun should be as resistant as possible least in return the firepower is equally absurd and quite attractive to the eyes that the fire of the combustion is spring green, quite impressive.

I also forged a knife, it has an 11.5-inch blade and 7-inch grip, it is very tough it is made of an alloy of tungsten and carbon steel so it also retains its edge very well.

Today in specific I was taking care of my plants calculating when exactly they will be ready to be able to produce the serum, doing tests, experiments, etc...

When something exploded in Powder's workshop so I quickly went to investigate and curiously what I saw was pink paint all over the ceiling and Pow crying on the floor, I quickly approached her and asked her.

-What happened Pow, are you okay?!

I was worried that she had hurt herself although I was not able to find any injuries.

-I didn't get hurt, it's just that...in the last burglary I had a mistake and we almost got caught...then as usual Mylo told me I was a "Jinx" and I came here to prove to everyone that I'm useful too but my mouser just exploded...am I useless?

Then she cried again but this time in my arms, obviously I hugged her and caressed her head while saying softly.

-You know that's not true Pow, it's just Mylo being stupid you know if there's anything that gives me luck in this world it's you and of course, your abilities aren't a joke.

She calmed down and stopped crying her eyes out, switched to little sniffles, as I stroked her back she seemed to fall asleep and I left her resting on the sofa we had on the nights we slept here, as I let her settle in and tucked her in with a blanket I felt my anger rising and felt many of the veins in my body glow in a deep crimson color.

Another thing I learned in these months, is I have magic, it sounds strange but there is no other explanation, I could confirm it thanks to the books of the director, humans are not a particularly magical race but it can be the case of individuals with magic from birth my magic is born of my anger gives me more strength, endurance, speed and above all more regeneration can be seen with a bare eye as any wound begins to close the moment it is generated, the good thing is that I can activate it at will but when I get very angry it activates itself.

Taking a couple of deep breaths I calmed down, nothing good would come out of crushing Mylo's face but later he and I would talk...


A few days have passed and everything is ready to synthesize the serum, to be honest with me I am quite nervous about what might happen, according to the tests it is relatively safe and the benefits are clear, but the process is supposed to be so painful that it can melt the nervous system so I am significantly scared.

Tonight is Pow's birthday he is going to be 8 and today will also be the day I inject the serum because today is the day where the serum reagents will be perfect, tomorrow they will have already rotted and yesterday they were too immature so there is no other way.

I'm in Piltover searching for a decent gift for Pow so here I am I stole some clothes and with my appearance, I even look like one more, although I don't smell like perfume exactly...Anyway I wanted a toy and for once I have some money left over from the last robbery with Vi, once I went into a toy store it looked like a children's paradise there were enough toys for all the kids in Zaun, and yet here they were collecting dust, swallowing the bitterness I simply bought a nice toy which turned out to be a monkey clapping while holding some cymbals in his hands, quite funny really.

I just bought it and as I was walking out of the store I found a blond boy almost as handsome as me walking by, he also looked at me and said.

-I will let you be my friend since you are almost as handsome as me.

I laughed in his face and replied.

-I am handsome, you have the face of a girl, princess.

He laughed too and held out his hand to me.

-Ezreal and you?

I gave him my hand and jiggled it animatedly.

-Deyn, so what do you need Ez? Do you need a knight to come and save you?

I continued to laugh at his effeminate appearance and he looked at me bitterly.

-You ate a clown, didn't you? Come on, let's get something to eat while we figure out what to do.

I nodded as I was hungry too and after the whole afternoon together I can tell that Ez is different from any kind of person I have met before, he is arrogant, although sometimes he is a bit cowardly what I have realized is that he is loyal, even if we have known each other for a few hours he had my back when he could have just run, I think we will be good friends, but first I have something to do, I took him to the border between Piltover and The Lanes

-You know Ez, even if you're an idiot I'm glad I met you, you know before we are true friends I want you to know where I come from...I live down there, on the lanes.

-Okay, so?

-What do you mean, so what? You idiot, we're opposites, you come from a wealthy family and I'm a rat, isn't it obvious what the problem is, the pilties detest us!

-Hey! That's offensive, I don't know about the others but I don't care where you come from, I care about who you are and I think I can consider you a friend... On the other hand, do you need money? My only friend can't live in a sewer.

-Fuck you, princess...

Just maybe not everyone on the upside is bad.


After saying goodbye to Ez I went home with the gift in an ornate box with a ribbon on the lid, quite adorable really, the problem was the nerves were back but I had to calm down or Pow would notice something was wrong.

Upon entering the house there was a festive atmosphere, the whole of "The Last Drop" was decorated with serpentines, balloons, and colorful candles everywhere there was a giant cake that Vander and I paid for and various other decorations, and the jukebox was playing lively music but at a moderately low volume everyone seemed to be having a good time, it was certainly full of people, the yordle who runs the ladies of the night house, Benzo, a boy named Ekko; who showed up in the months I locked myself in reading and a large number of people here in Zaun of course from the Vander faction. Seeing the huge mound of gifts I decided to leave mine as well along with a note "For my lucky charm, be happy and enjoy your day" was what I wrote.

I decided to congratulate Pow before I left and found her sitting on my bed she was playing with a mouser she seemed to be adding spikes too, this girl...

Seeing me she smiled from ear to ear I simply smiled back and hugged her before and said.

-How is the birthday girl? Happy?

-Yes! Today has been the best day of my life, Vi took me to Jericho's for lunch, Vander prepared all this, there are lots of presents and Mylo hasn't messed with me and Claggor even gave me a lot of scrap metal to make stuff.

-I'm so glad midget enjoy your moment.

I smiled genuinely although inside I was still nervous and the more I thought about it the more nervous I got which Powder seemed to notice and gave me a worried look.

-Dyn...are you okay? You look scared...

-Of course, I'm fine, bluey why wouldn't I be? But if you think I'm not fine, wish me luck and I'm sure I'll be fine.

I hugged her tight and left the room quickly although I could hear "get luck" before I left, of course, I didn't forget Vi nor Vander who happened to be together at the bar drinking something so I waved to them and left quickly I wanted to talk to Claggor but I couldn't find him so I guess it will be for another time, once that was done I simply went to my self imposed torture room.


I looked at Vander with concern and he seemed to understand what I was thinking, Dyn had that look, the same look he gets when he's about to do something stupid or worse something dangerous, he even sounded like he was saying goodbye to that idea terrified me and I looked back at Vander who just denied with his head, I just ducked my head.

That idiot always thinks he's so mysterious but any of us read him like a book in these situations at least Vander, Pow and I do, I hope he's okay...I'm gonna punch him the next time I see him again.

Hard time writing this one, tell me your thoughts and ideas. Harem or not harem buddies?

Rattelbittecreators' thoughts