
Arcane: Wrath of the damned

Scum, rat, plague...typical adjectives with which pilties would describe Zaunites, words not alien to Deyn, words he has heard since he learned to crawl on the floor of the rotten streets of the subway city Zaun, but he wants more, needs more and will do whatever it takes to get it....

Rattelbitte · Video Games
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14 Chs

It's eatable?


The truth is that I didn't have the strength or the desire to lift Powder and make her go to her bed, so I just put her in the best I could and tucked her in and she stuck to me like a limpet, the truth is that it's very comfortable to sleep like that and with that last thought I fell deeply asleep.

When I woke up the first thing I saw was Powder's cerulean blue hair, so far I hadn't noticed it in detail but she has beautiful hair...

Well, it's time to get up, I'm not completely healed yet but I'm well enough to move so I calmly tried to wake Pow up, thinking about her, she was rarely able to sleep with anyone, since the defeat of the bridge she couldn't sleep with anyone even her sister either, so obviously she had a bed all to herself, well I'm glad she's better enough to sleep with me.

When she finally woke up I greeted her with a friendly smile, when she saw me she was surprised and decided to hug me to which I reciprocated and decided to talk.

—Did you sleep well Pow? you fell asleep all of a sudden.

I said with a little laugh, to which she responded with a pout turning her head away, which allowed me to see that her hair was a mess, so I sat as I could on the edge of the bed and placed her on one of my knees to begin to braid her hair that ended a little below her shoulders, with my work finished I looked for a small mirror that was on the nightstand next to the bed and showed her what I had done.

—And what do you think? Do you like it?

I have never seen her smile so much, I have to say I haven't seen her smile much since I met her, but she looked really happy and told me.

—Thank you Dyn, they're so pretty I think I'll make them for myself forever!

I just smiled at her before I shook my head and said.

—I'm sure some hairstyles would look better on you.

—But this is the one you made for me...

I just smiled and said.

—Come on Pow, it's time to spend the loot that your sister and I have worked so hard to get.

At a brisk pace I went for the loot that rested in a corner of the room in a medium-sized backpack, as I opened it I noticed the "exotic" bottle was gone, Vander that old dog, I sighed in amusement before taking inventory and was happy with the inventory two gold Hexes, 27 silver pinions and 75 bronze washers, 16 pieces of metal for building and miscellaneous scrap metal, the alcohol and bandages had been used on my body so they were spent.

Smiling I said to Powder, who was next to me concentrating on the pieces of scrap I guess imagining how to use them.

—Let's go look for your sister.

So we walked down to the bar which for a change was crowded, no te some prying eyes, which was pretty weird, maybe word has gotten out about my little scuffle, which while not uncommon down here, is uncommon for a 9-year-old to bludgeon several adults at once.

I walked over to Vander and saw him with the bottle I had stolen as a gift for him on the shelf behind him smiling wryly I shook my head and said.

—Do you know where Vi is?

He looked at me and said.

—She is training in the basement, you should talk to her.

I nodded and looked at Powder and said quietly.

—Stay here and have a drink, I'll be back in a moment.

She nodded and I went to the basement, the closer I got to Violet the more I heard pounding, opening the door I found Vi sweating and panting as she pounded on a wooden log relentlessly, her fists were injured, and dropped drops of blood from time to time.

I approached her and got her attention.

—Vi, what's going on, why are you hurting yourself, don't you see how you're bleeding?

I said frowning not happy at all with what I was doing, however, she ignored me and kept hitting the log, fed up with that I positioned myself in front of the log and her next hit stopped less than a centimeter away from my face, being face to face I can see her face well, it was of frustration even I could see some moisture in her eyes, I didn't say anything, it wasn't necessary I just hugged her I know that with this she will understand that I would always be there for her.

—Come on Vi, we have to celebrate.

She answered as she had her face on my collarbone.

—Celebrate that you almost died because I abandoned you?

She asked sarcastically with a frustrated tone as I smiled wryly.

—It wasn't your fault Vi, you didn't even abandon me I was left, I was the one who went off plan, don't martyr yourself.

I said as I held her face with both hands while I forced her to smile.

—Come on, my big sister can't be so sad, cheer up that face and let's go eat.


The three of us were walking with Powder in the middle while she was watching everything curious and seemed quite happy so the three of us were walking with a smile on our faces, we ended up in a stall run by a fish-man that everybody calls Jericho so I guess that's his name, I have no idea what he says but he seems nice.

After we finish eating, something I'm not clear what it was, by the way, I can say it's very tasty, at least it's infinitely better than Violet's food, it's not like I was going to mention it to her anyway.

We decided to walk through a somewhat remote area of the mezzanine but not enough to get to the sinkhole it is quite far from that place, we saw something that looked like an abandoned building so we decided to explore and indeed it was, it was an abandoned arcade, good for us.

The place looked like a dump it would take a lot of work to make it habitable but at least some machines were working or repairable, so I said.

—What do you guys think if this is our secret base? At least we will have a place for our stuff.

They both accepted without any problem with a simple nod, anyway, we would have to improve the security I wasn't going to let anyone come in and sniff our stuff, while I was lost in my thoughts Powder said.

—At least here I'll be able to have a workshop we'll have to get tools.

I nodded in agreement as I would also need equipment for my experiments to add more things to the list Vi spoke.

—I want a gym too...

—That's another good idea, we should make a list of how we should distribute the space.

I agreed with her proposal, in the end, the thing was a shared laboratory, a gym, an armory that in turn would serve to store the loot, and the arcade room that well, would need a lot of work was a good place but the problem was how to manage to prevent anyone from entering so we sealed all the entrances except the skylight on the roof which is where we would enter another problem was the huge window, we would have to reinforce it but we did not have the materials so it would be in the future that we would reinforce it.

When we returned there would be something at home that would change our family...

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