
Arcane: Wrath of the damned

Scum, rat, plague...typical adjectives with which pilties would describe Zaunites, words not alien to Deyn, words he has heard since he learned to crawl on the floor of the rotten streets of the subway city Zaun, but he wants more, needs more and will do whatever it takes to get it....

Rattelbitte · Video Games
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14 Chs



This was going to create a lot of problems for me with Vander, I knew it, but it's something that needs to be done for the sake of my family, climbing a little more I could see Piltover in all its splendor a golden and white city thanks to the marble and gold that adorns every corner of its city I could also see my target for tonight, the university of Piltover the cradle of progress, today I was going to steal everything I needed to start my projects and maybe I would find something more useful.

No one knows I'm here except of course for Powder, that girl always seems to know when I'm up to something and this time was no different, at least I got two mouser smoke grenades, other than that, of course, she will wish me luck, I also got a couple of sticky acid explosives to serve to melt locks or doors so they will come in handy and last but not least the reason I dared to try and steal one of the safest places in Piltover, an enlarged bag, supposedly a unique item which I stole it from a Bilgewater smuggler, poor bastard, in theory, it has room to hold 4 cubic meters, it doesn't sound like much but if you stuff it with small things it's a lot of room.

At first, t I was going to climb with a hook and rope but it's too noisy for this situation so I made some gloves with small hooks to better hold on to the ledges, the sky is dark as there is no moon to give light and the enforcers can be seen at a great distance because they always carry a light source with them.

I am about fifty meters from the main building. I see 5 guards with a fixed patrol, so I have been able to find a pattern that allows me seven minutes to climb up to the third level, which is where the nearest open window I have been able to find. 

I quickly sneak through the bushes without being seen and reach the wall that has the open window, for once I praise the architect who made walls and windows with so many reliefs and cornices, although it seems that I won't make it in time, shit, there's a meter left to reach the window when just a few meters below me a window opens and I feel my heart jump out of my chest, it's an enforcer shit, I stay as still as I can while I notice a drop of sweat going down for my chin, damn it, at the end the enforcer go inside of the building and I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding.

After that little incident, I entered with no problems now my concern was to find the labs to collect equipment and tools I didn't expect research as every scientist or inventor would have theirs in safe keeping although I hoped I could find the library, that was already being too greedy, I smiled wryly to myself.

—I am a greedy bastard...

Without too much trouble I found some empty unlocked labs, so obviously I ransacked them, luckily for them I left the tables, they should thank their luck, I took volumetric flasks, beakers, various distillation equipment, spatulas, pipettes, mortars, a huge amount of test tubes, dropper bottles, tweezers, crucibles, lighters, blowtorches, tripods, scales, and different weights, funnels, glass plates, welding equipment, dryers and crystallizers, decanters, filters, hammers, forge equipment, an anvil, protective equipment, welding glasses, pliers, different wrenches, bench screws, files, mechanical and circular saws, screwdrivers, drills and a long, etc...

Of course, I also went to steal materials from the warehouses although I had to use an acid bomb to open the lock they detonate silently as they only release corrosive liquid, when the doors opened I felt like a kid in a candy store there were everything metals of all kinds in sheets and ingots I took quite a lot, there were herbs of which I only took the seeds, cloth, leather, scales, bones, screws, gears, etc. .... ...I left it 45% empty, of that I was sure I already had 75% of my bag full so I decided the most dangerous part to go to the library but before arriving what I found was a huge office with five locks and I decided to use my last acid bomb here.

—Come on Pow...give me luck.

When I opened it what I found was an office, probably the director's office, fuck....

—Wait, there must be things in here that the library doesn't have...

I started rummaging around and found research related to cleaning the air of Zaun, they were dismissed by the council for being a waste of money, those motherfuckers....There were also some disturbing researches but they didn't interest me so I left them there, I wasn't interested in how to become a living being based on organic threads, I also found useful research on various energy sources that I took and various books on blacksmithing, mechanics, engineering, design, chemistry, etc...I took them all would serve Powder and me well.

Finally, there was only the director's desk, it was quite messy there were many books on biology and anatomy scattered around I was keeping them until two caught my attention "Artificial Life" by Corin Reveck and "Improvement and specific evolution" by the same author, I glanced over the first one talked about how to make replacements of each damaged organic part of the human body by a mechanical one, Without a second hesitation I took it and started reading the other one, it talked about how to increase the physical capabilities of the body such as strength, speed or even longevity or regeneration of the body from an elixir distilled from a modified plant of which he had succeeded in making the seeds, now the question is where are they and why the director has this book?.

—Of course, it has very specific risks and requirements...this research is forbidden...I understand...the director requisitioned this research to destroy it...

Anyway, it was safe for me, the book says that you need a developing body of a maximum of 11 years but with an extremely good recovery capacity, that's why so many subjects have died...well it should be more or less safe now the seeds, I spent a while looking for the seeds to finally find them in the desk drawer in a quite normal box...

I was about to celebrate when a bullet hit my side near my liver, shit, I looked back and saw a brunette enforcer, I could defend myself and throw a bottle of my flammable substance at her but that would only make more trouble, so I used a mauser bomb instead making sure not to drop it while releasing smoke, the last thing I wanted is for a zaunite to be caught stealing here considering the political situation, so I threw myself through the big window destroying it in the process, the enforcer still managed to shoot me in the leg as I fell, with the help of my glove I slid down the wall at a not at all safe speed and when I reached the ground as I could I did a somersault to avoid breaking my leg on the impact, everything went well except that my right wrist suffered a fracture, but at least I could keep running away on the way I could see a building under construction not far from my position, I could hear with every step how the enforcers were approaching my position, but I wasn't afraid, I had a plan.

I threw my dangerous and unstable substance against the building and it burned like dry tinder a yellow fire with greenish touches was expanding more and more, it was the perfect distraction to pass by the bridge controls...

POV Powder

I'm with the guys and Violet we are in the basement of "The Last Drop" it's our VIP room in here or something like that, we usually play or talk here, in this case, we are talking, rather THEY ARE talking, how not, about what Dyn is doing or rather what they think he is doing, I knew he was up to something but he only told me he was going to the university and to wish him luck, right now I feel like an idiot, I only know ONE university and he only asks me luck when he goes to steal something I should have stopped him...

—What do you think Pow?

—What did you say?

I said puzzled as I was so caught up in my thoughts that I wasn't paying attention.

—Is it too late for you or something girl?

—Shut up for a while Mylo, I was telling you if you don't know anything about where Dyn is.

Said my sister after defending me from Mylo, I stuck my tongue out at Mylo and replied.

—Of course, I don't know anything, why should I?

My sister and the others looked at me with suspicion, shit, at that moment I was praying to any superior entity to get me out of that predicament, my prayers were heard although I don't know if for better or for worse because at that precise moment Vander entered in a hurry.

—Where is Deyn?

Fuck when he uses his name nothing good happens, once again everyone looks at me including Vander.

—I... I don't know...

I said in the most confident voice I could muster which was not unlike the squawk of a tiny bird, Vander looked at me with a lot of intensity so with wet eyes I blurted out.


—Doing what?

He said sounding angrier and angrier my sister was also nervous said.

—Come on Powder, speak up!

—He's stealing from the university!

I couldn't take the pressure and blurted out all the information I knew even though I instantly regretted it, I didn't want to betray Dyn's trust...

—Don't cry Pow, you're my lucky charm after all I'll take care of everything.

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