
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · Video Games
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360 Chs

-329- Completely not envious

From the afternoon until the evening, on the muddy soccer field instead of grassy lawn in Twin Cities, a group of people were curiously watching several individuals running laps around the perimeter of the field.

How idle could they be after entering Twin Cities?

Idle to the extreme!

Since the specific training method hadn't been arranged yet on the first day in Twin Cities, everyone had nothing to do after dinner. Now, it was obvious that people had found entertainment.

That was watching the prominent figures from Demacia and Noxus running laps on the soccer field.

"Are they really going to run five hundred laps? Isn't that a bit too much?"

"The administrator is really strict. What's most impressive is that both General Darius and Captain Draven actually listen to him."

"What's the big deal? Didn't you see Prince Jarvan IV also being punished to run?!"

"Look, that guy with the little beard seems like he can't run anymore."

"Shh, keep your voice down. If you want to die, don't drag me into it! He's Captain Draven from Noxus. If he hears you gossiping about him, you're done for!" His roommate nudged him, speaking very seriously.

"What's there to worry about? Can't you see he's about to collapse?"

Yes, even if someone went to curse Draven right next to him, he probably wouldn't hear it now.

What does it feel like to run until consciousness blurs?

Hands swinging weakly, tongue lolling out ungracefully, head hanging low toward the ground, Draven couldn't count how many laps he had run, but there was a string in his brain that kept tension.

He. He should have run more than two hundred laps by now, right?

His legs were trembling weakly. Beside Draven, Garen and Tryndamere were running fast. They had already run over a hundred laps more than Draven, and Darius quietly ran, keeping pace with his younger brother.

Darius's endurance was certainly good, but his height and weight were there, and now after running two hundred and fifty-seven laps, he began to feel breathless, and his head was starting to feel dizzy.

But he could endure. Darius's greatest strength was his willpower.

In terms of physical fitness, the soldiers of the Dauntless Vanguard were probably stronger than him. Darius was actually just an ordinary person, but an ordinary person who climbed to the top of the empire step by step, relying not only on battlefield strength but also on a firm, indomitable heart.

"You all better run faster! At this rate, I see only Garen and Tryndamere getting supper tonight. Don't worry, I'm not going back to eat either. I'll stay here with you guys."

In the air, Linwin, holding a bag of snacks, happily chewed.

Yes, no dinner for me, but I'll have snacks!

Beside him were a few bags of snacks flying around, along with two bottles of drinks. These were all brought to him by an enforcer just now.

"Now, you guys like causing trouble, huh? Like fighting, don't you?"

"Listen up, everyone in Twin Cities Village. Fighting is prohibited here. Whoever dares to do it again, will end up like them. If you do it twice, you'll be kicked out, expelled from Twin Cities, and disqualified from the competition! From now on, Twin Cities will not accommodate your home countries behind your backs. I don't care where you come from!" Linwin snorted coldly.

"Twin Cities Games prioritize friendship first. I don't care what grudges you had before, but here, you all better behave yourselves! We worked hard to get Noxus to sign the treaty, to get your countries and tribes to agree to send you here to participate in the games, not to let you come here and act like big shots."

"Remember, this is my territory, and in Twin Cities, my voice is the loudest."

Linwin lazily lay on his side in the air, mouth wide open, holding the snack bag high, pouring spicy dried potato chips into his mouth.

Below were a group of people running laps, and it was funny that as mealtime approached, more and more people gathered to watch.

The most interesting part was that they might still be holding food and drinks.

Those were brought from the canteen, and of course, all the food in Twin Cities was free, and the dishes were even more luxurious than those at Twin Cities University.

Completely enough for the four hundred or so people to eat and drink.

Money? Linwin had plenty of it!

"Huff, huff, huff."

Jarvan IV panted heavily, watching Garen and Tryndamere running past him, his head shaking with a bitter smile.

He couldn't keep up. Even though his physical fitness was already abnormal, compared to Garen, he was still far behind. And Tryndamere, this guy could easily keep up with Garen.

You know, carrying a hundred kilograms and running tens of kilometers every day was Garen's daily exercise, so this punishment was a trivial matter for the Dauntless Vanguard soldiers. He even tried dragging a few tons of heavy statues to run, so Garen would be able to finish running in no time.

Tryndamere was a bit strange. Jarvan IV noticed that every time Tryndamere ran past him, a red mist would be left behind.

Like blood and sweat?

And Tryndamere's originally green, beast-like pupils had also changed, gradually turning crimson.

Forget about those two freaks.

Jarvan IV looked up at Alistar ahead of him. "Alistar, are you okay?"

"No problem, moo, it's nothing," replied Alistar.

Alistar turned to Jarvan IV with a sincere smile, his breath steady, and loudly said, "This is nothing for our minotaur tribe. I can run all day, Jarvan, I love running."

"Then why are you..." Jarvan IV was taken aback, thinking Alistar was like him.

"I'm helping you," Alistar replied.

"In our tribe, when running on mountain ridges, adult warriors often run ahead, while the weaker young ones follow behind, saving a lot of energy for the latter," Alistar explained.

"Thank you," Jarvan IV's eyes flashed with gratitude. He cheered up, took a few extra steps, then reached out to pat Alistar's shoulder blade and forced a smile, "But you should keep running ahead. Alistar, what my uncle said is true. If you're late, there won't be any food left."

"But, but if I don't break the wind for you and run with you, can you finish five hundred laps?" Alistar blinked his bovine eyes and asked.

"Silly cow, the person behind you is the future king of Demacia. Who do you think I am?" Jarvan IV grinned.

Well, this minotaur successfully gained Jarvan IV's friendship.

No longer out of a sense of duty.

The naturally kind-hearted minotaur was truly liked by the people of Demacia. It's no wonder the king once broke his vow to send troops to save a group of minotaurs.

"Then, should I run?" Alistar said.

"Yes, go ahead."


Looking up, Alistar roared, then lifted his big foot and, in the next moment, sprinted at a super astonishing speed.

"Cough, cough!!!"

Starting to cough heavily, Jarvan IV patted away the smoke in front of him, then looked ahead with a shocked expression as Alistar disappeared.

Too fast.

"Alistar, stop!"

In mid-air, Linwin immediately lost his composure.

Goodness gracious!

Is this bull running or demolishing?

Wherever he ran, he left behind a trail of destruction!

Keep in mind that this is a track specially laid by Taliyah, and now... Alistar's full-speed sprint has left behind pits everywhere in just a moment.

"What?" Alistar stopped, a little afraid, looking at Linwin.

Linwin, landing in front of Alistar, said to him, "You can go eat now."

"But I haven't finished running yet."

"I told you to go eat." Linwin said.

"Moo," Alistar nodded.

Turning around, he took a few steps, then looked back at Linwin, curious. "Administrator, where do we eat?"


Linwin shouted.

The next moment, two enforcers hurried over.

"Take this bull to the cafeteria."

"Yes, Councilor Linwin." The two enforcers nodded.

Alistar followed them and left. Next, there were only five people left running.

Watching Garen and Tryndamere, who were almost finished, Linwin thought for a moment, then grinned and raised his hand.

A green wind rose from Linwin's hand, forming two rings the next moment, enclosing Garen and Tryndamere.


Garen, who was running, instantly paused his steps, his body stiffened, his head almost rolling forward, almost rolling out.

Tryndamere's situation was similar to Garen's, also stopping instantly, standing still in place, dazed.

His back pressed down, Garen raised his head in astonishment, only to see Linwin playing with his fingers.


Taking a deep breath, Garen soon lowered his head and continued to run forward.

"Can you still run?" Tryndamere gritted his teeth, his eyes turning red, a terrifying scar on his abdomen, hidden under his clothes, also turning red, as if it was about to ignite.

He felt like he was carrying a whole Elnuk on his back, no, he should say it was a wild drüvask boar.

Tryndamere, who had been running for a long time, could no longer move with such a heavy burden.

"Well, I often do weight training, so I can handle this weight." Garen replied easily.

Tryndamere: "."

Damn it!

Forget about that cow, why can Garen do it too?

Before encountering that demon, Tryndamere thought he was the strongest, but after his tribe was destroyed and he joined Avarosa, he learned from Ashe that there are always stronger people out there.

Indeed, this world is vast.

"I don't believe it!"

Lowering his head, Tryndamere roared, his eyes glowing red, the red mist spreading faster and thicker, and he started running again.

At the same time, from behind,

Darius patted Draven's shoulder, sweating profusely but expressionless.

"You've done well."

With a soft utterance, Darius exerted force with both hands, lifted Draven up, and then carried him on his back.

This ordinary man not only persisted in running but now also had to carry Draven with him.


Linwin saw this scene and his eyes lit up.

This is exactly the purpose of the Twin Cities Games! Unity and progress.

Yes, not only during the Twin Cities Games should this be achieved, but also after the Void is revealed, I hope you guys can remember this!

Raising his hand again, wind magic appeared on Darius's body.

"Huh." Darius knew his body very well. In an instant, he looked up at the sky.

He saw Linwin smiling at him.

Ding: The Hand of Noxus is curious about you.

Ding: The Barbarian King bears a grudge against you.

Ding: The Demacian Prince fears you.

Ding: The Might of Demacia is curious about you.

Listening to the system's prompts, Linwin hadn't even increased his favorability yet.

Just as he was thinking this—

Ding: The Minotaur is very grateful to you, and your favorability has increased.


"It seems the minotaur got his meal." Linwin thought strangely.

As time passed, by 8:30, with Linwin's help, Darius, carrying Draven, finally caught up with Jarvan IV's progress.

Tryndamere and Garen sat together, chatting leisurely after the wind magic was removed. Tryndamere and Garen even cheered for Jarvan IV.

"Oh my god. Five hundred laps, they really completed five hundred laps!"

Someone exclaimed, feeling incredulous.

This is five hundred laps, each lap is several hundred meters, so five hundred laps is over a hundred kilometers!


"After finishing, go eat. Don't make the same mistake again next time." Linwin glanced at the time. The cafeteria was still open, and it was almost supper time now.

In the Twin Cities Village, breakfast is from 6:00 to 8:30 in the morning, lunch is from 11:30 to 1:30 in the afternoon, and dinner is from 5:30 to 7:00 in the evening. Supper time is from 9:00 to 10:30 in the evening.

"Mo, Administrator, can I go eat again?" Alistar approached.

"If you want to eat, go ahead. As long as you don't waste food, eat however you want." Linwin said.

"I won't waste food!" Alistar stretched out his big hand into a fist, thumped his chest, and the big fist hit his chest muscles, making a dull sound.

Ding: The Minotaur's favorability towards you has increased.

Linwin patted the minotaur's shoulder satisfactorily.

If Darius and Draven could increase their favorability like this, then Linwin would be able to run to Freljord to stand on equal footings with those demi-gods in a few days.

Oh, and Aatrox...

Who knows when that guy will march south to Shurima. If he takes the road to the Twin Cities, then it might be the whole Twin Cities fighting Aatrox together.

This guy's mind is completely messed up now. Can't expect him to help against the Void. It would be great if he doesn't stab you in the back when they're fighting against the Void.

Hoping for his help? Ha!

Unless Azir personally orders him, but over the millennia, Aatrox may have forgotten his honor.

Thinking like this, Linwin waved his hand and decided to go back to eat.

Ding: The Frost Archer is curious about you.

The system prompt sounded, and Linwin looked up at the crowd.

He saw two white-haired women, one tall and one short, but to be honest, the shorter one in the crowd was still tall.

Ashe, dressed in sportswear, walked into the crowd coldly, heading straight for Tryndamere, with Sejuani beside her.

"Did you get into a fight?" Ashe approached Tryndamere, saying as she took out a bottle of water.

"No!" Tryndamere waved his hands to deny.

Jarvan IV's expression on the side was strange, as was Garen's, as they watched Ashe gave water to Tryndamere.

"My dear, you don't need to be so nervous, I'm just asking."

"You know, I wouldn't dare without your consent," Tryndamere chuckled, sounding a bit timid.

The Warmother is the leader of the tribe, and Tryndamere himself is Ashe's "wife".

And now, he genuinely loves Ashe from the bottom of his heart.

"Go ahead, eat. I just bought these energy bars." Watching Tryndamere's demeanor, Ashe chuckled lightly, shaking her head, and she fed a energy bar to Tryndamere.

Sejuani, who was beside them, turned her head slightly, pursing her lips in disdain.

As the Warmother of Freljord's Avarosa, the legendary hero, and now the chief of the largest tribe, to treat a man like this?

Hmph, actions of the weak!

If this is someone else doing this, Sejuani would never forgive them!

This is simply humiliating the pride of Freljordian women!



"Why do I suddenly feel a bit envious?" Jarvan IV sighed.

Garen shook his head, saying nothing.

"But compared to those brothers, haha."

In the sky, Linwin quietly held his water bottle, feeling a bit annoyed.

Damn it!

Throwing dog food in front of so many people?

"Everyone must return to their dormitories by eleven at night."

Leaving this sentence behind, Linwin headed back in the distance.


Approaching ten o'clock in Zaun, the hustle and bustle continued. On the commercial street, Zoran's shop was lit up with colorful lights. Old Zoran rarely stayed in instead of going out for drinks. He was dozing off at the checkout counter.

Linwin originally wanted to tell Old Zoran to go upstairs to sleep, but seeing that he was nodding off, he thought about it and didn't disturb Old Zoran's peaceful sleep.

At this time, if he woke Old Zoran up, it might actually disturb his sleep.

After going upstairs, Linwin looked at Kai'Sa sitting in the living room.

"Oh, are you waiting for me?"

Kai'Sa, who was reading a book, nodded when she saw Linwin, and said, "Wait a moment, let me heat up the food first."

Linwin nodded and sat down at the dining table.

There was an indescribable feeling in his heart. It's so nice to come home and have someone heat up your food for you.

The envy for Tryndamere from two minutes ago had long disappeared.

Why envy Tryndamere?

I have Kai'Sa!

Feeling proud of himself, Linwin then turned his head.

Because the door of the room beside him opened, and then a head boldly "peeked" out.

It was Kassadin.

Upon hearing the movement, his father-in-law poked his head out and stared at Linwin intently.

Linwin: "."

Damn it, if it weren't for Kassadin coming back, Linwin would have scored already!

He had to find a way to come up with an excuse to get Kassadin to leave, otherwise he would be too annoying.

Seeing Kai'Sa turning her head back, Kassadin immediately closed the door again.

Soon, the meal was ready.

"Powder wanted to wait for you to come back too, but Vi called and asked her to go back."

Handing the chopsticks to Linwin, Kai'Sa sat down at the dining table.

"Did Lux came today?"

"Yes, and Zeri too." Kai'Sa spoke up.

"What's she here for?"

"She suddenly wanted to participate in the games, hoping to sign up midway through with your help."

"Isn't she crazy?" Linwin muttered.

"Oh right."


"Could you feed me?"
