
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · Video Games
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360 Chs

-328- Trying to cause trouble?

Regarding Alistar's praise for Ashe, Tryndamere smiled somewhat proudly.

However, inexplicably, even though Alistar was clearly praising Ashe's beauty, for some reason, whenever those words came from the minotaur's mouth, Tryndamere couldn't help but feel something strange about it.

But fortunately, Alistar's comment was just casual, and soon, under Jarvan IV's lead, the topic shifted.

"Are you all signing up for football?" Jarvan asked.

"Yes, I signed up for football, weightlifting, and arm wrestling," Alistar grunted.

Tryndamere glanced at Alistar and then said, "Football and combat."

At that moment, Tryndamere was glad he hadn't signed up for weightlifting.

"Combat, huh?" Listening to Tryndamere's words, Jarvan IV looked meaningfully at Tryndamere, whose body was covered in scars. As long as someone wasn't blind, they could see that Tryndamere was an extremely powerful warrior.

The good news was that Tryndamere and Alistar had both signed up for football, and luckily, Freljord and Demacia were assigned together, so they could team up.

The bad news was that in the weightlifting event, which Demacia had hoped to excel in, it seemed hopeless now.

Although the Demacian dauntless vanguards were all strong, elite soldiers with immense strength, neither Garen nor Jarvan IV thought they could outmuscle Alistar.

Just by looking at the muscles on his purple body, as hard as stone, it was clear that Alistar was unbeatable in strength.

"You should also know that the football matches are organized by region. After all, each country sends only a few athletes, so they definitely can't form football teams with more than eleven players. Just like us, Demacia, this time only six athletes have come, and some smaller countries have only sent two or three individuals."

Jarvan IV continued with a smile, "So, as the largest contingent with the most generous rewards, the football matches are self-organized by region. Tryndamere, since we're in the same dormitory, why don't we team up? What do you think?"

Jarvan IV extended his hand to Tryndamere.

"I have to ask Ashe about this first," Tryndamere immediately replied.

Do you really need to ask for your wife's permission before doing anything?

Jarvan IV was momentarily speechless, but soon realized that Tryndamere was from Freljord, and it dawned on him.

In Freljord, where women were more dominant, if Tryndamere wanted to do something on his own, he really needed the approval of the tribal war mother.

Thinking of this, the prince no longer envied Tryndamere.

Polyandry, even if the wife is beautiful and elegant, normal men couldn't stand it, right?

Obviously, the prince didn't know that Tryndamere and Ashe were actually equal spouses, and that Tryndamere was Ashe's only husband.

But Tryndamere had no intention of revealing it, after all, in Freljord, it was not uncommon for war mothers to have multiple men, and his current situation was actually the strange one, so there was nothing to explain.

This also led Jarvan IV to label this fierce-looking warrior as a "henpecked husband."

"What about you, Alistar?"

"Nothing important, I'm just here in Zaun to make a living, and then I want to find someone," Alistar said seriously.

The minotaur race is spread across the Valoran continent, and Alistar's clan originally guarded the trade routes in Zaun, living on the mountains of the Valoran Mountains between Zaun and Noxus.

But those two-faced Noxians deceived the minotaurs, and the Noxians also destroyed Alistar's clan.

As for the other clans, Alistar did see minotaurs in Noxus's army, which made him very sad.

He had always thought that the minotaurs were united, different clans but with the same heart, but obviously, Alistar was thinking too much.

But the experience in Noxus also made this simple-minded minotaur understand that not all Noxians were bad people, whether human or minotaur, there were good and bad.

The cruelty and kindness he encountered along the way promoted Alistar's continuous growth, and now he was repaying the kindness he had received.

He wanted to find her, a woman.

"Looking for someone?"

Alistar thought for a moment, then decided to tell Jarvan IV about his experiences.

He endured torture in Noxus, despaired and anger in the arena, and later was saved by Ayelia, and he told Jarvan IV all about it.

And after Jarvan IV and Garen heard it, their expressions gradually became serious.

Meanwhile, Tryndamere's expression also changed.

"Alistar, Demacia can help you," Jarvan said seriously to Alistar.

"Really? But I don't know where Ayelia is." Alistar showed surprise. Of course, he knew what the Demacian prince represented.

"Since you want to help me, let me tell you the truth. I saved a merchant from a group of shadow wolves in the forest. I told him about my situation, and he told me that Twin Cities is going to hold a sports event. He said that people from all over the world would watch the event, so as long as I participated, Ayelia would likely see me."

"And if I win the competition, I can also make a request to Twin Cities," Alistar said happily.

"Alistar, that merchant didn't deceive you, I'll help you too, you can trust me." Jarvan IV patted his chest, reassuringly: "Demacia will assist you in finding Ayelia, as long as she's within Demacia's borders."

"Thank you."

Alistar reached out his large hand, tightly gripping Jarvan IV's small hand.

"You're welcome."

But damn, Alistar's hand is really big!

"Oh, Ashe just said I can join you guys." Tryndamere hung up the Hextech phone.

"And she also said she'll have Avorosa search for Ayelia in Freljord."

"Thank you, all of you," Alistar said happily.

"Avorosa.... Tryndamere, is Avorosa a significant tribe in Freljord?" Hearing the pride in Tryndamere's tone, Jarvan IV quickly asked.

"The Avorosa led by Ashe is currently the largest tribe in present-day Freljord, with a population exceeding seventy thousand, and the number of warriors under her command has exceeded eight thousand," Tryndamere said proudly. Under Ashe's leadership, Avorosa had been improving day by day, with small tribes coming to pay homage to Ashe every day, hoping to join Avorosa for protection.

But in just three months, the population of Avorosa had grown from over fifty thousand to seventy thousand, mostly consisting of young adults!

Eight thousand warriors, this was definitely the largest tribe in Freljord!

Could the Winter's Claw even muster three thousand warriors? Two thousand would be overestimating them!

"She's truly formidable," Jarvan IV sucked in a breath.

The room was filled with a lively atmosphere.

"Alright, let's go eat something now? I'm a bit hungry." Jarvan IV said.

"So am I."

"Where should we eat? Should we take the Hextech train to the city center?" Tryndamere put on his clothes, a short-sleeved shirt chosen by Ashe, with a puzzled look.

"Of course not, didn't you hear what the enforcers said when you came in? Twin Cities has already prepared food for us, and now I think it should be the same model as Twin Cities University, a cafeteria."

"I've already been to the cafeteria, and the food there is really delicious," Alistar said.

"It's different, Alistar, the place you went to before was a restaurant, temporarily requisitioned by Piltover councilors. The real cafeteria is self-service. Let's go, we'll find out by asking." Jarvan reached out and patted Alistar's back, saying kindly.

Alistar and Tryndamere both nodded, following Jarvan's lead.

Watching this scene, Garen felt a bit emotional.

Perhaps Jarvan himself didn't even know how charismatic he was.

As the high and mighty prince, the heir of one of the most powerful nation in Valoran, he never put on airs with anyone, and even treated everyone equally.

Just this alone was enough to convince others of his leadership.

As the four of them walked out, the adjacent room 105 emitted a sound. Shortly after, a slender man with a small beard smirked as he walked out.


"Draven?!" Both Garen and Jarvan IV's faces turned grim as they bumped into Draven, who blocked their path with a mocking smile.

"Hey, isn't this the famous Might of Demacia?" Draven sneered.

Upon hearing the commotion outside, the door of 105 was opened again, and then a burly man walked out.

Darius poked his head out quietly, standing behind Draven, watching Jarvan IV and Garen.

Although he was always annoyed by Draven's troublemaking, Darius couldn't just stand by and watch his brother Draven get beaten up.

That would be too embarrassing for Noxus.

"Move aside!" Jarvan IV said coldly.

"Are you ordering me? Wow, the demacian prince sure is arrogant." Draven said nervously. "You even want to order Noxians now. Have you already invaded the small countries around Demacia?"

"Demacia doesn't harm others. Do you think we're like you?" Jarvan IV's brow furrowed tighter.

"Move aside!" Alistar stood behind, his massive fists clenching. "I remember you. You're that guy from the arena."

"Alistar?" Draven found the minotaur vaguely familiar but didn't pay much attention.

With Alistar's comment, Draven quickly remembered. Whispering a few words to Darius, who stood silently behind him, Darius nodded.

"Back off, or I'll take action!" Alistar's eyes reddened as he raised his massive fists.

The commotion grew louder and louder, and soon the surroundings of Building 7 were packed with people.

"It's Noxus and Demacia again."

"Why is it always them? Every time they meet, there's trouble. And now they're even assigned to the same building. This should be interesting."

"You wanna fight? You touch me once, I kill one of your people. You touch me twice, I kill ten of your people," Draven chuckled, looking at Alistar provocatively. "Want to see me in action?"


Alistar's eyes turned crimson as he raised his massive iron pot fist.

Draven remained unfazed, his hand behind his back, feeling the sharp blade of a claw knife.

He caused trouble and feared trouble, but Draven never feared the ordinary kind.

Just like when he was a child, daring to throw knives at Noxian officers for fun.

Draven is truely a reckless thrill-seeker.

"Calm down, Alistar!" Tryndamere intervened, holding Alistar back with his large hand.

Having experienced the destruction of his tribe, Tryndamere learned to control his anger, gradually emerging from his shadow, especially under Ashe's guidance.

While he was still annoyed, Tryndamere knew it wasn't the time for a fight. Ashe had warned him.

"Darius, is this also what you want?" Garen looked at Darius behind Draven, his face stern.

"If you want a fight, I'm ready anytime!" Garen extended his hand, pushing it toward Draven.

Darius, towering over the crowd except for Alistar, gave Garen a disdainful glance.

Draven moved, the exquisite blade of his claw knife shimmering with a silvery light as he thrust it towards Garen's outstretched hand.

Garen hadn't expected Draven to carry a weapon with him, but it was too late to evade. He calmly bent his body, preparing to knock Draven away directly.

But the next moment, both Draven and Garen wore expressions of astonishment.

The claw knife seemed to pierce the air, but with no force behind it.

Garen's body froze, and in the next instant, he started floating.

"Hey, hey, hey."

"Room 105, 106."

"Did I forget to mention it? Oh well, I'll say it now."

"Fighting is strictly prohibited in Twin Cities Village. If you have any personal matters to settle, please go to the arena. You've got guts trying to start a fight in the dormitory area."

A lazy voice echoed from above.

Everyone present looked up, and in an instant, many were dumbfounded.

In the sky, a man wearing sportswear, sneakers, with his hair flowing smoothly, and holding a bottle of juice, was casually strolling in the air.

Taking one step after another downwards.

Wait, isn't this the administrator from Twin Cities that they saw in the management office earlier this morning?

"Well, did you hear what I just said?"

"You idiots!"

Linwin threw the juice bottle at Jarvan IV's head.

"105, move."

Draven hesitated and slowly retracted his hand.

Darius squinted at Linwin, realizing that the lazy man from earlier was the guardian of Twin Cities.

"You six, any objections to being punished?" Linwin said with a smile.

"..." Darius and Draven remained silent.

When they arrived, Swain had warned them not to have a conflict with Linwin Lorant.

They couldn't afford to provoke Twin Cities if Noxus wanted to recover quickly.

"Yes, Uncle," Jarvan IV said with a wry smile.

Jarvan IV agreed, and Garen naturally had no objections.

The only thing that's bothering me a bit is Alistar.

"Who are you?"

Alistar pointed his big hand at the sky, shouting at Linwin, "Are you really that powerful?"


With just one hand, Linwin lifted Alistar into the air. The next moment, Linwin raised his hand.


A cow-like sound echoed as Alistar soared to the height of the fourth floor. Looking down, Alistar was petrified.

"Now, are you willing to listen?"


Alistar nodded frantically.

Now, if the other party lets go, Alistar will fall to the ground. Although this height isn't much for Alistar, what if it gets higher?

Alistar doesn't think he can survive a fall from hundreds of meters.

"So, all six of you."


Jarvan IV and Garen instantly stood straight.

On the other hand, Darius and Draven were puzzled.

Tryndamere was even more confused on the side.

Alistar, lifted by Linwin's magic, looked at Linwin with a dumbfounded expression.

"Forget it."

"Run five hundred laps around the soccer field. If you can't finish, no meals for you. Ready, run!"


"Five hundred laps? That's deadly. I can't even handle fifteen."

The surroundings became noisy, even Draven's face went pale.

Five hundred laps? Five hundred laps?!

Are you kidding me!

Making him run five hundred laps is worse than making him fight a lion!

Linwin smiled and took out a whistle from his pocket.

Really... trying to cause trouble on my first day of being an administrator, huh?

Since they've gotten into a dispute while being together, it's just right for Linwin to assert his authority, making it easier to deal with them in the future. At the same time, it facilitates Linwin's better management of Twin Cities.

As for Draven turning pale, Linwin chuckled.

The size of this soccer field isn't the same as in the previous world.

In this world, there are many superhumans, so naturally, the soccer field must be large. As for the physical strength of ordinary people... well, soccer is not a fair game.

So, some participants may start panting after running a few laps, and Linwin can't do anything about it.

He's already screened out the mages. Should he also screen out the physically strong ones?

No, he can't do that.

Therefore, the soccer field is twice the size of the previous world's, measuring 210x136.

So, five hundred laps... hehehe.

"Start running!"

Linwin shouted.

Jarvan IV was the first to dash out.

//// Going to rest a few more days, got a high fever right after the exam. I'll just upload the draft I've saved up. At most three days ////