
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

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360 Chs

-325- The rock sparrow's friend



Looking up, Linwin immediately broke into a wide smile.

The call ringing in his ears was indeed familiar to the point of being unmistakable, but the next moment, Linwin's expression froze as he involuntarily twitched his mouth.

He saw a girl spreading her limbs wide, exclaiming "Whee!" as she leaped straight towards Linwin from above.

Linwin, just returning to Zoran's shop, quickly reached out and caught Powder, who had jumped straight down from the second floor.

Then, Linwin exclaimed, "Mmm," as his lips touched Powder's firm waist, but through their clothes, he could only feel the texture of the fabric.

After all, it was already winter, so Powder was dressed warmly today.

Her upper body was clad in a woolen cardigan, paired with a purple long-sleeved knit sweater underneath, and she wore sturdy trousers and her favorite boots that made a jingling sound when she walked.

At this moment, Linwin's head was tightly clamped by Powder's hands and legs, like a giant octopus that had finally caught its prey, firmly gripping Linwin's neck without letting go.

"Um, loosen up a bit, I won't be able to talk like this!" Linwin reached out, gently pulling Powder's waist backward.


"Why did you only just come back? You said you were only going out for a month," Powder said, then lowered her head with an "Ahh" and bit Linwin's scalp.

Did it hurt?

Of course not.

Even if Powder's teeth were to break, Linwin wouldn't feel any pain.

It just felt a bit damp, like when saliva wetted his hair.

"I'm back now." Linwin said helplessly.

Compared to his relationship with Kai'Sa, Powder's feelings were indeed too intense. Her feelings for Linwin were like a blazing fireball.

This girl never hid her feelings, whether she liked someone or not.

It was precisely because of this that Linwin always felt powerless against Powder.

After all, Linwin had really raised Powder and Vi as his own sisters from the beginning.

Powder also understood Linwin's feelings, so if during this period she ever had the thought of "Ah, liking Linwin is really exhausting, maybe I should give up," then the relationship between Linwin and Powder would really just be brother and sister.

But, Powder never gave up, not even once.

Even if Linwin hadn't come back for several years, Powder never said she would give up. On the contrary, her feelings became more and more intense. She even secretly imagined Linwin's current appearance and height at night.


When Linwin finally managed to pull Powder away, she planted a heavy kiss on Linwin's cheek.

That's Powder for you, a girl completely opposite in character to Kai'Sa.

"Powder, you..."

Clattering footsteps, Linwin looked over and saw a golden-haired head poking out from the shop's stairs.

Lux covered her mouth, looking at Powder, who was kissing Linwin's face incessantly, in shock.

W-What happened between Mr. Linwin and Powder while she was away from Twin Cities?

Lux covered her eyes with her hands, but her fingers were spread wide open, her azure eyes full of curiosity and shyness.

Oh my god! She even kissed Mr Linwin's lips!

"Hey, Lux, what are you doing here?" Linwin separated Powder with one hand, and anyone with a normal body could do this, not just Linwin, because Powder was really light!

She was barely five feet tall and flat-chested!

"Of course, I'm here, Mr. Linwin. I'm the representative of Demacia on this trip to Twin Cities!" Lux immediately patted her chest proudly, came down, followed by Kai'Sa behind her, and then Taliyah, who peeked out from the stairs.

Taliyah held a baked potato in her hand, eating and watching.

Unlike Lux, Taliyah was really used to this scene. As long as Powder was here, this scene would happen every day.

Looking at Lux, Linwin fell silent for a moment.

Forget it, after thinking about it, Linwin simply hugged Powder with one hand and walked into Zoran's shop with the girl in his arms.

Lux quickly approached, proudly saying, "Mr. Linwin, listen to me. I'm really the representative of Demacia on this trip to Twin Cities. Even Fiora and His Highness are just athletes. His Majesty personally ordered them to listen to me now."

Going upstairs, the father-in-law had already returned, looking at Linwin with Powder "hanging" on his waist and a group of girls following behind, Kassadin snorted heavily.

Father-in-law's dissatisfaction!

"Everyone, sit down first. Kai'Sa, can we start the meal?" Linwin forcefully placed Powder on a chair, then turned to Kassadin and said.

"Yeah." Kai'Sa nodded, "I'll go serve the dishes."

"I'll help!" Taliyah immediately said.

"Hmph!" Kassadin snorted again, but this time it was proud.

It was probably like, my daughter is really capable.

During dinner time, Zoran walked out of the door and looked at the small table. There were girls with golden hair and blue eyes, blue hair and blue eyes, brown hair and freckles, and black hair with purple eyes. Zoran suddenly felt that the food in the bowls became even more delicious.

He wished Linwin would be more indulgent, after all, with Linwin's current status and power, having multiple women around wouldn't be a problem.

Zoran's only fear now was that he couldn't have grandchildren. The problem was that the brat was already in his twenties, why hasn't he made a move yet?

"It's always delicious at your place," Lux said while eating

"Oh, by the way, Lux, do you know what happened between your brother and the Noxian?" Linwin asked as Lux spoke up.

"Yeah," Lux blinked and answered, "Let's get this straight, Mr. Linwin, it wasn't us who started it. It was that little mustache from Noxus who provoked His Highness first."

Little mustache....

That should be Draven.

"He insinuated His Highness outside, saying that His Highness had been captured by them before, and then my brother got angry."

"Did they get into a fight?" Linwin only got brief second-hand information from Jayce and Silco; Lux was the one with firsthand knowledge.

But Garen and Jarvan IV were really good brothers. It didn't matter if he himself was insulted, but if the prince was insulted, Garen would be the first to rush up and confront the other party.

When Jarvan IV was captured by Noxus, it was also Garen who risked his life to charge into the battle and rescue him.

Why can't Jayce be like that to me?

Linwin thought indignantly.

"Yeah, they were stopped by a woman named Ashe at the time. She had a very powerful man by her side who easily stopped my brother," Lux said, not knowing what Linwin was imagining, speaking with surprise in her tone.

Whenever she recalled that scene, Lux would be amazed.

He could stop Garen!

Stop her bear-like brother!

"A man by Ashe's side?" Linwin squinted his eyes and then smiled slightly.

Right, if someone could stop Garen and was by Ashe's side, it should be Tryndamere.

"Yes, he stopped my brother, and on the other side, a monster stopped the hand of Noxus. It was a minotaur-like creature," Lacus said.

Linwin was stunned.

After Tryndamere and Ashe, now there was Alistar?

Linwin ate his rice, feeling a bit emotional.

How many champion were there in this small twin city?

Excluding the local champion, how many foreign champion were there?

From the list,

Noxus brought Draven, Darius.

Demacia had Jarvan IV, Lux, Garen, Fiora, oh right, there's also the unknown champion Cithria.

Many small countries came from Shurima, but the names of champions did not appear on the list. But thinking about it, that place's champion are all monsters, so they wouldn't come.

In the neutral tribes, Alistar appeared, a monster comparable to Xin Zhao.

Freljord had Ashe, Tryndamere, Sejuani.

By this count, the number of foreign champion had already exceeded ten.

This was just the number of champion in one region, and now, they were all gathered in the twin cities.

Now the entire twin city had at least forty heroes.

With such strong strength and influence, Linwin really didn't need to run around and make friends with champion to gain favorability.

So, Linwin eventually accepted Camille's proposal to become the manager of the twin city village.

During their time in the twin city, Linwin would be responsible for managing the daily lives of these heroes in the twin city.

Hmm. This is a great opportunity to gain favorability!

At the same time, Linwin was also curious about the interactions between Darius, Tryndamere, and the others.

Speaking of which, since Tryndamere has joined Ashe, does that mean he has seen Aatrox?

Damn it, so the world ender is finally coming out?

"Did Alistar and Darius not fight?" Shaking off the strange thoughts in his mind, Linwin looked at Lux curiously and asked.

In theory, the minotaur would definitely erupt into conflict the moment he saw Darius, because Alistar hates Noxus just like Xin Zhao. He was once captured by Noxus and participated in some meat grinder competition in an arena, then escaped from Noxus with the help of a serving girl.

Whether he and Xin Zhao ever met, Linwin didn't know. At least, there was no mention of it in the stories of the two. But what can be known is that Alistar is the only slave who escaped the arena by his own skill.

But shouldn't he be hiding his identity and spreading anti-Noxus sentiments around Noxus? How did he come to the twin city and even participate in the sports festival?

"No," Lux said with her mouth full of rice, blinking her big eyes, "He looked very angry, but he still controlled himself."

"Is that so?"

Linwin nodded.

"Lux, do me a favor, notify your brother when you go back tonight."

"What do you want me to notify him about?" Lux tilted her head and looked at Linwin.

Linwin explained the situation about Twin Cities to Lux, and Lux blinked.

"If Fiora knows you're going to personally be there to control the scene, she'll be very happy. Although she was ordered by the king to participate in the tournament, in reality, Fiora came to learn swordsmanship from you."

"If there's a chance, I'll teach her." Linwin nodded with a smile.

Fiora's swordsmanship, participating in fencing competitions, should be a sure shot for the gold medal, right? Linwin thought so.

"Wait, are you planning to stay there?" Kai'Sa asked.

"Of course not, I'm going to work there. I'll go during the day and be back before ten at night, and I'll also come back during meal times," Linwin replied.

Kai'Sa nodded immediately and then lowered her head to eat her food.

"What about me? Can I go with you?" Powder raised her hand and asked.

"Absolutely not," Linwin immediately refused.

Powder's explosive nature is uncontrollable, and no one knows what ideas she has. Right now, she's somehow leading Ziggs, Lulu, and Tristana.

Especially Tristana, a Yordle who's at least a few hundred years old, now follows Powder's lead.

"Fine, I actually don't want to go anyway."

"What about me, Master? Can I go?" Linwin, who was just planning to eat his meal without any fuss, looked up again.

He saw Taliyah raising her hand to speak, imitating Powder.

The small rock sparrow looked at Linwin seriously and said, "I want to help someone."

"Help someone? Do you know anyone from Shurima among the people who came?" Linwin asked curiously.

Taliyah's tribe is not large, it's a small tribe, so they shouldn't be able to participate in the sports event.

"No, Master. I don't want to help someone from my tribe. I want to help my friend," Taliyah replied.

"A friend?" Linwin became even more curious.

"Yes, I met her a few months ago at the docks. She's a bit clumsy and she's from Demacia," Taliyah said.

"From Demacia?" Lux immediately looked at Taliyah.

"But don't you still have work to do?" Linwin looked at Taliyah curiously. "The floating islands are currently constructing drainage facilities and canals along the edges of the two islands, and they need your help."

"I'll go find her during my break time," Taliyah stood up immediately and promised, "Master, I won't delay my work."

Linwin looked at Taliyah standing up, then raised his hand helplessly, "Sit down, sit down, I didn't say you couldn't go."

"You can go if you want, Taliyah. You don't have to worry about what I think. Whatever you want to do, I, as your master, will support you. And you don't have to worry about getting into trouble. If you encounter any problems, I will help you handle them."

Linwin is very relieved about Taliyah.

She is like Kai'Sa, both are absolutely kind people.

So, this sentence is released, Linwin won't worry that Taliyah will do bad things, but this sentence can't be said to Powder!

"Thank you, Master!" Taliyah said happily.

"By the way, what's her name? How old is she?" Linwin coughed and asked again.

Well, looking at Taliyah's reaction, she should like the other person very much.

As Taliyah's master, Linwin naturally has to watch what kind of man his little disciple will find.

"Her name is Cithria. I met her at the dock a few months ago, she's a bit silly, and she's from Demacia," Taliyah said.


"Huh, Master, do you know her?" Taliyah asked curiously.

Linwin took a deep breath.

Cithria, the Lady of Clouds, Cithria?