
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

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360 Chs

-326- Twin Cities Village

Two days later, the plan for Twin Cities Village officially began.

All the foreign athletes living in the Piltover-Zaun tavern or vacant buildings were uniformly required to go to the designated area in the east for planning.

Of course, there were some people who felt discontented about this. After all, the destination they were required to go to and where they were currently staying were two different places.

Although the land area of Twin Cities was not small, it was still an empty area, temporarily converted into athlete accommodations, so there were almost no merchants around. This made many foreigners who were used to living in the luxurious areas of Piltover and Zaun feel unhappy.

However, no one dared to speak out because even the people from Demacia and Noxus obediently packed their bags and went to Twin Cities Village. If these two major powers didn't object, would people from other countries dare to express dissatisfaction?

Just look at who came from Demacia and Noxus!

The only prince of Demacia, the future king—Jarvan IV.

The current top military figure in Noxus, the symbol of military power in the Trifarix—Darius.

With these two heavyweights obeying Twin Cities' arrangements, do people from other places have any say? If small fry come forward, won't they just be looking for trouble?

"Jarvan, let me take that."

At the entrance of Twin Cities University, Garen and Fiora watched as Jarvan IV, who had just walked out of the school gate and was smiling and greeting the gatekeeper, quickly rushed up and reached out to help the prince pick up his luggage.

Fiora also stepped forward and bowed respectfully, "Your Highness."

"No need, you don't have to always do this, Garen, I can manage it myself."

Jarvan IV patted Garen's shoulder and slung the luggage over his shoulder. He looked at Fiora and smiled, "Do you understand the rules of the fencing competition?"

"Yes." Fiora nodded and said, "Your Highness, the fencing competition held by Twin Cities is not much different from our Demacian swordsmanship duels. It also includes heavy swords, rapiers, and different swords have different rules."

"It's best if you understand the rules, after all, the king sent you here, hoping that you can win the gold medal."

Seeing that Fiora was unmoved, Jarvan IV understood that Fiora simply didn't understand how generous the rewards were. So he said to Fiora, "You must take it seriously, Fiora. The rewards for the competition are very important. Getting a free one-year trial of a Twin Cities newest technology is not a small reward. Do you know about Hextech air conditioning?"

"I've heard of it." Fiora said.

Unlike the lively and active Lux, Fiora is extremely calm and even cold-hearted, except when she loses her self-control in an amazing duel.

Therefore, she doesn't pay much attention to Twin Cities or what has been happening recently on the continent of Runeterra.

She has only heard of Hextech air conditioning and has not used it yet.


Garen blinked beside them. He and Fiora are childhood friends. The Crownguard family and the Laurent family used to have a good relationship. It was only after Fiora's father's incident that the two families had a falling out. But now, under the efforts of Lux and Tianna, they have been reconciled.

"Fiora, what Jarvan said is correct. If you can win the gold medal, we can completely request a priority purchase right for Hextech air conditioning from Twin Cities. You just need to know that now, everyone in the world, except for Freljord, wants this thing."

"It's a priceless treasure." Garen said seriously.

"I understand." Fiora nodded and said seriously, "As long as Mr Linwin doesn't participate, I'm confident of being undefeated."

"That's for the best."

The prince smiled.

The group leaned against the school gate, and Jarvan IV even squatted on the side of the road with his luggage.

His uncouth behavior made Fiora somewhat unacceptable.

Then, the most outstanding young warrior of Demacia also squatted beside him.

"What are you doing, Your Highness?"

"Waiting for the car." Jarvan IV replied matter-of-factly.

"Or do you want to walk there?"

Fiora shook her head, and then, as she looked at the experienced Jarvan IV, she couldn't help but have a strange thought.

Although she arrived in Twin Cities earlier than the prince, now it seems that Jarvan IV is more familiar with the life in Twin Cities.

Thinking about it, it's true. Calculating the time, Jarvan IV has been living in Twin Cities for almost half a year now. Twin Cities University is a vibrant place. Jarvan IV has learned a lot there, and he has gained a deeper understanding of those noble-born youths from Demacia.

Actually, they are not as unbearable as they seem. They also want to contribute to Demacia.

After waiting for a while, the unique vehicles of Twin Cities arrived.

A huge iron frame, looking extremely heavy, but it was suspended in the air.

"Let's go, get in the car."

Jarvan IV said with a smile.

An hour later, Jarvan IV and his companions finally arrived at Twin Cities Village. When they got off the car, Jarvan IV felt a bit speechless.

This place looks really damn desolate!

"Will it affect your studies?" Garen suddenly approached Jarvan and asked.

"Don't worry, actually my studies are not that good. The others are extremely outstanding now and are already considered great students in the professors' minds."

Jarvan IV replied with a smile.

As a prince, Jarvan IV's entry into Twin Cities University is not really to become a scientist, but to understand how Hextech works.

What he needs to learn is how to let those who understand this knowledge to exert their abilities, rather than personally tinkering with vials and potions.

"That's good."

Garen breathed a sigh of relief.

"The athletes who have just arrived, please come this way!"

At the entrance, two enforcers were shouting loudly:

"Please go to the administrator's office to register your name first, and then the administrator will assign accommodation according to the events you have signed up for."

"Please rest assured, although Twin Cities Village looks barren, the facilities here are complete, and the food will not be lacking for you!"

The two enforcers shouted with megaphones in their hands.

Jarvan IV, Garen, and Fiora followed the guidance of the enforcers and walked towards a single house.

This single house is probably the most unique building here.

It looks like a small warehouse, while other places are almost ten floors high, with the lowest being six or seven floors. Therefore, the appearance of a short building among a bunch of tall ones naturally attracts a lot of attention.

Above the small single house, there are words—"Administrator's Office"

"Oh, welcome, welcome."

As soon as they entered, Jarvan IV heard a familiar laughter.

Fiora was even more surprised to see the black-haired man sitting at a table in front of them, smiling.

"It's you?!"

"Mister Linwin?"

Linwin, who had been handling procedures for athletes since the morning, immediately waved and said with a smile, "Come and register first, I will help you allocate accommodation."

"Yes, uncle." Jarvan IV quickly walked up.




Jarvan IV raised an eyebrow, feeling that this process was a bit silly, but the person in front of him was the guardian of Twin Cities and was on friendly terms with his father. Well, he was his uncle, so he honestly answered, "Male."

"What events are you participating in?"

Jarvan replied, "Football and weightlifting."

"Okay, Room 106 in Building 7. If you don't know where Building 7 is, you can ask the enforcers, they will take you there." Linwin said while writing something down, then he looked up and said, "Alright, next." Linwin waved his hand.

Fiora hurriedly approached.


Fiora immediately answered.

After going through the same process, Linwin nodded and then handed a bunch of keys to Fiora.

"Room 201 in Building 3, your dormitory has only two people."

"Woman?" Fiora raised an eyebrow.

"Of course, Buildings 1 to 4 are for female residents, while Buildings 5 to 10 are for male residents. How could I allow mixed-gender living?"

"Am I sharing a room with His Highness?" On the other side, Garen spoke up.

Linwin looked at Garen, then at Jarvan, and smiled.

"Yes, and your dormitory is different from Fiora's. You will be staying in a four-person room."

"Um, Jarvan, Garen, I hope you get along well with your new roommates."

Garen and Jarvan IV looked at each other.

"Go on, don't disturb me while I'm working."

"Yes, uncle."