
Arcana Marie

Suddenly waking up on a foreign place, willful Marie Nobles discovered that she came back into the past... A past that didn't seem to exist in her world's time.

Oh_ItsTheLady · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 6: The Arcana

I shook my head.

"No, not another world... If that's what this is, it'll be much more easier to understand..." I said weakly.

I hear Igna sigh.

"Can I come closer?" he said.

I nodded.

He's now within an acceptable distance... close but not too close.

His hands suddenly enclosed mine which I didn't know was gripping my dress tightly.

It feels so comfortable. I should slap his hands away, after all, I don't even know this guy. But strangely, there is something that keeps me... drawn to him.

No matter how I try to gather my wits, reason out to myself, when he's this near, my mind blanks out.

I feel warm... hot. The part of my hands he's touching is being sensitive. His thumb tracing a circular pattern on my wrists, creating havoc to my senses.

"Your hands are cold... calm down," he said. There's the kind voice again.

Immediately after he said that, I realized he is right.

"I would've thought that you were only ridiculing when you said that... however, as a priest, I have always been able to know which are truths and fallacies..." he continued.

"This morning, I have been very thrilled about meeting you. I thought to myself 'Finally, I am not going to be alone anymore'... and... well, I never would've expected such a huge turn of events..."

"My fated, it seems... is a little peculiar," he said while chuckling.

"No matter, I already decided I will already take care of her... of you. So do not fret, I vow to you that we will figure things out. Let me help you, this is what I'm asking," he said again.

His thumbs that were tracing a pattern on my wrists have stilled. His grip on my hands tightened.

When he did this, my eyes flew back to his.

No second thoughts, no doubts. This person trusts me and was very sincere with what he said.

My heart is filled with warmth... my eyes watering...

Impulsively, I grabbed Igna by his shoulders, circled my arms around his neck and brought him down to me until I am fully embracing him.

Igna stiffened.

"Oh, thank you! Thank you, Igna, Your Majesty," I said.

I hugged him tighter and felt him shiver as soon as I did that.

Oh My God.

Did I just-?

Upon realizing what I did, I hurriedly removed myself from Igna, my whole body dazed when I scramble to distance myself from him.

I was expecting that he'll be angry... atleast a bit mad because I did that without request. Did I just become too touchy-familiary with a king?

But it did slip my mind that Igna is a lil blushing man... and voila.

My gaze fixed on his face, never missing a moment on his change of reaction... from shock to being bashful.

Okay, I've never seen a man blush this hard. And I must admit, its cute seeing it from a God-sent person with divine looks.

"I-I-I-I..." he started.

He blinked a few times and then sighed.

"I... ehem... must admit I didn't expect that...." he continued.

He distanced himself again, hurryingly taking the cup of tea infront of us and taking a single sip.

I waited for him to bring down the cup before I spoke.

"I'm sorry... I know I shouldn't have done that. It was a spur of the moment, I swear," I said nervously. I also took the cup that was meant for me, took a sip and calmed myself with the aroma of the tea.

I hear Igna sigh again. This time, his gaze is fully focused on the tea.

"Don't worry, it's really alright," he replied.

"I am just not... prepared. I wasn't anticipating that. I do better when I'm prepared," he continued.

I felt myself relaxing.

Atleast I know I would be safe now.

"I have this friend..." he said again after a few minutes of silence.

"He has the gift of wisdom. With so much questions we have right now, I think it is best we consult him," he finished.

My mood lightened. Relief flooding me, knowing that I still have hope in figuring things out.

"Oh Igna... I can't believe it! Yes please let's meet him!" I said excitedly.

"Of course, we will. We shall be off the next day after the festival."

I smiled. The tea color seem lighter, the atmosphere of the room seem nicer. I guess I was really very tense .

Then I remember to ask him...

"Igna?" I said, looking back again to him. Bracing myself for his looks.

"Yes?" he said.

"You said awhile ago... that this person that you are fated with, me as we assumed - which I think is wrong, is to be the inheritor of the queen of cups?"

"Yes," he said quickly. A smile is back on his face

"But what do you mean by 'inheritor'? I followed up.

"By any chance..." he started.

"Are you not aware of the Arcana System?' He continues. His brows meeting. It seems I am causing him another confusion.

I shook my head.

"The Arcana System doesn't exist in your Earth?" he continued.

"I only know of Arcana - the Tarot cards... cards used for fortune telling," I answered.

Another shock for him. There was silence in the room for about five seconds.

"Unbelievable!" he said.

This time, it was my turn to be curious. What does he mean by that?

He noticed my reaction.

"You see... the Arcana System, is our way of living," he introduced.

"A long time ago, when the gods created the world, they gave the Arcana to the rulers, the first kings, and the chosen ones... those who will inherit the right to continue the race of mankind," he continued.

"The Major Arcana, made of 22 cards were the first to be given. The owners of the cards gets the right to each card's abilities... in other words, the authority and privileges. It was said that only the chosen ones are to bear a Major Arcana ...." he paused.

"Then, the gods gave the Minor Arcana to humans. The Minor Arcana is consist of 56 cards. The Minor Arcana overall exists to harmonize, stabilize, protect and flourish mankind," continued...

"The 78 cards are the foundation of the world, Maria. I am the bearer of the King of Cups. The Cups Kingdom is the center of harvest and produce in Gondwanaland. I am the one in authority to that. This is why I bear the King of Cups. Unlike the Major Arcana, the Minor Arcanas inherit the cards from their ancestors..."

"To keep it short, it is more of a heirloom to us... a symbol of power passed into bloodline," he said.

"As the Queen of Cups bearer, you will have the right to the throne of Cups Kingdom, the mother of this land... and my other half," he said this dreamily.

It took a few seconds before I processed everything that he said.

Panic engulfing me as I realized what he means...

---- END OF CHAPTER 6 ----