
Arcana Marie

Suddenly waking up on a foreign place, willful Marie Nobles discovered that she came back into the past... A past that didn't seem to exist in her world's time.

Oh_ItsTheLady · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 5: Confusion

This doesn't make any sense. Among everything that Igna said, there isn't anything that's making sense.

My logical mind,

"Well then, we'll take our leave, Your Majesty," the maids said, bowing in front of us and then leaving us alone again in the room.

"Maria, is there something wrong? You look unwell," Igna said.

"I-i'm fine...," I said, still dazed.

Igna, who was only a few inches away from me, scoot closer until our knees met.

"Forgive me," he said. Then I noticed that he was bringing his right hand on my face... until his pas touched my forehead.

His hand was gloved but I can't explain why I'm still feeling the warmth of it.

"You are not with fever it seems. I guess what I just said surprised you that much?"

The warmth of Igna's hand further increased my confusion. This is the first time I'm meeting him but why does this doesn't feel weird? Strangely, everything seems... into place.

Igna put down his hand away from my forehead. I thought that he was going to finally distance himself, that will give me a better room for thinking, but he didn't. The hand that came from my forehead, went down to my cheek.

He was touching my skin so lightly, caressing that part just beside my lips, drawing circles using his thumb.

The feathery touch is not helping.

Definitely not helping for me to think clearly.

"Maria, I have been waiting for you," he said.

I noticed that he was somehow closer. When he spoke I felt his breath on my forehead, the warmth from his cloth-cladded body is enveloping me.

Oh my God!

I stood up. Abruptly. Leaving Igna's hand in midair, his eyes following me as I stood.

I walked around to the farthest settee, securing the distance as possible, willing myself to think.

I am not this... this easily-swayed person. What's happening to me?

"Maria, I apologise. Please..." Igna said. He didn't dare follow me to this seat, of course, he shouldn't.

"You may sit here, I'll sit on the otherside of the furniture. Please come closer. I hate it when you are distant," he said. Worry evident on his voice.

How can this man sound kind and then worried and then upset in just a span of minutes?

I did just that. For one, I'm guilty for suddenly causing his upset, and then next, I do not want to earn the temper of a stranger.

Yes, he's a stranger. Keep your guard up, Marie.

I walked back to the settee I was previously sitting on. Igna stood up, gestured one side of the seating, and then he, taking the farthest side.

"Now, we can talk," I said.

Igna nodded.

I mentally weighed the situation. Igna is a king, an archpriest. He seems like the kind of person who I can trust... maybe not with all the details... but he deserved to know some part of the truth... That I'm not his fated... that I'm not from Laurasia-whatever.


"Yes?" He answered, hopeful.

"I will now tell you something... Something I don't know if it will be upsetting you... or disappointing you... but no matter what your reaction is, can you promise me that I won't be in any danger of being hanged or something?" I said.

Igna chuckled. His eyes narrowed, showing how amused he is. Really, such a fast change of emotion. -_-

"Hanging is not our way in the Cups... however, I am intrigued... So I agree with not putting you in that situation. In fact, I even vow that no harm will be done to you. I would never allow that," he said. His eyes were sincere when he said this, despite the tone of amusement. I guess I can trust him..?

"The truth is... I don't think I'm the girl you were waiting for..." I started.

"Mhmm, go on..." he said. Smiling widely when he replied.

"I am not from Laurasia... or Gondwanaland..." I looked alertly on Igna, his face is now void of emotion.

"I'm sorry... did you just spoke of not being from Laurasia and Gondwaland? We only have two continents in Earth. If so, are you from an independent island?" he said. Confusion again can be heard from his tone.

I closed my eyes. Counted to three.

Okay, so this is Earth... Earth on February 28, 2088.

I am still on Earth... but there are two continents only... Laurasia and Gondwanaland...

Laurasia and Gondwanaland are the two parts of Pangaea supercontinent according to history. These two parts should've detached millions of years ago, according to the continental drift theory, resulting to the 7 continents that I know today: North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Antarctica, and Australia.

But in here, the continental drift didn't happen. Instead, the two main continents stayed the same...

Is this some kind of a joke?

What is this, an alternate Earth?!

I pinched my cheek. Three, four times. I am not dreaming...

"Marie, are you okay?" Igna said. Stretching me back to reality.

I opened my eyes and found a worry-faced Igna. It seems I make him worry alot of times today.

"I'm okay, Igna" I replied with an encouraging smile.

I should tell him... I must.

"Igna, don't be shocked please. As I don't know what kind of situation I am in myself..."

"Last night, when I slept, it was Feb. 29th of 2088. I am sure of it. We had an exam yesterday, there's no mistaking that..."

"However, today, when I woke up, I found out that its February 28th still..."

I looked at Igna. Confusion was all over his face.

"I-..." he was about to reply something when I continued what I was saying.

"And its wrong... You are wrong... I am really not from Laurasia or Gondwanaland or any independent isaland out there..."

"Asia... that's where I came from. The Spratlys Islands, a series of islands dedicated to education and students. I remember sleeping last night in my dorm..."

"And this I am certain of... the Earth we know... no matter how ridiculous it sounds... seem different..."

"You see, the Earth I know has 7 continents. And you... yours.. only two.... I am confused and lost... I can't seem to realize if this is reality but if you aren't lying to me about your time and your world... It seems that there is a big difference in what we know..." I continued. My voice can't hide the distress of what's happening.

I glanced again at Igna. He is... mobilized. He was looking at me as he was doing awhile ago. I noticed that his gaze never leaving me.

"Are you saying that you are... from another world?" The only phrase Igna seemed to murmur.

------- End of Chapter 5 -----