
Chapter 7: Reality is often disappointing

Chapter 7: Reality is Disappointing

Note: Alright my Doods! Here's another chapter and this time! The first Infinity Stone has been created! Is jaune a genius or what!

I'm still looking for ocs for Shades Staff and Student Roster and ideas for school events


Reality is Often Disappointing, Creatures of the universe work to a pointless end only to be drowned in despair while others work to a pre selected notion only to break all the same... Dread it, Run from It but The Despair from Destiny will arrive all the same but those with power or brains will aim to change destiny as they hold the determination to change themselves and the world however they will break one way or another swiftly or delayed.

Jaune Arc is one of those people but not out of choice but to become an isolated outcast who has only his intelligence to work with, since he finally pieced together his infant mind of 1 was able to work with his situation and build which started out simple which his mother Artoria saw this and enabled by putting jaune in the middle of a room filled with nothing but legos with the simple instruction "CREATE" this simple command sent jaune into a building frenzy which an out passed before the Arc Mother returned to be in shock that jaune built a literal look of a functioning city expanded up to Arc Matriarchs Waist and spanned the entire room.

At the age of 2 was when jaune took parts from old and non functioning appliances repurposing the parts to build new objects which added and increased Jaune Arcs need for "CREATION" but when jaune turned three is when his nightmares appeared after being rejected and isolated from other children but jaune only told Artoria as he fears the nightmares would strengthen if more people knew however even such nightmares didn't stop Jaunes need to create.

By the age of Four is when Jaune discovered Marvel Comic Issue #83 aka 'Infinity Gauntlet' the blonde child didn't really care for comics as they simply showed creations that are unrealistic though the infinity gauntlet had caught Jaunes attention that such a simple device, a gauntlet, was able to harness super powered gems that completely decimated an entire group of super powered warriors.

Jaune aims to build a similar gauntlet but it wasn't even close to be a successful project as the Proto Gauntlet merely used the energy from Common Dust Crystals therefore jaune crushed the dust used for the gauntlet and tossed the damn thing over a cliff.

Now jaune shelved the idea of the Infinity Gauntlet until the blonde child is able to unlock the way to create the stones using remnants natural resources.

-To The Present-

It's been three months since Jaune Arc had been placed into Team Alchemy(ACMM) and since then Jaune is favored heavily all across Shade as the Number 1 Academic Student and one of the top 10 Fighters using the Self Taught Skill of Mauy Tuai.

After the first Week Jaune started building his gauntlet also worked on other equipped to self which Samara informed jaune that she would be willing to buy any piece of equipment he built which frankly started with ordinary but upgraded guns which consisted the FN Series and the Wonder Weapons.

The FN Is usually meant to be Semi Auto Based Weaponry.

While the Wonder Weapons were made to be unique which its the first of there kind.

The first few days after selling the weapons to Samara, she then put the weapons on sell for the Vacuo military who purchased it.

When displaying there power had caught them off guard since they started off with the wonder weapons.

The first they tested was called 'Thunder Gun' which used Sound Condensed Air Dust which blasted apart a BOULDER.

The second they tested was called the 'Wunderwaff' which was a gun that shot out high deadly chain lightning, it was so deadly that it melted boulders and turned 30 Yards of Sand into glass. It was do deadly that it was shelved for further testing.

While the last type of the weapons shipment looked smaller as such to those who wielded it assumed it'd be weaker but when a soldier shot it towards a boulder, it was shattered by a single shot of plasma! With the splash damage melting the rubble of the boulder.

Upon the fact of this had not only told Samara the results but they want to buy any equipment from Jaune Arc that he may produce and even gave the young man one Million Lien as starting money to build more which gave Jaunes fragile confidence a great boost as he used that money for more materials.

In the next month had came forth a new sort of weapon that not anyone would've thought about, the Lightsaber! The Lightsaber was one of Jaunes earlier ideas from his journal though the material and circuitry was completely easy for the blonde genius, it was the power source is what stumped jaune but decided to create an artificial plasma crystal before putting it into the light sword.

The Military didn't hesitate to buy the lightsaber off of jaune for 25.6 Thousand Lien just for a small crate of the deadly swords which functioned at a far deadlier rate the dust swords.

Now with a stable and beneficial contract with the military has gotten jaune the need to build an AI to oversee the mechanical portion of Jaunes now start up company 'Arc Solutions', the AI built to do that is named 'Jarvis'

Jarvis has the personality of a dutiful and loyal butler.

Now with a start up company has two issues which usually concerns money and security which jaune has the first half covered as he's making more money then he is selling with all of his brilliant weapon ideas so now as the months pass will no doubt spread word of Arc Solutions Weapons line and more company's would want to either absorb Arc Solutions or crush them.

The First Part jaune obviously has handled as he has an eye for detail especially since the blonde man is currently tending on being a private company now the second part is what jaune has concerned as he doesn't have the money just yet to send off Jaunes idea of a Private Military codenamed 'Demon Dogs' so for now jaune built another AI but held the combat and defense protocol, he has been named... Ultron.

Ultrons personality was the complete opposite, the Combat AI preferred battles as well as tend to be sadistic when he fights but Ultron means well but usually lets anger cloud his judgement. Ultron however sees Jaune as not JUST a creator but a GOD for breathing life into him as such uses his new mechanical body jaune made him to only serve jaune.

Jaune was ecstatic that people were willing to buy his equipment but he needed to spend time building his gauntlet especially since he found a specific metal that seemed to only be mined in the hottest part of the desert, the Great Bronco Desert.

The Exact Metal Jaune needs is known as Draconian which when smelted is highly resistant to Physical and Elemental damage as well as capable of harnessing and utilizing aura even capable of distributing it into a catalyst ie Jaunes Nerves therefore is the perfect metal needed to create the gauntlet.

-Reality Simulation Using Sample #1012...Failed- Jaune sighed as he took off thick blue rimmed glasses and grazed a hand over his tired face as the latest sample had became a failure "over a thousand attempts, the Reality Stone is still far to be created. Just what is the issue? It's almost as if the stone can't form because there's to much going on..." Jaune said getting up to dust himself off from classy dress pants with similar dress shoes, the blonde man was also wearing button up white shirt covered with a professional lab coat "sir, if I may. I believe the reason why the Reality Stone can't be crystallized is the fact that the amount of abilities your putting in is far to heavy" the AI Unit Jarvis explained.

Jaune started walking around the smithy where almost all the tables are holding partially created inventions of jaune ranging from weapons, armor or a robotic skeleton "if that is the case then is there a way to create a Gravity Manipulation Semblance or Passive Trait that takes away all or most of the weight?" The blonde genius asked the AI in the room "unfortunately there's no instances or notes in Remnants Written History that tells signs of any semblance that manipulates gravity" Jarvis informed which allowed jaune to grit his teeth in frustration.

"What about Dust?" The AI Butler asked which jaune didn't seem to acknowledge dust though that seems strange as Jaunes biggest sale for Arc Solutions is Artificial Dust "what about it?" "I've noticed multitudes of semblances being enhanced by Dust so I made calculations and found that Dust has a ergonomic connection with aura so if you added Gravity Dust to the equation then I believe the dust will take away the multitude of weight allowing the Reality Stone to be crystallized" The AI informed.

Jaune stopped his pacing and thought about that as he knew Jarvis was right since when jaune was watching combat matches in beacon saw Blake utilize her semblance in conjunction with dust "Jarvis...you genius!" The blonde man shouted as he turned to run towards the computer with the AI said "it's what I do sir.."

swiftly getting into his chair started typing fast with the first few lines being the code for aura before a separate code of jumble that is meant to codes for different semblances before adding the code for gravity dust into the equation, enter. Jaune pressed the big button which the screen now says 'Reality Simulation in Progress...' Jaune sighed as he rested hoping this simulation worked before sending the commence order for the forge to start creating the stone.

"Oh Sir, Mistress Crystal is said it's dinner shall I inform her that you are on your way?" The AI Helper asked however another voice is heard in the smithy and it wasn't Jarvis "hey boss, the shipment of Draconium has arrived" the voice of Ultron informed his creator which the blonde man nodded "tell Captain Price to send the shipment to the smithy and you'll control the mechs to start smelting it" "Understood" Ultron confirmed his orders before moving through the information nodes of shade towards John Price's Location "and Jarvis, inform me if the Simulation is finished" "Of Course Sir" Jaune nodded before leaving the empty smithy.

As jaune is walking through the halls cut from Sand Stone left the blonde man into a state of thought for the pass few months as he created his very own company which it's main sale is artificial dust which filled the stores at a much cheaper price that certainly is a blow to the Schnee Dust Company Sales.

Becoming the Apprentice and Protégée to Victor Greystone also becoming an what would be like a familial situation which victor become an unofficial father to jaune since the blonde mans biological sperm donator is a self righteous ass.

Now with Jaune meeting this Grace and Eve at one weekend, Jaune was instantly indoctrinated into the family with approval from both daughters.

Though With Arc Solutions now known to the world world might have been enough for most as they were contempt to just keep rolling out weapons but jaune isn't like most people and will never be satisfied with just the bare minimum therefore will continue to create more and more.

Arriving at the Dorm room of Team Alchemy as well as opening the door revealing a pleasant smell in the air "something smells good" the blonde man commented as he looked over to the doorway where jaune saw crystal cooking within.

Mizuki was on her bed as per usual while using her hand to graze the book surface of the Braille while Doyle was on his bed wearing sweatpants only grumbling about crystal though a large red handprint was seen on his face.

Jaune blinked at this point "Doyle? What happened?" Jaune asked but before Doyle could complain about crystal, Mizuki was the first to explain "Doyle tried to sneak in some of Crystal Delicious Food" Crystals food beats even the train chefs in the cafeteria so then they just let crystal cook there dinner which the Schnee cousin didn't mind at all almost as if she was happy too but not for an exact known reason to the rest "ok, I got the picture" Jaune exclaimed knowing crystal would've slapped Doyle.

"So Bro, I was going through the Basement earlier because for reasons and I came across something very weird" the gunslinger said as he got up from his bed that was no on Mizukis side, since Crystal asked that the two switch sides after there first night because she didn't like Doyle sleeping on her side, for whatever reason in Jaunes eyes nor did he care because jaune was creating weapons and other things along with his gauntlet.

The Gung ho man took a piece of a disk with a journal then walked over to the scientist who took it into his own "I found these hidden in a secret storage box, I took them to Samara but she said that she didn't know what that was not even the history teacher, Professor Rivers could identify the pizza disk. Both asked to take it to you since you do have a fascination for history" Doyle said watching jaune as he looked over the disk.

both sides while one side of completely blank but the other held a mysterious hole and symbols "what I can tell so far is that the disk itself seems to be one of six, the edges are finely cut which tells that it was purposely cut for what reason I'm not sure, and the symbols are ancient Vacuoian, 'Spanish' if I recall correctly. If I had to guess...the symbols are part of a locator code much like sailors used in the old days before technology arrived but I'm not sure why the disk was cut, most of the Locator Disks from two hundred years ago are either been destroyed, repurposed or sent to historic museums" Jaune started to explain what he was seeing.

Upon sitting down placed the disk onto Jaunes bed that was crystals side then opened the journal "this confirmed it, it's Spanish meaning the disk was apart of a planispheric disk, an item used location symbols to mark territory and locations."

"What does it say?" Mizuki asked looking up from her book obviously interested with the mysterious disk "the first entry is obvious one of a new captain, annoyed with the need for daily journals. After that is just usual things around the ship but a lot of the entries are faded however Day 32 is different 'My Crew and I settled into the sandy deserts looking for treasure of the sands, until we saw it. A sarcophagus made from pure crystal and filled with black gems then we took it with the intent of giving it to Mantle for a large fortune!' So I believe the ships captain found very valuable treasure" Jaune informed of a strange but tide turning journal.

With pages being flipped most of the entries faded away until day 52 was appeared "here's one and it was 30 days after the crystal sarcophagus 'the Sarcophagus...it spoke to me, fed me visions of grand wealth and fire then said the world could become mine...I tried to tell my crewmen but they said I was going crazy! 'Sea Madness' they said! Bah! To hell with them! If these visions are true then I'll be richer then my wildest dreams! Even more then what mantle is paying me'" Jaune frowned as he knew what was happening, the captain was being manipulated by the treasure "holy shit..." Doyle said almost unbelievable.

"he's going crazy! I heard from former sailors that in amount of time at sea, people start going crazy" Doyle Shouted can't believe the journal "yes but that usually portrays those who only has a minor crew, this captain seems to be from an expedition crew meaning lots of men so 'Sea Madness' is less then likely" the Priestess gave her thoughts "yes but this Sarcophagus...it's starting to worry me and the mental state of the captain" Jaune gave his own personal thoughts before flipping through more pages then lands on another one.

"Here's another entry, Day 72 'I...I...I done it...I actually did it...several of my crewmen snuck below decks to take a look at the crystal sarcophagus and...I shot them! In my twisted mind I thought they were plotting against me! Tried to take my treasure from me! So I shot them! I didn't know why! That...that...THAT TREASURE! ITS TWISTING MY MIND! MADE ME DO THINGS!...it's...it's cursed! It has to be! That's why the natives were adamant that I don't take the crystal!...I need to hide it, to ensure no one goes through the same dark, twisted, ordeal that me and my crew did'" Jaune finished reading another late entry which got both Doyle and Mizuki to sit on there respective beds unsure of what to think, even crystal who came back into the room after she made dinner to listen.

"But...curses don't exist right? How can a crystal sarcophagus cause such a mental disturbance?" Mizuki asked as she only heard of myths concerning curses to those who displeased Lady Shikatsu "Curses usually tends to be spells used in Black Magic, it usually ties and hits those who don't expect it" The Schnee Woman gave her thoughts but her ears are flattened as she didn't like where the end of the journal entries were going.

"day 97 and the final entry 'It's done, I hidden the cursed treasure deep underneath the ice far to deep that no one would come across it then I killed the rest of my crew to make sure that don't blab about where the treasure is buried nor the ways to get in, I split my Ships Planispheric disk into six sections and hidden them with one on me to make sure the treasure never sees the light again...and to spare all who could've claimed it...and to any who finds this journal, I hope are sane enough to never go looking for the treasure it...it changes you! Makes you greedy and blood thirsty! I pray you heed my warnings and words. I will kill myself to ensure the disk and my journal is never' and the captain shot himself" Jaune finished the journal looking up to see shocked looks from the rest of Jaunes team.

"Dear god...he really did go insane" Mizuki exclaimed felt sick that a man ended there innocent lives just so his greed for that treasure was kept hidden however Crystal gave a different theory "I don't think that's what he stated, he felt regretful that he had to kill his men but the way he described the treasure meant that it was actually cursed, evil. And he wanted to spare himself and his men from going through as well as anyone else who finds it" "that seems more likely" the gunslinger agreed though unsure of how to feel about it.

Jaune remained glued to the final page almost captivating Jaunes creation obsession as such creation walked hand in hand with Jaunes need to explore the unknown of said creation such as Jaunes need to create the gauntlet by forming artificial aura which is said to be impossible until jaune figured it out "Sir! The simulation for reality is finished, shall I tell you the results? Because Ultron just finished creating the gauntlet" Jarvis sounding off in the room causing jaune to take his eyes off the journal "no, I'll check it out with my own eyes" The blonde man said getting up from his spot.

Crystal frowned at this "what about your dinner jaune?" Jaune chuckled as he placed the Spanish coded journal and the first disk piece into his lab coat "I'll be back in a few minutes" without even crystal saying anything, jaune left prompting the snow haired woman to sneer "damn it!"

Jaune returned to the smithy as fast as one could after learning that the creation of his stone is possible or it was another failure, when reaching into the back saw Ultrons true body which was one of the greatest mechs jaune built and Ultrons to control and upgrade, the giant mech was standing over a hot looking gold gauntlet that was on a table seeing it was recently melted then reformed.

The blonde man however didn't care for the gauntlet until it was ready to house the stones, reaching the dust top computer to see the results 'Reality Simulation Complete...Sample #1013 crystallized' Jaune smiled as he pressed a button on the laptop causing the bloated forge machine to open its double sliding doors to reveal...a glowing red stone floating in the very middle of the machine "Reality is Often Disappointing...before it became whatever I wish it to be..." Jaune Quoted Thanos's Famous Quote revolving reality.


There you go people! The reality Stone has been CREATED! is jaune a genius!? Capable of creating such power?! Now who wants to see jaune use the stone on people!? Say it!