
Chapter 6: Forgemaster

Chapter 6: Forge Master

Note: after pondering it for a long while now, I've decided to abandon the Mark Suit Route and try to focus on the Infinity Gauntlet Route, don't mistake this as jaune abandoning the Iron Legion Journal Entry. I'm still going through with that I'm merely saying that Jaunes main weapon and inspiration will go towards the Gauntlet.

I'm still looking for more ocs to add for the Shade Staff and Student Roster.

I'm also looking for ideas of School Events for Shade if anyone has any


-Time: Sunday, 5:34 AM. Location: Shade Academy, Smithy-

A blonde man is seen sitting in front of a large dome like device sighing slightly as one of his inventions was created managed to take a good chunk of the smithy room which jaune taken a spot for himself to run his experiments.

The Metal Dome was what jaune believes to be the gateway to the blonde genius's greatest invention that has the potential to change the entirety of remnant and perhaps the entire scientific field, Jaune calls the Metal dome 'The Forge' as it will forge special things.

The Blonde Man sighed once more as he used the rolly chair that he was sitting to propel himself to an elevated desk where seven blue prints were scattered detailing six stones with varies abilities all over them and a construction blue print of a gauntlet in the middle with a comic book paper clipped right on the top corner of the blue print, it was Marvel Comic Issue #83: Infinity Gauntlet. The comics front page had a purple skinned man with gold and blue armor brandishing a golden gauntlet with Six Bright Colored Gems, there's also an ungodly amount of Vacuo Red Bull scattered all around the desk, several cans on the floor and a trash can filled with nothing but Redbull. It's uncertain how jaune managed to live through over a hundred cans.

"Now I know that Blood is connected to the creation of the stones but I still need to figure out how to form aura from the blood which in itself is going to be challenging but to figure out which Metal to build the gauntlet from" Jaune exclaimed overlooking the gauntlet blue prints seeing several metal ideas to implement dice they have high physical and elemental damage resistance, virtual indestructibility.

"Huh? I was pretty sure that wasn't here since Friday" a voice exclaimed prompting jaune to turn his head around to find a man standing there with a coffee in hand.

The man had a portly belly though no means overweight but the guts there covered by a clean muscle shirt that exposed his obvious muscular arms though the portly man also had a Blacksmiths apron with several tools within the pocket on the front, he has a workers black pants and a red bandana to cover the mans chocolate brown hair.

He also had bronze tanned skin to show that he was born from Vacuo since the Kingdom of Vacuo was built in the middle of the desert so it's quite obvious most of the civilians or workers would be tanned or darker skin toned.

Jaune got up from his seat chuckling nervously "oh I'm sorry! I didn't know this was your smithy! I spent all of yesterday and this morning setting up my equipment" the blonde genius said and apologized to the portly smithy, the man stroked his beard and chuckled at the blonde man "it's alright son, I heard about you from Samara. I was actually planning on setting up a portion of my smithy for you haha!" He exclaimed laughing slightly as he walked towards the other end of the room opposite of Jaunes new desk to find the man walking to his desk.

Partially clean aside from several reports, the mans coffee cup and a picture of himself and hugging close to woman both white and slight pale skin, the one under the bronzed man right shoulder had dyed red hair with slight pale skin. She was wearing a tank top and cargo pants.

Underneath the mans other arm was a slight embarrassed blue haired woman with a cat eared hoodie with punk style jeans.

The bearded man grinned as he caught Jaunes eye on the picture "checking out my daughters?" He joked though jaune didn't realize as that sputtered him into a tongue twister "I-I- I wasn't- I mean, I didn't- I i I i- there beautiful but- but-" the blonde man tried to explain as his face started bursting to a red color that caused the portly man to erupt in laughter "HAHAHAHA! Relax boy! I'm jesting!" He exclaimed grinning still "I know your type son, your honest and caring. Your the type of man who would give the world to your significant other if you could, I like people like you especially if your the type to go after my girls! Haha!" Jaune sighed as a ran a hand over his face felt embarrassed still.

The portly smithy chuckled slightly as jaune walked over to him, the smith maker extended his hand to jaune "Victor Greystone, I'm Shade Academy's Forgemaster. If you need something made or fixed then I'm your man" Victor introduced himself with a smile.

Jaune looked at the hand before accepting the hand shake "Jaune Arc, I'm-" "A Documented Genius with 5 Majors and 2 Minors, I'm surprised you came to our quaint little academy. I thought you'd go to the top dog Atlas or Beacon" "I....prefer not to talk about that" Jaune said looking down extremely sad which got the bronzed man to nod knowing that was a tough subject "alright my boy, care to explain the overweight machine you've brought into my smithy?" Victor asked taking the cup off of his desk as he walked over to the domed machine jaune spent the entirety of Saturday and Sunday morning.

Jaune smiled as he watched victor admiring the machines front "of course! This here is my latest and perhaps the gateway to my greatest invention, I call this 'The Forge'" Victor nodded at this getting a closer look to the domed machine "forge huh? We had a perfectly equipped smithy yet you saw to add this one because we didn't have what you need?" The Forgemaster asked looking over at jaune who was located by his desk going over the separate blueprints "oh sir...no forge in existence would be able to grant me what I'm truly seeking" Jaune exclaimed looked at Victor with a knowing smirk.

The bearded man knew what the smirk meant which usually tended to be bad for some but jaune however, the blonde man never gave victor any sort of malice intent but more on the side of building something that would make the blonde kid stand out from everyone "alright son, gonna...gonna tell me what the machine is used for?" Victor asked as his attention returned to the domed structure.

Jaune looked over from his laid blue prints "Mr.Greystone-" Jaune about to explain the machines purpose but Victor interrupted the blonde man "no Mr boy. I already feel old enough with my daughters so just call me Victor" "Victor....This Machine 'The Forge' has one soul purpose and that is the creation of my Artificial Aura Stones" Jaune started to explain as he unclipped Issue #83 from the Gauntlet Blue Print returning his gaze back to the bronze man who stared at with a confused look "here, read this. It's picture based so it wouldn't take that long" Jaune said handing Victor the Marval Comic who opened to start reading.

As Victor sat down at his desk reading the comic while swiftly turning a page allowed jaune the time to open the mini fridge that was under the blonde genius's second desk that was located next to 'The Forge' and the fridge was filled to the brim with Jaunes very blood, JAUNES Blood.

Jaune has been excavating his very own blood ever since he got accepted into beacon which is the main leading cause for being known as the one without talent, the blonde man would've wiped the floor with Cardin using a Self Taught Mistralian Style known as Mauy Taui which is famous for the Extensive Use of Over the Top Physical Strength along with the use of ones Knees and Elbows, it's considered a dangerous art on the verge of being banned in Mistral. But since jaune was forcibly draining himself of the essence causing the blonde genius to be too fatigue to fight on a serious level.

Taking two packs out of the fridge allowing it to close before sitting down in front of a blood analyzer then drained the blood into it before moving onto the Dust Top Computer connected to the analyzer, typing swiftly with a combination of numbers and symbols with several lines of math, the final button pushed was the enter allowing a screen called 'Aura Simulation' in progress with a DNA Spinning on the bottom portion of the screen.

However the DNA strand broke into virtual pieces and the screen blinking red rapidly showing 'Aura Simulation Failed' showing the latest attempt of Jaune trying to create artificial aura was a failure "Damn, I know my math is close but something just does not add up...it's almost as if I can't grasp how aura is created naturally, I know blood is obviously the key...maybe I need to sift through blood to find the Aura Code" Jaune spoke to himself, writing in another series of code into the Aura simulation then pressed enter causing the In Progress Bar to return with the DNA Strand.

"Jaune! Mind coming here, I've finished the comic and I have concerns" Victor shouted from his desk allowing jaune to get up and walk away towards the Forge Master, The Blonde man pocketed his hands while standing behind Greystone "yeah?" "So Ive read the comic and from what it looks like your building an All Powerful Gauntlet, but how would you build these 'Infinity Stones'?" Victor asked turning his head back towards jaune.

The blonde man grasped his chin with finger and thumb obviously in thought "well my theory is to create artificial aura through blood, when I do then I'll start deconstructing and reconstructing the aura to forge artificial semblances before crystallizing them into tangible, usable stones to be accessed through the gauntlet" Jaune exclaimed his theory in Aura Creation to be crystallized on Stone Form "then I'll determine what type of semblances would fit in the correct aspected stone the also determine how many of that semblances would be needed. It's a lot of work in Bio Science"

"That's amazing son! If you were to create all these stones, you'd pass off to be god among mortals but don't let that get to your head." Victor said chuckling as he is flipping the pages of the comic "don't do what this Thanos Character did when he got all his stones, arrogance is the downfall to many people. Now from what it looks like from just staring at the pictures.

the Power Stone: Mainly deals in physical prowess and energy manipulation.

the Mind Stone: shows the increase of mental and psychic power.

the Time Stone: seems to control time, I'm completely sure you can't contain time in a stone.

the Space Stone: Space is all around us and is expanding, not sure how that will also be contained in a stone.

the Reality Stone: from what it seems like, this Stone is capable of altering the very fabric of reality at the wearers whim. That alone is gonna to be challenging.

the Soul Stone: I'm not even sure how this particular stone can be forged, especially since the 'Soul' is beyond what we mortals can measure" Victor exclaimed flipping into the comic page that had shown Thanos punching a man made iron warrior "so son, how will be manage to create these aspects of life stones?"

Jaune started to think even more as creating the infinity stones wouldn't come even close to what the comics depicted then spoke his updated mind "well it would be impossible to recreate the infinity stones in its entirety so I've decided to put together semblances closely tied to one of the aspects, some of the stones will be hard to put together as there concepts are loose while others I've got a solid idea on how to achieve." The blonde man plucked the comic from victors hand after he was done reading then returned to Jaunes desk to clip the comic back to the main gauntlet blue print.

The blonde man pulled out his personal idea journal from his back pocket to open it up as he paced slightly only to stop in front of the blood analyzer to glance at it to see the 'Aura Simulation' still in progress "but in any case, while I have my Pet Project in the works means I can focus on some of my other ideas though I have a question Vic...your daughters...mind telling me about them? Because I don't see there mother in the picture"

Victor's Smile faded into a sad frown "there mother died to a White Fang attack years ago, the town I lived in before coming to Shade academy, I worked as a Blacksmith there but when they attacked tried to kill all humans while subjected the Faunus one into prison cells to rehabilitate them into hating humans. My wife died protecting my girls from a barrage of bullets. Ever since then as well as after the moving to Vacuo City was hard on all of us, I was depressed for a short while but I had to pull together fast to ensure I was there for them.

My Eldest, Grace also forced herself to grow up fast to become the aspiring sister figure for my youngest.

My Youngest, Evelyn seemed to be the most affected from the event as she has reoccurring nightmares of the ordeal when she was young" Victor explained his story and his daughters to jaune while the blonde man was writing something into his Idea Journal "how old are they now and what are they doing?" "Grace is 25 had owns her own Tattoo Parlor in town, it's good money. She also does Art Commissions on the side which are very good, I even pay her to draw me the looks of some of my ideas though she constantly keeps telling me that she shouldn't charge me but it's extra money for her so I don't mind" The Forge Master talked about his eldest with a fatherly chuckle then continued.

"My Youngest Evelyn is 19 and is in fact I'm Collage looking for work for her Bachelors Degree in Art. She lives with Grace since the Collage is close to the Tattoo Parlor" Victor finished as he walked over to the store front since he heard a bell ring indicating a customer.

Jaune returned to the front of the Blood Analyzer as he was obviously in thought about Victors Story.

Everyone has a story with an underlining theme as well as the path to ones current goal which usually stems close to ones personal story, some stories can be happy while others can be sad, some can be selfish while others can be heroic but the theme is that everyone has a story that is the front for ones goals.

Jaunes eyes shifted towards the screen of the Analyzer and felt his heart nearly stopped at the screen since it was flashing green 'Aura Simulation Complete, Artificial Aura has been created from Sample #989' Jaune smiled as he cracked the code for Artificial Aura Creation after 989 Attempts, now the blonde genius only needs to start forging semblances then the gauntlet. His plan is coming to fruition.


Jaunes left pocket vibrated causing the blonde to slowly put down the journal to pull the scroll out of his left pocket showing that it was 7:45 AM showing that quite a while had passed since being in the smithy with Victor.

A text appeared by 'Snow Neko' which was the edited name of Crystals Scroll Number.

-Snow Neko: hey blondie! Where are you!-

Jaune smiled as this was already a step up from his other team as they never cared to ask where he was back in beacon.

-Jaune: in the smithy, met the Forgemaster. Cool guy.-

-Snow Neko: why didn't you warn us you'd be leaving?-

-Jaune: id rather not wake you guys up, especially since we were hung the fuck over all day-

Jaune felt that with the hangover would get him angry enough to power through at an advanced pace to complete the forge as well as connecting it to the Dust Top Computer, working through a hangover is the best way to work on hard machinery

-Snow Neko: a note would've been great so we didn't have to worry about you-

-Jaune: Sorry, if you're heading to the Cafeteria then I'll meet up with you-

-Snow Neko: Got it Blondie, see you there-

Jaune closed his scroll then turned to type fast on the blood analyzer closing down the equipment before leaving the smithy towards the store front.

Victor was talking to a nameless nobody about the price of having his sword to be repaired however unlike Atlas which basically treats there students as Soldiers, Mistral which placed absurd restrictions on the students which gives them little to no room to grow and Beacon is controlled by a tyrant who cared more about fighting Grimm and there Staff is nothing more then incompetent, self righteous and unintelligible talking but Shade is more open to allow the students to grow, to shape there style and goals to fit them but the downside is that all students need to pay for food, equipment, repairs etc much like in real life.

That basically gives the students a head start on the life of a Hunter so to acquire the money which Samara Midnight allowed Minor Missions for First Years which are seen as community service, junior detectives, life Guards etc. then add more difficult missions for higher years.

"Victor, I'm meeting up with my team. Make sure if anyone is using the smithy that no one toys with my equipment" Jaune exclaimed to the forge smith who looked up from the sheathed sword "got it son!" The blonde man nodded before turning around to leave.

-Five Minutes Later-

Jaune enters the Cafeteria which had a similar feel to the ones back in beacon but the walls, ceiling and light fixtures are made from stone like material most likely from Sand Stone which is a very common stone material in Deserts.

Jaune looked around to find his team, Team Alchemy(ACMM) was at the far end alone with just themselves so jaune walked over towards them.

Doyle was wearing Jeans, a white plain shirt and jeans jacket but no hat nor mask.

Mizuki wasn't in her usual Priestess Outfit but instead had a cargo shorts and a beautiful blouse with pink flower imprints with her hair not tied up therefore hanging freely on her back and shoulders.

Crystal was wearing a blank light t short that compressed her large mounds which even from her spot is getting the attention from most of the men but Crystal didn't care about the attention, only for the attention of one man. The Skinny Blue Jeans also added to the sex appeal.

"Hey guys." Jaune exclaimed catching there attention which Doyle turned his entire body partially to the behind as jaune was behind the gunslinger "hey buddy! Where were you? We missed from the after party" Doyle called out prompting jaune to chuckle slightly "sorry, the hangover helped me build one of more difficult creations since with each noise made me angrier" "oh so like me when I do target practice after a few drinks?" The Gunslinger remarked with a grin which made the blonde genius nod to this.

"Don't forget that you have us now, we passed the Initiation Test Together and now we are stuck together for the next four years" The Green Priestess spike her position while keeping her head facing the plate of food.

"Yeah, Partner" Crystal spoke out as well though held slight pink dusted cheeks slight embarrassed with her outfit but powered through it to show off her body, and as a way to show that she did not follow the Schnee Families Conservative Views "Partner?" Jaune asked as when his team was formed, the blonde man did not know who his partner was "if you were with us when we went to Professor Midnight yesterday then you'll know, she assigned us partners yesterday. Mizuki and Doyle was put together as partners with you and me being partners" Crystal informed the genius about the situation which jaune nodded at the information.

"Thanks crystal, I'm willing to make our partnership and this team work but I'm also building weapons" The Blonde man exclaimed the situation with himself which the gunslinger and the priestess nodded though crystal just remained silent agreeing "alright partner, eat up. I'm sure all you binged on today was energy drinks" crystal said causing jaune to blush in embarrassment and chuckled nervously


Alright my doods! Here's the next chapter for you lovelies! Now as I say in the other chapters that I'm taking ideas for weapons, ocs and other shit.

Now then my doods! Time for romance for other characters! Can't have jaune have all the loves!