
Chapter 5: ACMM vs HAMM

Chapter 5: Alchemy vs Hailstorm

Note: remember, each of these fights are happening simultaneously





-Doyle vs Maryjane-

Doyle ran towards the green haired woman not even attempting to unholster his guns mostly to the fact that he wanted to test the waters with his opponent so the cowboy threw a jumping roundhouse kick only for the green haired woman to duck while slamming the blunt end of her sickle onto his back sending Doyle crashing onto the floor towards the stream.

The gunslinger slowly gets off his front onto his knees while grabbing his hat, putting it back on as he got onto his feet to glare at the woman with the oversized gardening tool while Mary slowly treaded towards the gunslinger, that tread evolved into a run straight towards the brown gunslinger.

Jumping towards Doyle slowly swiping towards him only for the gunslinger to slide underneath the woman raising his right revolver that is named Termination, towards the woman and shot it at her causing a bullet of lightning to hit the woman's abdomen to gasp at the sudden shock even caused her to let go of her scythe and hit the ground rolling to a stop to hold her lower gut "punk..." Mary commented with a slight groan.

The gunslinger raised his hat a bit with the barrel of his right revolver, termination, showing his amused eyes "sorry about the low blow young lady, but I need to win. For my new friends" The Cowboy exclaimed slowly looking down at Termination with the revolving chamber sliding out of the gun revealing 2 Smoking chambers that was fired moments prior.

Tipping Termination up as to catch the four unfixed bullets while allowing the two fired to fall onto the ground then stared at the four showing yellow tipped bullets revealing them as his Pulse Bullets that are electric filled dust before putting them behind his back into his fanny pack, fidgeting back there for several moments then returned his hand showing six more .44 bullets, Two Bullets that were coded with a red tip showing blaze dust bullets, two more bullets showing a light green tipped bullet revealing wind dust bullets while the last two were cyan tipped showing it was ice dust tipped bullets.

"Two of Each Bullets contain a dust elemental which I frankly use and prefer over ordinary metal tipped bullets but dust is expensive, especially the increase of prices on dust due to the White Fang Robberies" Doyle exclaimed as he slowly mixed together the bullets then started putting the bullets back into the revolving chamber slowly while Mary slowly got back up with the shocked attack.

When the Green Haired Woman got back to her feet slowly walked over to pick up her scythe from the ground then got back into her stance, knees bent apart and ready to jump and slice the man, The Gunslinger finished putting the bullets into the chamber then spun it around to use the momentum to spin it back into the revolver before raising termination towards Mary "I mixed the bullets so I won't know which one I'm shooting, it's like Atlasian Roulette!" Doyle chuckled to himself and fired the first shot which showed the haze of fire revealing a fire dust bullet.

Mary ducked under the bullet only for her eyes to widened as a fire explosion was heard behind her, she turned to see just how powerful the bullet and the boulder she was admiring just before initiation match begun now there was no boulder just a mess of rubble and fire ".....woah...." The Green Woman commented.

Mary turned back around to start running towards the gunslinger as she twirl scythe around blocking two more shots which was another blaze bullet and a hit of ice showing an ice dust bullet then jumped to the air to slash towards Doyle but the gunslinger rolled and shot Mary in the back with an ice dust bullet causing a splat of ice to appear "AAAGGHHH" she roared in pain only to turn around showing her pained face as well as overwhelming anger "cheap mother fucker!" "Oh ho ho! Someone has a potty mouth!" The gunslinger commented as his left hand reached for his left revolver which Doyle named it 'Epilogue'.

Raising Epilogue towards the Leafgreen Huntress "this is the end for you Little Lady" Doyle commented shooting epilogue towards Mary and a purplish bubble surrounded her causing the woman to groan as the field was increasing the gravity around her, Mary looked up watching Doyle raised Termination towards her and saw a flash of green within the chamber.

Pressing the trigger of termination and a massive bullet made of wind was sent flying towards her at great speeds causing Mary to have no time let alone time to escape the gravity field couldn't dodge the wind bullet which crashed into her, Mary gets sent flying across the field to hit the ground with a roll until stopping.

A Horn is heard in the air as a holographic screen appears in the sky showing a picture of Maryjane Leafgreen and her aura meter shows it is in the red "MARYJANE GREENLEAF HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!" Sounded Maria Lavender and the crowd that filled the stands erupted in cheers while Doyle chuckled tipping his hat downwards as a way to show his respect to a foe.

-Mizuki vs Asche-

Mizuki unlike her new friends who are running towards there enemies was merely focused on walking as a way to not trip "why must everyone be in a rush these days? By slowing down, one can see more clearly if they took there time" the blind maiden comments as she kept to her walk towards the white grayish haired man in a grimm like gas mask.

The Gas Masked Hunter stopped in his place mere 20 Feet Away from the Blind Priestess "greetings!" Mizuki exclaimed with a bright big ol smile like she usually does only to have that falter feeling the glare coming behind the mask "shut it you blind whore..." Asche exclaimed rudely causing the Blind Woman's smile to drop near instantly and adopted a deep frown "there's no need to be rude..." "and someone like you have no reason to be on the field" Mizukis frown deepened even more as she knew this was leading up to a sexist remark.

"Woman have no place on the field, there place is on there knees" if the blind priestess could frown anymore, this would be the moment as she had met who could be the most sexist and somehow believed male privileged moron she could meet "if you truly believe that just because your a man means you hold higher regards then woman, I guess it's in my interest to beat you senseless..." she exclaimed as she starts twirling around her wooden walking stick expertly before entering a staff used stance.

Asche growls as smoke starts exuding from the gas mask causing the area around him to start filling up with thickening smoke which caused his form to disappear among the greyish cloud slowly walking around the blonde priestess with slight echos to his steps almost as if displaying the illusion that Mizuki was in a different place, the green haired woman just held onto her stick as if it was a sword though swiftly turning around using her walking stick to block a kick from the Sexist Hunter then kicked him with more strength then what Asche displayed sending him backwards.

Asche in the air backflipped while he was suspended in the air then skids onto the ground growling to himself as a woman was able to send him back, The Sexist starts running towards the inferior woman while sending out a series of calculated and well placed strikes though Mizuki was able to block and dodge all of each punch asche threw which is causing the man to growl "how is this possible!? Your a woman!! Your supposed to be inferior to me! You shouldn't be stronger then me! Nor should you be here at all! Your nothing but a whore that should be on your kne-" and it was at that moment that Mizuki sneered, breaking her composure that she priced herself with they unclipped her walking stick showing off a hidden sword within and slashed towards Asche.

The blade slashed in front of the sexist man and he was about to gloat how a woman couldn't fight one for his words to get stuck in his throat which was when his gas mask to split in half revealing shocked face which soon twisted in anger and was again about to comment that she should compensate his weapons expenses through sexual favors, again due to his sexist views believing that woman are better suited to be on there knees.

Mizuki had enough as she kicked the man in his gut sending him backwards onto his back groaning, using his arms to get himself but stopped as he saw a sword blade right at his throat and a very displeased woman standing there sneering "allow me to correct your views 'Seisa betsu buta' never believe just because you are a man doesn't mean you are above everyone else, I've trained years to master the Shikatsu Sword Style. Now get near me or my friends 'Seisa betsu buta' and I'll show you just how angry I can get..." and without Asche even getting a word in was hit HARD by the blunt force of Mizukis wooden sword sheath.

A loud blaring horn is heard in the distance while a holographic image appears in the sky showing Asche and his aura meter fell flat out "ASCHE STRAUSS HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!"

-Crystal vs Marina-

The Snow Cat Girl held a determined look as she ran much faster then the rest of her team with the assistances of a light blue glyph appearing underneath each step which propelled the Schnee Cousin far faster then any normal aura enhanced speed, upon reaching the shark woman named Marina, both warriors clashed with there weapons with a slight shockwave.

The Shark Woman sneered as the bladed rapier clashed against the shaft of her rocket harboon then pushed the Schnee woman back forcing her off the shaft of the harpoon causing Crystal to jump back several feet raising her rapier while keeping her eyes eye on the Shark Woman until a lightish blue glyph appeared underneath the Schnee cousin repulsing her towards the other woman slashing at her causing Marina to dodge to the left while the blades cuts into the stone work.

"ROAGH!" The Shark Woman roared as she stabbed her harpoon towards the Schnee woman who brought her rapier upwards forcing the harpoon also upwards as way redirecting that stab, Crystal kicked forward implanting her foot into marinas guts forcing the shark woman to skid backwards only to duck when the sword went slashing above her head, Kicking towards the Schnee Faunus only for a black glyph appeared stopping the attack in its place before turning Light Blue pushing the woman backwards again sending Marina into the stream underwater.

Marina glares at Crystal from underneath the water though unlike most humans and other Faunus that this particular woman can breath underwater so after testing crystal to assess her combat skills and equipment shows that crystal despite being a Schnee had no dust on her meaning that only her semblance was the only tool the snow cat woman could use.

As Marina remained underwater watching crystal who was pacing back and forth in front of the stream waiting for the shark woman to emerge, Marina kept underwater as her semblance was under affect which was H20 Restoration which basically allowed Marina to heal her wounds underwater or submerged into water.

Now after a few minutes marina swiftly emerged from the water world to stab the Snow Neko Woman but crystal side stepped to the right to block the stab by pushing the rapiers blade into the shaft then slid the blade down the shaft, slashing at the shark woman's chest sending her backwards "AGHHH!" Marina rolled back onto her feet as that strike was very powerful despite looking weak, looking up towards her and crystals aura seeing that her own aura was just blotted into the yellow portion while crystal was just a slight peg behind.

Marina twirled her harpoon ready to throw the bitch at the Snow Faunus only to see Crystal with a white glyph under her, The Shark Woman sneered lightly ready to combat whatever the Schnee Woman was planning however something felt different as snow started swirling around in front of the Schnee Cousin which moments subsided to reveal, an Summoning! A Beowolf Alpha to be exact "what?!" Marina shouted in shock.

Crystal opened her powerful and determined Crystal Blue Eyes "when training with the Glyphs, Schnees can train years to master the Glyphs and some Schnees are capable of summoning all those who they've killed" Crystal exclaimed before charging forward slashing at Marina who ducked under the blade only to get clawed in her gut by the Alpha Summon sending the shark backwards but Marina couldn't rebound in time as she rolled to the left as the Snow Leopard embedded her rapier right next to the shark woman's face, she then couldn't dodge the clawed punch to her gut by the Grimm Summon causing Marina to gasp until she lost consciousness from the immense pressure.

Crystal stood over the knocked out shark woman slowly sheathing her rapier while the Grimm Summon disappeared in a flock of snow flurries as the horn blared loudly in the arena as the holographic screen above the arena showed Marina with her aura levels in the red "Marina Cobalt has been eliminated!"

-Jaune vs Cirius-

Jaune propelled himself forward with the assistance of his Proto Mark Grieves and launched an axe kick towards the leader of the opposing teams who dodged by rolling swiftly to the right and swung his three barreled shotgun into Jaunes unclothed back sending the blonde man tumbling into the water stream, jaune crashed into the water with Cirius jumping in after the blonde causing the both to get tangled up together sending a series of blows against each other even though the water is slowing them and pulling against the pressure.

Jaune gasped out his lungs remaining air as a strike to his face caused the air to escape which forced jaune to open his palms as energy begun to gather before releasing into a repulsed beam sending Cirius right out the stream into the air causing the Hailstorm leader to fall onto the rocky surface gasping for air and pain as he laid on the ground.

Jaune popped himself out of the gasping loudly with air refilling his lungs then slowly clutched onto the side of the stream as a way to not be swept away from the current "dude! Fuck! This! Game!!" Jaune shouted as he kept gasping heavily only for Doyle to shout from his area of the arena "SOME FUCKED UP GAME BRO!" Jaune chuckled through his labored breathing though he starts slowly getting out of the water river slowly getting up to his full height while Cirius did the same.

'I need to end this quickly, the water got into the Proto Mark systems and it won't last long otherwise I'm up shit creek without a paddle' Jaune soon raised his gauntlets and some compartments exposed the systems underneath, Hardlight projections started forming and soon what appeared to be the Image of Yang Xio Longs Ember Cilica then mimicked the blonde brawlers movements of loading the Shotgun Gauntlets in flawless maneuvering before entering the Brawlers Style "I know for a certain fact, that style does not belong to you Arc so I guess not only are you a thief and cheater but your a copy cat"

Jaune had his left eye twitch unnoticeably as he felt that the past should stay where it is but even when he was gotten away that crap in vale, there will always be those who tries to undermine jaune from what he is going to do "so what? I don't have a sword or shield and I only have my brain to work with" He claims before throwing a punch and a hardlight dust shell is thrown at the Hailstorm leader causing the man to duck under it before returning to his full height with a grin which fell flat as a barrage of hardlight shells coming straight at him.

Jaune pants hard as he punched out that last shell it impacted Cirius chest forcing him to crash into a boulder, The Blonde man looked down at his gauntlets as it started to spark showing it was starting to decline 'damn it! Not now! Not when I just finished Velvets Photo Projection System! Fuck! I was smart enough to copy the fighting styles of my former friends but I forgot to include the stamina!' Jaune thought to himself as the Hardlight image of Yangs Ember Cilica and replaced it with a Crescent Shaped Scythe before twirling it around in a similar fashion of one Ruby Rose.

Using the rocket propelled boots sending jaune forward slashing the scythe where Cirius was last located as he jumped to the right attempting to strike jaune as his three barreled shotgun expanded into a trident though jaune knew what he placed merely pressed the trigger of Crescent Rose propelling himself forward dodging the strike.

Embedding the Blade of the scythe into the ground stopping jaune from sending himself further ahead and flipped to land on the weapon in a similar fashion to the Red Reaper "Oum Damn Cheater!" Cirius shouted throwing his trident towards jaune as his Hardlight Crescent Rose disappeared and the gauntlets and grieves finally gave out as the power from them slowly fades into a dull grey.

Jaune slowly closed his eyes before reopening them and caught the trident before it made contact with his body "the one thing I've learned before I was kicked out from beacon academy, always exploit the weaknesses of your enemies and what I've learned from you in the brief moment of knowing you is that your singularly focused and you'll never realized that after his battle, my friend Doyle will walk up behind you and shoot you in the back" Jaune exclaimed as he saw the immense confusion from Cirius's Eyes only to have the roll up into his head as he was shock by a large and sharp pain of lightning then fell forward.

Doyle is revealed behind the enemy team leader holding a Termination in hand...and SHOOTS Cirius two more times from his revolver and said in a cheerful voice "HA HA I'M GOING TO JAIL!" Doyle shouted sarcastically with jaune smiling at such notion.

A horn blared loudly in the stadium as a holographic screen is shown and Maria Lavender speaking "Cirius Hades has been eliminated"

Maria looks at the camera after watching the fight with the rest of remnant "and there you have it folks, the vastly experienced Team HAMM was defeated by the team hand selected by Samara Midnight herself, seems that even experience could never shadow the power of natural talent. I'm Maria Lavender for Remnant News Network" "and we are clear!" One of the camera men exclaimed prompting Maria to nod and sigh "it took me all of my willpower to not cheer for Team ACMM with the crowd" she exclaimed slowly standing up which the camera man named Jim agreed "most certainly ma'am"

-Time Skip: 10 Hours-

-Location: Vacuo, Shade, Headmistress Academy-

Samara sat in her seat looking out the window that showed the expanded desert known as the Great Branco Desert though slightly miffed as she reviewed the footage from the Amity Battle and frankly was displeased on the conduct from a upper class Team which are meant to set an example towards the under class teams, another reason why Sam is miffed is the fact that she has to work instead of partying with team ACMM with the rest of Shades staff, TF141, Theo and Instructor Long.




"Enter" Samara exclaimed very annoyed but even such mood will not cause her to act brashly just to make it in time to the party though turning around to see Team Hailstorm walking towards her desk.

Cirius looked disappointed about losing the initiation test before stopping in front of Headmistress seeing her heavily disapproving Gaze.

Asche was pissed on two accounts that he has to listen to some woman lecture him, a man, on what to do which did piss him off to no end but he was angrier that a woman was able to defeat him so quickly and embarrassingly.

Maryjane was also disappointed about this as she didn't like fighting against another person but had to in order to win for her team.

Marina however didn't care about the outcome of the fight as she was actually enjoying the fight against the Schnee Cousin but was given an earful by her teams resident Sexist thus making her pissed at him.

"Team Hailstorm, I'll be frank from today. I was Disappointed and Angry with your performance especially since I had invited very important people from all over Vacuo to watch the bout, your lack of teamwork may have been to blame but it's also partial to your upbringings therefore when i came to you, this was meant to be a test for you as well to see if you were capable of staying in shade and some of you had failed that test most incredibly" Sam stopped to exhale some air before continuing with her lecture.

"Miss.Leafgreen, your pacifism had costed you a win against Mr.Murphy as well as held you back far to much therefore I'm giving a choice as I see much potential with you, You may Intern with the Vacuo Self Defense Force or Militia or be transferred to Atlas or Vale. You'll be given till the end of the week for your decision" Sam exclaimed prompted the green haired woman to look down very sad but knew she needed to start getting more aggressive if she wants to be a huntress.

"Miss.Cobalt, frankly I didn't see much of an issue with your performance today but what I did have an issue was the fact that you didn't take the match seriously nor did you care for the outcome so this will be the choice I'll give you. Stay in Shade as a solo huntress or get transferred to a different team or you can work as an apprentice to a graduated hunter. You'll have till the end of the week to decide" Sam lectured promoting the shark woman to nod and look down heavily disappointed with herself.

"Mr.Hades, I'll be frank. You attempted to alienate Mr.Arc which will no doubt cause you to start rallying others to do the same and I'll be nipping this problem before it can bloom...Mr.Hades, this is NOT beacon as well as the requirements for transcripts was abolished long before you were transferred due to your academic problems so I'll be giving you a choice, either you make amends and work to establish a healthy friendship with Mr.Arc and stay in shade academy or be transferred back to Atlas or Haven Academy on Academic Probation, you'll be give today and tomorrow to decide" Samara exclaimed harshly watching Cirius look down as he was disappointed himself for acting in such a way.

Samaras eyes now shifted to Asche who flinched as the man knew the worst will be on him "Mr.Strauss...frankly I'm severely disappointed with you the most as not only did you display such sexist remarks in an open setting as well as a formal event in front of fore mentioned important people, but such sexism not only was directed to your very team but also a series of other female students for the past three years so this is what I'm going to do. You'll be kicked out of Shade Academy and you'll be arrested for such criminal acts as I was told by several students that they were raped by you, along with a blacklist which if you ever do get out of prison you'll never work as a huntsmen." She exclaimed seeing that Asche was beyond shocked that he, a man, was being punished for what a woman's problems.

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" He shouted only to flinch again seeing the glare from Samara "I certainly can Mr.Strauss, you have behaved in a criminal manner in which you were meant to be a guardian for the light. Therefore as a huntress myself, it's my job to bring in people like you" Asche was gritting his teeth as his true colors finally showed "you won't do a damn thing, your a just whore and a woman! Your kind are made to service the men!" He exclaimed stepping forward and tried to punch Samara which the punch didn't make contact as it landed on a spiraling barrier made from wind "and you attempted to attack your headmistress....the jury won't be in your favor" she said as a blast of wind struck the sexist pigs chest sending him straight into the wall breaking said wall and knocking the man out instantly.

Samara looked over at the other three who all flinched at the sudden power of the headmistress before she got up as several Vacuo Police Officers entered the room "now Team Hailstorm, Minus Mr.Strauss, have a wonderful evening as I have a party to go to"


Note: for any readers that are woman, plz don't be angry with me! The sexism was just for the story! I think woman are powerful and independent and we are lucky to have you!

Now before the story could go further as to detail what Jaunes academic life would look like as well as romantic, I need ocs for more students as well as the teachers for shade academy.