
ARC-77 (Fordo)

Jake a Star Wars fan was coming home from work and was gonna watch the clone wars tv show and relaxe until he was hit by, you gussed it truck-kun. What happends next was not what he expected... -this AU not all the cannon will be right but ill try -Im gonna try to commit to this Fanfic -I will update when I feel like it but if this gets Good or something ill release at least once a day.

Scott47 · Others
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3 Chs

Entry Log 1: The Padawan

"Talking with helmet on"

"Talking without helmet"




That's all I see then I see my hands with black gloves and white armor with a red line and feel like I'm wearing something.

David: "Ugh!"

I clutch my head but my hand only hits a hard surface.

???: "Sir you alright?"

I hear someone to my right and see a Clone Trooper!?

Then I remembered, My name is Arc-77 or Captain Ford and I serve the Grand Army of the Republic as an Arc trooper but was I just hit by a truck and killed? 

CT: Sir?

Fordo: Ah yes sorry just a headache I'll be fine trooper.

He nods. it seems I'm in an AU of Star Wars because if I'm correct Fordo was never canon and was replaced by Rex before they started the series. 

I must have transmigration and got the body's memories as well. 

'damn I got trained by Jango Fett himself and became the first arc trooper'

I do a silent prayer for the original host's soul and think to whatever being gave me this 2nd chance because I'm gonna make it count. 

I look around I seem to be in a gunship if my memory serves me correctly I'm going to the Jedi temple to meet a padawan and take them to Christophsis... 

Wait Why does that planet sound familiar?

We then land and once the gunship doors open I see a 14-year-old Ahsoka standing next to master Plo-Koon. 

I step out and salute.

Fordo: "General, Commander Arc Trooper 77 reporting for duty!"

Plo Koon: Do you have a name trooper?

Fordo: "Yes General, Captain Fordo, or Fordo sir" 

He nods 

Plo Koon: Alright captain on Christophsis we lost contact and we are sending you in to help with generals Skywalker and Kenobi. while you do that you will take Skywalker's new padawan to him and once you two make it there contact the council.

Fordo: "Yes sir"

Plo-Koon: "Very good." 

He turns to Ahsoka 

Plo-Koon: "Be careful Ahsoka"

She nods

Ahsoka: "I will master Plo"

They turn back to me and I nod and gesture to her to follow to the gunship and we get in and head toward the Venator Star Destroyer. Ahsoka seemed to take notice that the armor equipment I had was different so she tries to small talk about it.

Ahsoka: "Soo? Arc trooper right?"

Fordo: "Yes commander"

Ahsoka: What makes you different than the other clones?

I look at her then at my brothers by me then at her again.

Fordo: "More firepower"

I grin under my helmet

She looks at the other troopers and they shrug

CT: "He's not that far off."

Ahsoka: I see

I Chuckle

Fordo: "Dont worry you will see why WE Arc Troopers get are rep."


How was it please let me know what you guys think so far

And plz give me Stones I'm greedy for some. and give me ideas too