
Applied Education (Harry Potter)

Hogwarts has mandated that female students have to take sex educational classes. Leading the class are professors Septima Vector and Aurora Sinistra. They enlist the aid of Harry to demonstrate to the class how a man fucks a woman into submission.

CambrianBeckett2 · Book&Literature
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46 Chs

Nymphadora Tonks Pt. 3

Only then, only when there's a ball-gag forcing her jaw apart and she can't move a single limb, does Harry look up from the blonde beauty he's currently pounding into and finally acknowledge her. The cocky grin he gives her is only compounded by the enchanted dildo in her cunt going into overdrive, sending Tonks into convulsions as Harry chuckles darkly, still railing into Fleur all the while. Even then, the sex toy stops before she actually cums. She gets closer than ever before… but only Fleur's cries of ecstasy actually fill the alley as Tonks watches the veela cum again and again around Harry's pistoning prick.

"Well, hello there Auror Tonks. Fancy meeting you here, lovely. Have you been enjoying my present?"

Tonks flushes with embarrassment… and need. Because of course she has. He knows she has, she wouldn't put it past him to have a whole slew of diagnostic enchantments on the already magical dildo that's been edging her all fucking day long. And on top of that, the way he says her title, instead of calling her Nymphadora like he did yesterday… it's obvious that Harry planned this, in hindsight.

Fuck, it was obvious even without hindsight. She'd walked right into this, either willfully ignoring the signs, or just missing them because she was a horny, needy little cunt. Regardless, Tonks is now completely and utterly at Harry's mercy. She moans around the ball gag and tries to nod in response to his question, but he's even bound her head to the stone wall behind her, leaving her completely and utterly helpless.

"Heh, I'm sure you have. Well, I'll get to you in a second, dear Auror. Let me finish up with Fleur here first, alright? That's a good girl."

She doesn't have a choice, and they both know it. But even if she did, there's only one way this could have gone. If Harry hadn't restrained her with his magic, his words would have done the trick just as easily. All it would have required was him to tell her to kneel, and she would have done so, watching him fuck Fleur all while remaining on her knees in the filthy alley, dirtying her auror robes for him.

Instead, she remains standing, restrained against the wall as she watches Harry fuck Fleur through orgasm after delicious orgasm. If she could, she'd be squirming right now. Shit, if she could she'd be fucking herself, either with her fingers or the dildo still buzzing away lightly within her cunt. But she can't do any of those things. She's completely and utterly powerless, just the way Harry clearly likes it.

Eventually, the young wizard finishes with the French witch he's been fucking like there's no tomorrow. Fleur slumps down against the wall, and Harry stands over her, the last few spurts of his cum hitting her face and hair before he turns to direct his attention towards Tonks. Tonks pants through her ball-gag, needing… needing him, and nothing else.

A wave of Harry's hand releases her from her bindings and even removes the conjured gag. Tonks falls forward then, onto her hands and knees as she bows her head before the one who she knows she belongs to. All that requires is a finalization of what they both already acknowledge is simple fact. When Harry's fingers touch her chin, Tonks goes with his gentle but firm insistence that she lift her head up.

She looks the young wizard in the eye, even as he stares back down at her and finally asks her the question she's been waiting to hear for days now.

"What do you want from me Tonks? Do you even know who you are?"

Tonks blushes deeply, but there's only one answer to give. Leaning in to his touch, licking her lips, the metamorphmagus says the words.

"I want to be yours, Harry. I want to be your property, I want you to do whatever you want with me. As for who I am… I'm whoever you need me to be… Master."

By the time she's finished talking, she's morphed into as good a mimicry of Fleur Delacour as she can manage on short notice. The accent isn't quite there, but she does her best attempt as she bats the veela's long eyelashes up at Harry. Grinning wickedly, Harry takes in the view for a second, and then releases her chin to slap her face. Tonks gasps, the sudden pain interrupting the changes she's made to herself. She quickly dispels the Fleur face as she looks up at Harry in confusion and hurt.

"Property does not assume what its master wants of it. Property merely does what it's supposed to. Property follows its master's instructions. Is that understood, Nymphadora?"

Lowering her gaze, Tonks bobs her head.

"Yes, Master."

"Good. I just got done fucking Fleur. If we're going to put your shapeshifting through it's paces… show me Aurora Sinistra."

Tonks blinks at that but does as she's told. Her body ages a bit, her skin turns dark, and she soon looks exactly like the Astronomy Professor, albeit still in her auror robes as she knees before Harry. Harry grunts, and then with a wave of his hand, said robes are gone, and Tonks is as naked and defenseless as Fleur, who's still resting off to the side.

The next thing she knows, Harry's cock is in her mouth. She finally has it, finally has his member… and even if it's slick with Fleur's juices, it's also coated in his own cum, which Tonks happily eats up as she worships and praises his member with her tongue and mouth. What follows is most definitely a test of her gift. Harry is an unrelenting taskmaster… and he knows what he wants.

Tonks doesn't know all of his women by face. She can do Hermione Granger or her own mother but she's never met Daphne Greengrass, nor Emma Granger. As Harry goes down a list of witches that Tonks instinctively knows he's already claimed, he will sometimes give her descriptions of the women he wants her to turn into that she doesn't quite recognize.

He fucks her regardless of how she does, but he always judges her word-of-mouth transformations, claiming that Daphne has a bit more junk in her trunk, or that Emma Granger is less an older version of Hermione, and more her own woman. Tonks learns quite a lot as Harry, true to his word, really puts her through her paces. His cock pounds into each of her orifices, the enchanted dildo removed as she's finally allowed to cum… but in truth, that's not even the main event.

Despite desiring nothing more than Harry's cock inside of her for the past few days, once she has it, Tonks finds herself far more focused on something far more important to her than just getting fucked by her beloved Master. Namely; pleasing him. There's nothing the metamorphmagus wants to do more than make Harry happy. This means getting her transformations right. Harry comments idly here and there, making snide remarks and slapping at her body parts when they're not quite up to par.

But Tonks internalizes every bit of feedback he gives her, be it degrading, humiliating, or even serious. She shifts herself, bit by bit, changing up her transformations to make sure she's giving him exactly what he wants. Her gift is the only thing valuable to him, at least in Tonks' mind. He already has over half a dozen witches both younger, older, and the same age as her, all dancing to his whim.

He even has the head of the DMLE herself publicly claimed as his slut witch. In the end, what would he need with some no-name junior auror? Save for her gift. Her gift is what gives her worth, her gift is what makes her more than she is. Tonks can be whatever and whoever Harry wants her to be… and Harry has a very active imagination. They eventually move on from just his lovers, but Tonks never hesitates, even as he asks her for this or that, all while fucking her time and time again.

It lasts for hours, at least, but time almost seems to have no meaning in the alley. She wonders, briefly, if Harry is doing something with his magic… before discarding the thought. In the end, she actually doesn't care all that much. It's meaningless to her, ultimately. All that matters is Harry's satisfaction. All that matters is pleasing her Master.

Eventually, they come full circle. Fleur recovers, and Tonks ends up mimicking the part veela. She's able to twin Fleur quite easily, with the witch right there for her to study and reflect onto her own face. Ultimately, the two Fleurs end up giving Harry a double blowjob-titjob combo, complete with Fleur teaching Tonks a proper French accent so that they can both smile up at Harry and beg him for his cum in the same tone and cadence.

It works wonders too, as he grunts and holds a fistful of each of their hair while cumming all over their faces and breasts. His seed is sticky and hot, but it's also delicious and a part of Harry… and Tonks can't get enough of it. She hasn't been able to ever since he came all over her that day when he fucked Amelia in front of everyone.

That said, despite it all, despite Harry's earlier words on property, Tonks finds herself longing to set herself apart in some way from his other witches. Her value to him lies in her shapeshifting abilities, obviously… but if all she can do is change into witches Harry has already fucked or COULD fuck at any time, is there any true value to her at all as more than just a copy, a reflection, a mimicry?

A stray thought flashes through Tonks' mind as she and Fleur clean one another off. It's a simple idea, and at first it also seems like a terrible one. The kind of idea she should immediately toss out, and never say yes to in a million fucking years. But there might be some merit to it. Tonks can't get the thought out of her head, not once it's take root.

Besides, Harry has already claimed her as his property. If she goes through with her idea, the worst that will happen is a punishment. And she'd gladly take it, if that's what Harry decided she needed for her stupidity. On the other hand, if it worked… oh, if it worked… in the end, Tonks pulls away from Fleur, smirking as the French witch frowns in confusion. She rises from her knees and turns to face Harry, staring him in the eye as he lifts a single brow, questioning her actions in silence.

Without saying anything, Tonks begins the transformation. It's based off of moving photos she's only seen a few times, but judging by the widening of Harry's eyes, she manages to do a pretty accurate representation of the young, vivacious Lily Potter well enough that he recognizes his mother, struck down before her time.

Feeling a tad nervous despite herself, Tonks brings up an arm under her sizable chest, and bats her eyelashes as she looks into Harry's green eyes with her own. Then, she says two simple words.

"Hello, Harry."

Harry's breath hitches, and for a second Tonks fears she's broken him. She can only imagine how he'll react if that's the case once he recovers. But the next thing she knows, he's moving forward. And then she's up against the nearest wall, crying out as he lifts her off the ground and impales his own mother's nude body with his cock right then and there. Tonks moans loudly through Lily's lips as her red locks bounce with her body and her tits from Harry's frantic, feverish thrusts.

It'd been a long shot, seeing if Harry was a mama's boy, or at the very least had any perverse desires after seeing the beautiful woman that his mother had been. Tonks felt pretty confident in saying that yes, yes, he did. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Tonks tilts her head back and cries out as Harry practically attacks her breasts, his mother's breasts with his mouth and tongue.

He suckles, slurps, and nips at her boob flesh, all while fucking her to orgasm after screaming orgasm. There's certainly something so much… more about the pleasure now compared to the pleasure from earlier. She's unlocked a part of Harry that Tonks believes no one has seen before, hell, a part of him that even he might not have known about. And only she has the key.

A deep, visceral sense of satisfaction settles in Tonks' mind as Harry plows her in his mother's form straight into oblivion. She's somewhat cognizant of Fleur eventually joining in on the fun in a support role, offering her tongue in all the right places between their legs, but in the end, this is all between Tonks and Harry. Harry fucks Lily Potter's body with wild abandon, plowing Tonks through climax after climax after climax… until in the end, he can't hold back. He cums with more force than she thinks he has the entire time they've been fucking today. His seed pours into her womb no differently than it has before, but at the same time it feels so damn different.

Tonks' green eyes roll back in her head, and her tongue lulls out of her mouth as she experiences the biggest orgasm of her life, her brains practically dripping out of her head as she shakes and spasms with Lily Potter's body, her limbs wrapped around Harry's form as he holds her up against the wall. And then it's over, and they're both coming down from their pleasure highs. Harry is even panting this time, and it's clear he put more of himself into this latest round than he ever intended.

Catching his breath, the young wizard slowly raises his head to look Tonks in her eyes. What she sees in HIS eyes has her quickly dropping Lily's appearance, reverting back to her baseline form as she bites her lower lip, worrying the flesh between her teeth. Harry's nostrils flare and he stares at her for a moment longer before slowly pulling out of her cunt. As soon as his cock pops free of her, Tonks puts her legs under her, though they're weak and she has to lean against the wall for support.

Harry doesn't let her do that for long though. His hand grabs a fistful of her hair and he drags her off of the wall, up against his chest as he tilts her head back and looks down at her. When he speaks, his tone is throaty and dark, guttural and husky all at the same time.

"You're a crafty little minx. I'm going to have to watch you closely, aren't I?"

Tonks flushes in embarrassment, because she knows she did something naughty, even if he'd enjoyed it immensely. Still, she can't quite help herself. She can't truly bring herself to claim she'll be a good girl, not outright. In the end, her answer is the best of both worlds, at least in her opinion. Batting her eyelashes, she gives Harry a demure smile.

"Only if Master wants to…"

Harry grins at that, and Tonks heart flutters with happiness as he loosens his grip on her hair, instead running his fingers through her locks before leaning in to kiss her deeply. She's actually surprised by that, the fact that he would kiss HER, just regular old Nymphadora, in such a loving way. It's still domineering, still controlling, but she can also feel his affection radiating through his magic as it envelops her in something akin to a warm hug.

Nymphadora Tonks has never been happier. And she knows in that moment that she never will be happier doing anything else save for serving her new master.


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