
Applied Education (Harry Potter)

Hogwarts has mandated that female students have to take sex educational classes. Leading the class are professors Septima Vector and Aurora Sinistra. They enlist the aid of Harry to demonstrate to the class how a man fucks a woman into submission.

CambrianBeckett2 · Book&Literature
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46 Chs

Nymphadora Tonks Pt. 2

To say Tonks sleeps poorly that night would be an understatement. Now she KNOWS Harry knows about her. She knows he's aware of her need for him. He's playing with her, fucking with her… and there's nothing she can truly do but enjoy it, because in all honestly, she really, really is. Having the powerful young wizard that Tonks knows will soon be her master in every way that counts tease her like this is more arousing than it has any right to be.

He's messing around with her heart… and it makes her need him all the more, because he's so confident that she's not going anywhere. She isn't. She can't. She's already his, it's just not finalized yet. And it won't be until he's done fucking around with her head. So yes, Tonks sleeps poorly. Mostly because she spends much of the night masturbating, fingering herself to completion after completion until ultimately, what finally conks her out is sheer exhaustion from her attempts to de-stress, rather than ever actually managing to fall into a deep and satisfying rest.

Regardless, she does still have a day job, even now. As irritating as it is, Tonks knows she has to remain an auror until Harry says otherwise if he even does say otherwise. She figures alongside her gift, her status as an auror will hopefully appeal to him in some way. So, the alarm goes off early the next morning, just as it always does. Tonks ends up having to take half a dose of Pepper-Up, just to wake herself fully. It's only after she's done so that she notices the addition to her nightstand before heading out for the day.

Blinking dumbly at the glimmering pink dildo left there along with a note, Tonks just stares for a moment, unsure how to react to this intrusion. Obviously, it's from Harry. Because if it's not, if this is one of her neighbors or her coworkers playing a filthy trick on her, someone is going to get cursed to here and back she swears to fucking Merlin himself.

But no, a quick glance at the note confirms that it's definitely from Harry. Said note also leaves Tonks blushing up a storm as her eyes dart back and forth across the message within. Even in written form, Harry's orders send a thrill of pleasure through her. As does just what he wants from her. Grabbing the dildo, Tonks shivers as she feels the enchantments over it. Blushing profusely, the auror undoes her jeans and pulls them down, along with her panties. Then, slowly, she inserts the head of the sex toy into her ready-and-waiting cunt.

As soon as the tip is inside of her, it's like the rest of the enchanted device can't get up into her fast enough. Tonks squeals as it slips from her grip and pistons upwards with surprising speed and strength. A full body shudder runs through her, but she manages to keep her cool, her legs trembling but staying under her as she pants heavily.

Her fingers touch the bottom of the dildo, but it zaps her, clearly warning her not to mess with it now that its in its proper place. Flushed with embarrassment and arousal, Tonks pulls up her panties and jeans, and slowly makes her way to the floo. There's no choice, in the end. Harry is her master in all but name at this point, and he knows just as she does that she was never going to refuse to obey him, even if the order came through a note and not from his own lips.

The thought of doing so DID cross her mind, to be fair. She wondered briefly if it would make him claim her faster if she showed defiance. But in the end, Tonks just couldn't bring herself to do it. A testament to just how lost she already was, when she couldn't even muster the willpower to resist for the sake of getting broken all the faster.

There was also the fear that Harry would see right through her ruse and simply abandon her. While he wasn't claiming her quite yet, he was at least acknowledging her existence. These games might have left Tonks woefully pent-up and unsatisfied, but at the very least, they were happening. If Harry didn't pay her any attention at all… Tonks wasn't sure what she would do.

Ultimately, that's why the auror goes to work with an enchanted dildo quietly buzzing away between her legs. She does her best to hide its effects on her as the day begins, but the dildo doesn't like that. In fact, she'd even say that Harry gifted it with some form of awareness, if she didn't know any better. The dildo seems to delight in provoking embarrassing reactions from her at the worst possible times as she tries to do her job. A yelp there, a squeal here… the dildo always seems almost pleased with itself, whenever Tonks is surprised by something it does inside of her.

But that's not the worst part. No, not by far. Tonks can handle embarrassment and humiliation. She was after all, singled out by Harry already. Everyone in the DMLE knew that he'd fucked Amelia and Susan Bones atop HER desk, and everyone in the DMLE knew he'd cum all over her face. Hell, half the wizarding world knew that, thanks to the Daily Prophet… but then, only her coworkers really cared about her part in it.

Like her, they knew Harry had all but already claimed her. As such, seeing her flushed and flustered without him around didn't surprise them that much. However, that lack of surprise didn't necessarily stop them from making remarks about her, both behind her back and to her face. The wizards had all the jeers in the world for her, while the witches could get particularly catty, probably out of sheer jealousy.

Tonks was used to it, even before Harry started this newest game with the enchanted dildo he had her stuff up her cunt. It was fine. She could handle it. What she couldn't fucking handle however, was the fact that the dildo was clearly enchanted to edge her as well as humiliate and embarrass her. Any time she got close, any time an orgasm was just around the corner… the enchanted sex toy sensed her impending release and dialed things back until she was no longer just in reach of a satisfying climax.

It was the most infuriating thing, and it only got worse as time went on. And it wasn't like she could touch herself either because the damn dildo zapped her whenever her fingers got too close. She was half-tempted to take her wand to the thing, but she knew that her own magic was no match for Harry's, and she could only imagine the punishment if she tried to circumvent or cheat him in this little game of his.

Still, it was awful and so very pleasurable, all at the same time. Eventually, Tonks was at the point where she wanted to cum so badly that she wouldn't have cared if she did it in front of the entire main office. Sitting behind her desk, squirming in her seat and unable to so much as concentrate on the paperwork in front of her, Tonks whimpers as quietly as she can, her vision hazy and slightly glazed over from the pleasure being forced upon her at a near-continuous rate.

"Auror Tonks!"

Her name has her head snapping up, eyes wide as she finds herself staring at one Amelia Bones. The Head of the DMLE stands in the doorway of her office looking as put together as ever, her face stern and her countenance intimidating once more. Except, Tonks got a better look than most at what Amelia's fucked silly expression looked like. She got a nice, long look up close and personal just the other day. Seeing her stern face now, juxtaposed with the memory of her other expression… Tonks can't help the slightly manic giggle that escapes her lips.

Amelia's eyes widen and her nostrils flare as the auror office goes dead silent. Tonks' giggle suddenly seems so very loud, bouncing off of the walls of the quiet room. Someone clears their throat, but no one dares speak as the Head of the DMLE stalks over to Tonks' desk.

"Something funny, Auror Tonks? Something humorous?"

Their eyes meet then, and despite Amelia's tone and words, Tonks sees something besides anger in the older witch's gaze. In fact, she sees something that makes HER angry more than anything else. Amelia has a triumphant, victorious glint in her eye. Because, they both know she's won where Tonks is currently failing. Harry has claimed her, publicly… and he hasn't done the same with Tonks.

Swallowing down her anger, Tonks straightens up in her chair, her tongue darting out to wet her lips before she responds to her boss.

"No, ma'am. Sorry for the outburst, ma'am."

Amelia stares her down for a moment more, before continuing on.

"There's been a report of public indecency down in Knockturn Alley. I want you to investigate."

For a moment, Tonks just sits there, confused. The rest of the room shares her hesitation, none of them quite understanding why Amelia is directly ordering a junior officer to investigate an event that honestly took place in Knockturn Alley a hundred times a day. The place was the sewer of Britain's wizarding world, after all.

Amelia, meanwhile, frowns severely when Tonks doesn't move immediately.

"Did I stutter, Auror?"

Her tone brooks on argument, and no more hesitation. Hopping to her feet, Tonks swallows and shakes her head.

"No, ma'am! On my way, ma'am!"

And just like that, she is. Perhaps if it weren't for the dildo still buzzing away in her cunt, Tonks would put two and two together. But with a haze of pleasure over her thoughts, she's no more able to figure out what she's walking into then she was when she flooed her mother the day before. Regardless, she has orders to follow, even if they're not Harry's orders. So Tonks heads out with her auror robes and her wand in her sleeve-holster, frowning as she wonders just what she's going to find in Knockturn Alley.


Surprisingly, things are relatively quiet when she first arrives in the dark, foreboding alleyway. But then, her auror robes tend to see most of the beings that inhabit Knockturn fleeing the scene with their hoods up and their faces concealed. Tonks doesn't try to pursue any of them though, even if she still has no idea what she's really looking for.

And then she hears it. There are very distinct, very familiar noises coming from around the corner. The smell of sex permeates the air, even managing to overwhelm the normal disgusting aroma that wafts from the trashy alleyway. The sounds of grunting and moaning and flesh slapping against flesh fill Tonks' ears, and the dildo even begins to vibrate harsher against her cunt, as if building anticipation.

Tonks flushes in embarrassment, but secure in the knowledge that even at her most horny she'd never do anything with any wizard save for Harry, the young auror drops her wand into her waiting hand and lifts it up, taking a deep breath before rounding the corner to catch the culprits right in the act. Of course, it's not just any wizard or witch fucking in one of Knockturn's little back alleys.

No, that would be too simple. Tonks really shouldn't have been surprised, but she is anyways. Her eyes go wide and her nostrils flare as she takes in the sight of Harry fucking Fleur Delacour, one of the Triwizard Tournament competitors, from behind, up against the stone wall of the nearby building. He's pounding into her with such ferocity, brutally railing her like she's nothing more than a piece of meat to be tenderized and pounded to his heart's content.

Any words Tonks might have said die in her mouth. Before she can collect herself and try to do her job (not that she was ever going to succeed at arresting Harry anyways) a sudden force of magic pushes her back against the nearest wall, her wand slipping out of her fingers and into Harry's back pocket as she finds herself restrained and gagged in moments.


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