
Apocalyptic Infinity System (A)

Imagine waking up in a dark place, only knowing your name, covered in a strange liquid. Trying to stand up results in hitting your head, causing you to fall back into a puddle of that liquid. You press forward, occasionally tripping on hard yet squishy things. Finally, you see a light ahead. But with the light, a voice can also be heard. Your instincts are telling you to lie down, pretending to be dead. As you lay down, the light passes over you, and you can see that you are covered in blood. You subtlety look at the thing next to you, and it's a corpse with a lifeless expression. ---------- This is something I've been cooking up for a short time, so my writing style may be slightly different... But I'll go back and try to fix that. I also have a bad memory, so forgive me if I forget to post or something. If you join my Discord server, you can yell at me there. https://discord.gg/mMhmXPnYzj Thank you Cody for the reminder, and the inspiration to write again.

Aura_Of_Despair · Fantasy
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2 Chs

1] A wake up call

I wake up in what seems to be a dark alleyway, with my only memory being my name. I'm by myself, with no living thing around. Though It is too dark to be able to tell. I try to stand up; putting my hand in a puddle of something. Quickly shaking it off, I stand up. My head hits something hard.

MC- "Ow." I rub the back of my head and duck down a little bit. I walk for a little while like this, eventually being able to stand up completely. I continue heading the same way hoping to find someplace that I can see. I step in another puddle of the same liquid as before, not realizing until just now that it smelled really bad.

"Bleh, where am I?" I plug my nose and continue pressing onward. After another ten minutes of walking I trip over something soft, yet hard at the same time.

I landed in yet another pool of liquid, this time it big enough to coat my entire body in it. I notice a light that starts coming closer this way, my body starts to freeze up. The light ends up coming closer and I can finally see what is in front of me, the ground and walls. Both of which are covered in red. The light goes across my body and I see that I'm in a puddle of red liquid that connects to the thing I tripped on. Looking at what it is I quickly realize that I might be in danger.

The thing I tripped on was a person, he was middle aged and balding, but the thing that stuck out the most for me was his eyes. They were rolled back in his head. Even with my broken memories I could tell that something was wrong. The light proceeds to check bodies along the alley, when I hear a voice call out. 

Male Voice- "All clear, no signs of life." The voice sounded like mine, just a little deeper.

Female Voice- "Ok, report back in twenty minutes." The voice was layered in static, but it sounded entirely different from our voices.

Male Voice- "Roger, commencing one last sweep." He turns around and shone his light down the alleyway. While he had his back turned, my instincts take control and I jump up, sprinting as fast as I can from where he came from.

"Hey!" I think he heard my footsteps, so I run faster and turn a corner. A group of people are standing there talking, they luckily don't notice me. The one who was chasing me before turns the corner and says:

"I got you now! There's nowhere left to run!" The group of people turn to see me there with him.

Some other dude- "Someone is alive! Get him!" They start charging toward me.

I'm trapped, they've got people on both sides. I close my eyes and start to accept the coming dangers. I get a flash of someone doing parkour jumping over walls and flipping over a group of people by stepping on the wall, pushing off with amazing amounts of force while doing a side twist backflip. I re-open my eyes and attempt to do the same thing, I pick up a rock and step on a brick that was slightly out and push off doing the jump and flip like he did. I throw the rock at the guy who was chasing me hitting him on the side of the head, the group rushed over to help him.

I land with a satisfying look on my face, but I continue running. The alley is becoming brighter and brighter the more I run. I eventually find an exit and am blinded by the light pouring through. It takes a second for my eyes to adjust to the brightness of daytime, but eventually I see that there are broken down buildings everywhere.

It looks as if the town has been abandoned for many years. I look down at my clothes, they are soaked red with blood. I'm wearing a pair of black shorts, and what looks to have been a blue shirt pre bloodbath. I can see my hair, it looks dark red, so I'm assuming that it was a darker color like black or something.

The blood has dried by now, making my shirt look like normal tie dye. I realize that I'm barefooted and my feet are covered in dry blood. I can still hear the group of people behind me looking around

Female Voice- "Look over there! And you, go check outside!" This voice was loud and commanding, but it didn't sound like my kind of voice, so it must have been a different type of person.

I hear footsteps coming from inside the alley, so I decide to run once more. But I get pulled aside by a girl with long dirty-blonde hair, whom I am hesitant to follow but do so anyway. She pulls me into a building, looking out one of the windows. She eventually sighs and walks over to me.

Girl- "You should be safe with me, those people won't find you here." I pull back but I can see she means no malicious intent. 

"Can you tell me your name?" I nod.

MC- "My name… it's Shi, maybe… I don't know. That's one of the things I can remember." I sit down and put my hands in my lap.

Girl- "Shi? That sounds like a weird name. I'm Krelensuki Serebreokof, but you can call me Krel if it's too complicated."

Shi- "Krillinsokosis? I'll just call you Krel." I chuckle slightly.

Krel- "That's better!" She smiles and closes her eyes. "Now, what were you doing in that alleyway? Why are you covered in red?"

Shi- "I woke up in it, I have no memories. I wandered around for a bit until I saw those bad people, I had just barely managed to escape them." I looked down and realized that I was pretty dirty.

"Is there any chance I could clean myself somewhere?"

Krel- "You can get a clean pair of clothes, but I can't say much else." She turns around and walks out of the building for a bit and comes back after a few seconds.

"Those people are still out there, what did you do?"

Shi- "Eh…" I scratched the back of my head.

"I might have escaped when they tried to attack me? Oh! I also threw a rock at someone, could that be why they are mad?" She looks shocked.

Krel- "Who did you hit?"

Shi- "The guy who was… he said he was doing a sweep."

Krel- "Oh no, could that have been the lieutenant?"

Shi- "Lieutenant? Is that someone important?"

Krel- "Yeah, they are pretty high up there in command."

Shi- "Good thing you were able to save me, thanks." A blue screen popped up for an extremely small amount of time, it read: 


Save State 1 Completed


 "What was that?" I asked with a start.

There are 14 Omni-Verses,

1,000 Giga-Verses per Omni-Verse,

10,000 Mega-Verses per Giga-Verse,

100,000 Multi-Verses per Mega-Verse,

1,000,000 Universes per Multi-Verse

Can have infinite Dimensions per Universe

Dimensions can have different planes like heaven/HFIL, Soul Society and Hueco Mundo.

This story takes place in Omni-Verse 1, Universe 2, Dimension 6. It's in the Overworld Plane.

Not a Hero, and RCT take place in Omni-Verse 2 Universe 99, Dimensions 668 and 13,360. They're in the Mortal Plane,

Aura_Of_Despaircreators' thoughts