
Apocalypse: the all devouring system

The year 3042, humans have begun to move towards space travel in other to find new life out there. The first expedition crew had already left about 3 years ago. At some point, we lost contact with them. Suddenly no, 3 years later, the spaceship had returned to our solar system and was on its way back to earth. Unknowingly to the expedition crew, they were being followed by extremely intelligent beings that wished to devour every life they could find. Just before the expedition space ship could even make it to earth, the devourers' ship had destroyed it and began their invasion. *** [System booting up] "What are you?" [Processing query] [Answer: The saviour] ***

yadayada200028 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
1 Chs



Vincent's little body quaked as he tried his best to not scream in terror at the deafening roars of the creatures above him.

He hid himself underneath the debris of his house that he suspected had been destroyed during the creatures' rampage. His mind tortured him by playing multiple flash backs of what led him to this situation.

Vincent had only been playing in his living room when his mother rushed in and grabbed him. Her body was shaking, Vincent could tell that she was afraid but could not understand why.

He turned his gaze to the door to see his father holding it shut with all of his strength. Vincent was so confused until he began to hear banging on the door.

With every bang, Vincent feared that his father would be thrown with the door. His mother quickly ran with him towards the basement.

She opened the door and tossed him inside. He landed hard on the ground and cried out in pain. There was so much confusion in his gaze.

This was the first time his mother had ever hurt him. To make matters worse, she didn't even apologize. All she did was order him to keep quiet before banging the door shut.

Vincent ran to the door and tried to open it but to no avail. He was about to scream out when he suddenly heard a loud crash before he began to hear screams and squelching sounds.

It only took a few moments before the screams ended. He was so scared. He didn't know what to do, or what even just happened.

Suddenly, he felt something warm drop on his nose. He then rubbed his finger on it and found out that it was blood dripping down! He unknowingly released a scream but quickly covered his mouth shut.

After a few moments and nothing happened, he was about to breath a sigh of relief when a large hand with long claws broke through the ceiling, pierced his shoulder and dragged him up!

Vincent screamed in pain but his screams got louder when he saw rows of teeth about to devour him. Just before the monster was about to eat him whole, bullets began to rain on it and it dropped Vincent to the ground.

All he could hear and see were loud shouts from men dressed in military uniforms. Vincent could barely keep his eyes open due to his injury leaking so much blood, it only took a few moments before he finally lost consciousness.

There was darkness all around Vincent, he could still think but he could not see anything or even move his own body.

"What's going on? Mummy? daddy?", Vincent's fear only increased when his thoughts were met with silence.

"Oh... what do we have here?"

Vincent could suddenly hear a voice speaking. He could not see who was talking. All he saw was the blinding darkness.

"Poor little thing. You've been affected by these creatures' toxic venom. I guess this is the only thing that can save you...."

[Initiating compatibility sequence]

[Sequence complete]

[Integrating with new host body]

After Vincent heard the computerized voice say those words, he suddenly felt so much pain, more pain than he had ever felt in his life time. Unable to take the pain, his thoughts ceased.

Time passed and suddenly Vincent's eyes shot open and he took in a deep breath as he sat up in a jolt. His body felt like it had not taken in oxygen for so long.

He looked at his hands and noticed that his skin looked pale white. He then looked around him and noticed that everything around him was destroyed.

Vincent had trouble remembering how he got here. He was still trying to organize his thoughts when he heard roars and growls coming from the distance.

He became afraid and ran underneath the pile of debris next to him. He stayed there and shuddered in fear. He could hear the growls and roars getting closer.

At some point, he could hear them coming from above him. What ever was making those scary noises were on top of him. His memories began to slowly return and he then remembered everything.

The roars and growls were getting more intense and Vincent became scared that he was going to be killed by these things when suddenly....


A loud explosion sounded not too far from him and then he could now hear the creatures running away.

He waited a few minutes to make sure that they were gone, before coming out from underneath the pile of debris.

Suddenly, he turned to see a red skinned monster right next to him with it's jaws wide open and it's rows of sharp teeth ready to tear him to shreds.

Vincent closed his eyes and braced himself as he prepared to be eaten alive, when the creature suddenly exploded and it's blood and internal organs splattered on him.

"What is a kid doing here?", Vincent heard a voice say.

He then cleaned the blood off from his eyes and opened them to see a humanoid shaped robot in front of him.

Suddenly the robot raised it's hands and reached for it's head and pulled it off. It was then that Vincent realized that this was not a robot, it was a man in a mechanical suit!

The man had white hair and blue eyes. His facial expression was one of a well hardened soldier.

"What are you doing here?", The man asked.

Vincent remained silent with his eyes still mesmerized by the man's mechanical suit. The man noticed how much Vincent was looking at his suit and realized that he didn't have the boy's attention.

"What's your name?", The man asked while crouching so he could meet Vincent's gaze.


"Ok Vincent, I'm going to need you to tell me how you got here.", The man said but quickly turned his gaze to his side. He looked in that direction for a while before putting back on the helmet.

"Change of plans. You're coming with me. There are devourers in the area, you can answer my question at the camp.", The man stated while picking up Vincent and placing him under his arm before flying up into the air.