
Apocalypse Reign: The Harem System

This is a novel that combines elements of post-apocalyptic survival and supernatural abilities. The story is set against the backdrop of a zombie outbreak, where the protagonist, Michal, unexpectedly awakens a mysterious system called the "Harem System." This system grants him superhuman abilities and promises that as long as he rescues beautiful girls and makes them his women, he will receive system rewards, enabling him to rise to the top in the post-apocalyptic world. Michal was originally an orphan working as a security guard in a luxurious residential area, often despised and ridiculed by his wealthy classmates. When the apocalypse strikes, he finds himself trapped with the aloof class beauty, Simona. Simona, who had previously shown little interest in Michal, is now forced to seek his help and even knelt down and begged to follow him. Using his newfound powers, Michal not only manages to protect himself and Simona but also gradually attracts other female characters, such as the top student, the sports goddess, a mature lady, and a stunning celebrity, bringing them all back to his refuge. In the harsh post-apocalyptic environment, Michal must face not only the threat of zombies but also the treachery of human nature. He has to make decisive choices, using his wisdom and strength to lead the women around him to survive and gradually expand his influence. Michal's growth and adventures, along with his complex relationships with the numerous female characters, form the core attraction of this story.

plmoknnb · Sci-fi
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76 Chs


In the living room downstairs, Wendy and the others were chatting when they suddenly heard noises from upstairs. They perked up and listened intently.


Wendy's face lit up with excitement, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "Wow! It's starting! That wealthy beauty Mona sure knows how to take action! She just entered the villa this morning, and by noon she's already in Michal's bed!"


Simona commented, "Isn't it because you convinced her? You told her everyone who enters Michal's room finds ultimate happiness!"


Wendy retorted, "So what? Did I lie? Can't you hear how happy Mona is?"


Superstar Vera added, "I can't believe you students are so bold, calling out all sorts of names. It's really embarrassing!"


Eileen noted, "It's only been three minutes, and she's already begging for mercy? Michal must have gotten even stronger!"




Listening to the conversation, the new doctor Emily and nurse Shirley were dumbfounded.


My god, they're doing that in broad daylight?


And judging by the reactions, it seems like a normal thing, and they're even discussing it with relish without any shame?


Does this mean that to fit in, we also have to go to Michal's room in broad daylight?


Oh no, that's too embarrassing!




Michal, unaware of the discussions downstairs, finished his 'interaction' two hours later.


He received a system notification:


"Congratulations, host, on successfully branching out. Zombie Control skill level +1! Zombie Control skill is now Level 3! You can control three Level 3 zombies."


Seeing this message, Michal was thrilled.


He had encountered a Level 3 zombie in the hospital but couldn't control it due to his skill level being too low.


Now, if he encountered a Level 3 zombie again, he could control it instead of killing it, making it guard the survivor base and villa!


A Level 3 zombie as a guard—that would be impressive!


After his excitement, Michal glanced at Mona lying beside him, completely exhausted.


Her eyes were unfocused, and she seemed to be in a daze, mumbling to herself:


"I guess I was too confident. I thought Wendy and the others were exaggerating, but it's all true! There really is... such a strong man in this world! Ah, I was completely overwhelmed just now!"


Michal chuckled and said, "I get stronger every day. The Wendy they encountered was the old version of me. The new version is, of course, stronger. And I was holding back since you're just a normal person. When I trained sex with White Fox, we went at it for four to five hours!"


Mona's face showed fear, and she weakly said, "Ah! I was already at my limit just now. Four to five hours? If that happened, I'd be completely broken!"




Three days later, outside the survivor base, a massive group of survivors arrived, at least a thousand strong!


This startled Scar Mouse.


Though Michal had told him three days ago that survivors might come seeking refuge, he didn't expect so many at once!


The survivor base had fewer than 1,000 people, and now these newcomers outnumbered the original inhabitants!


The Level 2 zombie guard immediately opened the gate.


Seeing this, Scar Mouse relaxed.


The zombie was controlled by Michal. If the gate opened, it meant Michal had commanded it.


This reassured Scar Mouse. His previously tense expression vanished, and he stood tall and confident.


While 'dog relying on power' is a derogatory term, Scar Mouse felt that having someone powerful to back him up was genuinely comforting.


Especially someone as invincible as Michal.


Being Michal's follower wasn't shameful; many would jump at the chance.


Even if some of the thousand survivors had ill intentions, Michal would quickly arrive to suppress them.


Scar Mouse had nothing to worry about.


So, he led a few survivors to the gate to welcome the newcomers.


Leading the group was the taxi driver Egbert, flanked by several rugged men. Each one walked with a light step and determined eyes, clearly awakened superhumans.


Once everyone had entered the survivor base, the Level 2 zombie closed the gate.


Scar Mouse stepped forward to greet them, saying, "Are you the survivors our boss mentioned a few days ago who would come to join our base?"


Egbert, with a respectful expression, nodded and bowed, saying, "Yes, yes, yes, we are the new survivors here to seek refuge. Please take care of us, Big Brother."


Although Scar Mouse looked small, ugly, and had a long scar on his face, indicating he was a superhuman but possibly not very strong, Egbert didn't dare underestimate him.


Egbert knew better than to disrespect Michal's people, regardless of their apparent strength. He knew well how powerful Michal was.


One of the superhumans beside Egbert, however, didn't understand this. Seeing Egbert bowing, he was displeased and said, "What's this about, Egbert? Do you really need to bow and scrape to this dwarf?"


Egbert replied, "What's wrong with showing respect? We are new here, and it's only right to respect those who were here first."


The burly man sneered disdainfully, "Respect? In the apocalypse, only the strong deserve respect! Is this dwarf really that strong? Why don't we have a duel to see who's stronger?"


The men beside the burly man echoed his sentiment:


"Exactly, exactly!"


"Is it necessary to bow to a weakling?"


"The strongest one should be the leader!"




Egbert's face darkened as he said, "Jordan, what do you think you're doing? Didn't we agree that we are here to seek refuge, not to cause trouble?"


Jordan smirked, "We came here to enjoy the benefits, not to be someone's lapdog! Bowing and scraping like that embarrasses all of us new arrivals!"


Egbert said, "We need to follow the rules here! This isn't a place where you can do as you please!"


Jordan laughed coldly, "I don't take orders from a weakling! I doubt anyone here can beat me. If I'm the strongest, my word is law!"


To Jordan, strength ruled in the apocalypse.


He had agreed to join the survivor base because Egbert had said its leader was strong and that it had abundant food and safety.


But seeing that the person greeting them was a small, unattractive man with seemingly little strength, Jordan felt emboldened.


Since the base's leader didn't seem strong, Jordan didn't mind becoming the new leader.


Egbert turned to the other superhumans and asked, "Brothers, we agreed to follow the base's rules when we came here. What do you think should be done now that Jordan isn't following them?"


Among the 1,000-plus people, there were six superhumans.


Jordan had brought over 100 people and had two superhumans in his group, making his team the strongest.


The remaining four superhumans each led smaller groups. Some groups had no superhumans and were the weakest.


Egbert knew them all, and now that Jordan was breaking the rules, he sought to unite the other four superhumans to counter him.


The other four superhumans looked uncertain, hesitating as they said:


"Well, that's true... but Jordan's strength is undeniable. How can he be expected to submit?"


"Yeah, Jordan just upgraded to Level 2 and has powerful combat abilities. He's the strongest among us. He has a point..."


"In the apocalypse, strength rules..."


Hearing this, Egbert's face twisted in anger.


"Damn it, you guys are so fickle! You weren't saying this when we agreed to come here! If you want to act out here, you'll have to get past me first!"


Hearing Egbert's words, Jordan's face turned cold. "You must be crazy, Egbert. With your pitiful strength, you dare talk to me like that?"


Egbert said coldly, "Oh? You remember who gave you bread when you were starving?"


Jordan sneered, "Half a loaf of bread, right? Guys! Give him 100 loaves!"


His underlings threw 100 loaves of bread at Egbert's feet.


Jordan said, "Consider your debt repaid! If you try to stop me again, you won't like the consequences!"


Scar Mouse watched the argument with keen interest.


Although he didn't understand the full situation or why this group was infighting, he found the drama quite entertaining.


Moreover, he wasn't worried at all.


Since Michal already knew about the situation, if things got out of hand, Michal could fly over in less than a minute.


So, Scar Mouse maintained a relaxed, spectator-like stance.

