
Apocalypse Reign: The Harem System

This is a novel that combines elements of post-apocalyptic survival and supernatural abilities. The story is set against the backdrop of a zombie outbreak, where the protagonist, Michal, unexpectedly awakens a mysterious system called the "Harem System." This system grants him superhuman abilities and promises that as long as he rescues beautiful girls and makes them his women, he will receive system rewards, enabling him to rise to the top in the post-apocalyptic world. Michal was originally an orphan working as a security guard in a luxurious residential area, often despised and ridiculed by his wealthy classmates. When the apocalypse strikes, he finds himself trapped with the aloof class beauty, Simona. Simona, who had previously shown little interest in Michal, is now forced to seek his help and even knelt down and begged to follow him. Using his newfound powers, Michal not only manages to protect himself and Simona but also gradually attracts other female characters, such as the top student, the sports goddess, a mature lady, and a stunning celebrity, bringing them all back to his refuge. In the harsh post-apocalyptic environment, Michal must face not only the threat of zombies but also the treachery of human nature. He has to make decisive choices, using his wisdom and strength to lead the women around him to survive and gradually expand his influence. Michal's growth and adventures, along with his complex relationships with the numerous female characters, form the core attraction of this story.

plmoknnb · Sci-fi
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72 Chs

experience the feeling of flying with me

Everyone's faces were filled with anticipation.


Especially Wendy, Simona, the superstar Vera, the academic beauty Tina, and Judy.


Like Eileen, they were the first group to come here.


They all lived in the same villa community.


Seeing Eileen awaken made them hopeful that they too might awaken someday.


Michal also looked curious and said to Eileen, "What ability did you awaken? Show us."


"Okay... okay," Eileen said, deciding not to hide it anymore since Michal had asked.


She grabbed one of her fingers and pulled it, stretching it long like a noodle.


"Ah!" Wendy and the others gasped. They asked Eileen:


"What the... what kind of ability is that? Did you lose your bones? Doesn't your hand hurt?"


"It doesn't hurt. It seems I've turned into a rubber person. My body has incredible flexibility and elasticity. Plus, my strength and speed have at least doubled."


Eileen said as she stretched out all five fingers, then twisted them into a braid...


Michal, watching Eileen's demonstration, was amazed. "Isn't this like the Rubber Fruit ability? Wow, this power could be very useful in combat if used properly!"


"Maybe..." Eileen blushed at Michal's compliment.


Wendy chimed in, "This ability is awesome! Not only for fighting, but your body can stretch and shrink at will. Michal is going to love this!"


"Ah?!" Eileen exclaimed, her face turning as red as an apple.


Tina said, "Wendy, can you think of something proper for once? Your mind is filled with impure thoughts! Eileen, ignore her. Tell me, with this ability, can you make any part of your body bigger like a balloon?"


"Ah?! Tina, you too..." Eileen blushed even more.


Vera laughed heartily, "Hahaha! Stop teasing her. You're making Eileen so embarrassed! You guys are so dirty-minded! How can you think of everything in that way?"


Simona added, "You're all teasing Eileen now, but when you awaken your abilities, they might be even crazier than hers! Let's see what you'll do then!"


Wendy, far from embarrassed, brightened up and said excitedly, "Really? Really?! That sounds exciting! I hope I awaken a fire ability, so I can heat things up and turn Michal into a hot dog!"


Tina said, "I hope I get an ice ability. I'll turn Michal into an ice pop!"


They exchanged a mischievous look, high-fived, and said in unison, "We'll call ourselves 'Fire and Ice!'"


Simona was speechless, surprised by their boldness. She said, "Wow, you guys... you are too much!"


Wendy, unfazed, replied, "Stop complaining, Simona! I've already thought of an ability for you. If you awaken a vibration ability, vibrating 10,000 times a second, Michal will be begging for mercy! Hahaha!"


Simona's face turned red, and she quickly said, "Get lost!"


But despite her words, she couldn't help but think: Maybe that's not a bad idea!


If she really did awaken such an ability, Michal would be on her bed every day!


The dining room filled with laughter, the atmosphere joyous.


Michal, listening in, thought, "You know, that might be interesting. I've never experienced a woman with a body temperature over a hundred degrees. It could be quite fiery."


Amid the cheerful atmosphere, they finished their meal. Michal returned to his room to rest.


He had been out searching for supplies since early morning.


Not only had he brought back Mona, one of the four campus beauties and a wealthy heiress, but he also brought back the doctor Emily and nurse Shirley.


He also went to the survivor base and took down a Molter zombie.


You could say he'd accomplished a lot this morning.


He decided to take a good nap.


He would start his other plans in the afternoon. Whether he would continue searching for supplies would depend on his mood.


After all, the resources in his dark space could last for decades.


The survivor base was also developing positively, ensuring a steady supply of food in the future.


Now, Michal could do whatever he pleased.


With his unmatched strength and near-unlimited resources, there was no pressure in this apocalyptic world.


If he felt like it, he could go out and search for supplies. If not, he could stay home, nap, make love with the beauties, and enjoy life. What could be better?


However, just as Michal returned to his room to take a nap, there was a knock on his door...




Michal was puzzled.


Who was so eager to knock on his door at this hour?


Was it the wealthy beauty Mona, doctor Emily, or nurse Shirley?


Michal didn't want to get too close to the doctor and nurse too soon.


After all, in ten months, he would rely on them to deliver his children!


So if it was Emily or Shirley, Michal would have to find an excuse to send them away.


The door opened cautiously.


It was Mona who entered.


Michal felt relieved; no need to send her away.


This wealthy beauty had come around quickly!


Michal's strength had grown, and the beauties in the villa were all devoted to him.


He didn't even need to hint; Wendy, Tina, and the others would subtly guide the newcomers.


So they all ended up knocking on Michal's door willingly.


Seeing her beautiful face and sexy figure, Michal's heart started to heat up.


Mona was truly a wealthy heiress.


Her family was the richest in the province, and she always had the best food, clothes, and accessories.


She carried an air of elegance and nobility. As a wealthy girl, she had been pampered and protected all her life, with every whim fulfilled by her parents.


Mona was like a porcelain doll, a perfectly protected beauty.


Even the wealthy boys at school felt unworthy and didn't dare pursue her, let alone have any improper thoughts.


Now, this exceptional beauty and heiress had knocked on his door herself, filling Michal with excitement.


He smiled and said, "Miss Mona, are you here to experience the feeling of flying with me?"


Hearing Michal's words, Mona blushed and shyly lowered her head.


But she finally bit her lip, nodded, and said, "The others say you're really good. I'm still a bit scared, so be gentle..."


Michal confidently waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, for campus beauties who haven't dated before, I have experience! Just ask Wendy and the others; which one of them didn't come out of my room completely satisfied?"


With that, Michal pulled Mona onto his bed.


Looking at Mona's shy face and her exquisite figure outlined by the tight purple silk clothes, especially her prominent assets, Michal's desire was ignited.


Mona's purple color indeed had a unique charm!


No wonder she developed so well with such good nutrition from childhood.


He thought Simona was already well-endowed, but Mona surpassed her.


Michal didn't know how to describe it, but one glance at Mona, and he could tell her size was at least twice that of White Fox!


Michal now had a new unit of measurement for such matters.


Michal placed his large hand on Mona's smooth, white thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze.


"Ah~" Mona let out a soft moan, her body trembling, and she collapsed on the bed, her entire body weak with tension.


Her face turned as red as an apple, and Michal's desire burned even stronger.


Seeing this beautiful campus beauty lying on the bed like a helpless kitten, Michal pounced on her with excitement...




Soon, the room was filled with a sex passionate scene.

