
Apocalypse Leveling

The day was relatively calm and silent, making it gorgeous and tranquil. The inhabitants that resided in this aloof and serene world were going through the day like usual... Until the heavens fell. It all changed when lustrous and radiant lights fell from the ocean-like heavens like shooting stars treading through the azure skies. The falling radiance lightened the entire day for a single moment before making their landing on the earth. And upon crashing into the ground of the earth below the heavens, they brought city-wide destruction in their wake. Mushroom clouds emerged, followed by shockwaves that broke everything in its path. The heat of the fall vaporized anything below the radiance. And outside of the heat was nothing more but a wasteland of a former beautiful world. Thousands of such things fell into the cities of all nations worldwide. Nothing was left behind, resulting in the inevitable fall of humanity. Left behind by the disastrous landings of the gleaming lights was a pitch-black monolith and abominations resembling that of monsters from the abyss. It was the beginning of a new era. The era of the long-lasting apocalypse. And in this dark age was a young girl, Samara Grimes. She was someone who had to survive through the apocalypse while also leveling up. ――――― [Disclaimer: I do not own the cover of the book. All credits will goes to the creator of the cover. If you wish for its removal, tell or pm me, and I will remove it.] 

OrdinaryHuman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

The Long-Awaited Status Display

For the first time ever, Samara saw the digital display with her status information. It resembled that of a notification display though a little bit bigger. And within the spoken digital screen was her current status in this altered reality. And to be honest, seeing one's personal status brought excitement to her heart.


「Samara Grimes」

●[Energy: 100]

●[Level 0]

●[Experience: (2/10)]

●[Title(s): (Operator), (Bloodthirst)]

●[Attribute Assessment]


●[Module Index]

➤[No Modules Acquired]


Looking at it with her own two eyes. The digital status display was seemingly simplified to a certain magnitude. Samara noticed the energy tab, which consisted of a hundred. Her level was also 0, the lowest. And her experience points were two seemingly coming from the creep she had recently killed.

Samara had two standing titles on her title tab. One of them was the Operator, something she had seen for the first time. And the unique title gained through the hidden quest, Bloodthirst. Though unfortunately, she didn't know the information about the two particular titles.

But sooner or later, she might gain knowledge regarding her unusual.

At any rate, below the titles tab of the digital status display was none other than the attribute assessment tab. The name of the tab display was self-explanatory. It was a relatively simple tab containing her current attributes separated into three types. Physique, Intellect, and Spirit...

Of the three attributes, the physique was the lowest, which was understandable. On the other hand, intellect and spirit seem to stand at the same number, though she didn't know what separated the two attributes from one another.

The last tab of the digital status display was the module index. Sadly, Samara had no information regarding what it was. But in comparison to typical RPG games' status screens, it might be what replaced the supposed skill tab. She might be correct or wrong, but that was what Samara thought about the module index.

Either way, Samara had concluded after reading through the digital status display screen. And the information she had gained from it was an enormous one. A piece of somewhat useful information that Samara might be able to use to her advantage.

"This is some bulky information, but it is better than nothing." Samara quietly muttered to herself as she had several thoughts and opinions concerning the status display screen. Such ideas were trapped within her mind, raging to find their conclusion.

'My name is recorded in the status display, and below that was the energy bar consisting of a hundred. Normally, an energy bar or sometimes a health bar are connected through their respective attributes. This can be used to let them grow to not let one's character be exhausted or easily killed.'

'Since there is no health bar, I can say that there is no percentage in heed to my health. Therefore, no 1% percent save... The energy bar might be connected through the physique, but it might also have some strings attached to the intellect and spirit attribute type.'

The first thoughts of Samara were in the interest of the energy bar at the top of the status display directly below her name. The reason for this was apparent. The energy bar gives Samara the ability to know when she gets exhausted. It was a tremendous advantage to control one's body.

With it, she might be able to fight against abominations without worrying whether or not she will collapse by seconds later. Dismally, the only problem was what number would mean something to her.

An example would be. In energy 50, Samara might get tired. Then, at 20, Samara might feel sick and exhausted to a certain degree. And finally, at energy 0, falling unconscious or dying might be the result.

Of course, such thoughts were none other than her theories. Reality might beg to differ, but it was a good perspective on how energy might work. Giving her a somewhat good view of how to handle the energy efficiency of each of her movements.

'But that would be speaking too much technicality. I can't be too complex in these grave circumstances as it might end up with my unfortunate death.' Samara cautiously thought to herself, deciding it might be better not to think much about her energy bar.

Continuing her thoughts, Samara arrived at the idea of leveling and gaining exp. Sadly, at this very moment, she was at the lowest level, 0. A somewhat unfortunate status to have, but it was nothing more than a starting point. Her experience points were 2, though that wasn't the main subject at hand.

The main idea was the experience points cap, which was ten. From how it looks, if Samara managed to reach the 10 exp cap, leveling up to the next point might be possible. It was logical, so treading on this idea too much might be nothing more but foolishness.

"Even then, killing four creeps to level up is a heavy load." Samara silently started to herself to level up from 0 to 1. She needed to kill four more creeps. Her first kill was nothing more but foolishness to a giant degree. She was lucky that her ambush worked and fortunate that the creep was focused on its pain.

Otherwise, the results might be different from the current one.

Their claws weren't to be underestimated, as if they were as sharp as their speed. Their senses were keenly focused on their eyes, but that would mean that upon seeing Samara. They could watch Samara until she got to the point where she would let her guard down.

Not gonna lie... Upon thinking about this, Samara couldn't help but feel a chill resonating throughout her body. They might be watching her from afar at this very moment. Which was quite a chilling thought to have. Samara immediately looked around and surveyed the surroundings, only to find nothing but silence.

'The next ones should be the titles tab. I wonder about their descriptions as it might give me an idea of what to do.' Samara wondered to herself, wanting to know more about the titles she had on the status display. She thought of ways to open it, and only one clear idea emerged.

'I'd like to not say this...' Samara thought as she sighed and wryly smiled. She remembered the stories she had read on the internet long before, and a particular scene emerged in her mind. It resembled the status display situation where she would have to utter some magic words.

"I can't believe everything is going the same as in the novels. It makes it looks as if I'm in a novel." Samara smiled and slightly chuckled as a cold expression emerged on her face afterward. It was time for her to be serious as she opened her mouth, and the magic words escaped from her mouth.

"Operator's and Bloodthirst's description."


After uttering such words, Samara closed her eyelids and thought she might have been wrong. But, sadly and fortunately, she wasn't. A plain ring resonated throughout her mind as Samara opened her eyelids and revealed her jet-black irises. A new display had emerged before her.


[Title: Bloodthirst]

●[Bloodthirst is a unique title with special requirements. It can be gained through reward or the natural way. It is a valuable title that increases the survivability of an individual. But it is also a title that gives quite a significant side effect in exchange for its miracle regenerations.]

●[When Bloodthirst is acquired, the individual will be calm in grave situations, making them capable of thinking well. But when blood emerges, the bloodlust effect of the title will strike. The title user would be inflicted with blood lust, making them dangerous to their enemies and allies.]

●[The lust for blood effect will increase the regeneration effect as the user perceives blood through their own senses. Quite a dangerous ability, but for someone alone, a rather useful one to avoid being defeated in a quantity disadvantage situation.]


Samara finished reading through the long description of Bloodthirst and understood that it was a helpful skill that increased her survival. But, for now, she was thinking about the pros and cons of such a title within her mind. It was somewhat a long thought that took a while to conclude.

'The pros of Bloodthirst are its passive effects which would calm me in a grave situation, and the regeneration that comes with it. According to the description, my regenerative capabilities increase under bloodlust, which is a pro in itself.' Such were the first thoughts that were within Samara's mind.

But she continued.

'The cons of Bloodthirst are its bloodlust effects that happen when I perceive blood through my five senses. It makes me deranged, crazy, and mad for blood. I would be nothing more but a monster in that state. Which would be dangerous for the people around me.' Samara didn't hesitate to think about the cons of the title.

Though even with its cons, it was still somewhat a valuable title to have.

"I should be thankful you have received this title." Samara quietly mumbled, thankful for the title she had gained from the randomization. Samara then looked around as even at this moment, she couldn't feel the effect of the title. Well, she wasn't in a grave situation or was in any way particularly injured.

'Hmm... I wonder what Operator's description is.'


[Title: Operator]

●[Operator is a special and unique title that is only one of this world. It isn't, in a particular way, an overpowered title. But as it was a class title, it gives the user features never been seen before. In exchange for these features, the Operator is nothing more than a support type.]

●[The first feature of an Operator was its versability, accompanied by the second feature, the ability to pick more modules than usual. At each level up, the Operator holder could choose three modules of the five, giving the user many advantages.]

●[Its passive effects would be the Myriad Thought Process, quite an intriguing passive effect unique to an operator.]


The description of the Operator title then concluded, and Samara gained much understanding from it. Like the Bloodthirst description, the Operator was a treasure trove. It might even be a gold chest better than the Bloodthirst in itself.

'Now... They revealed a lot of things from this description.' Samara quietly thought to herself as dozens of thoughts raged throughout her mind. The reason for this was the words written on the Operator's description. It was something that changed Samara's entire perspective.

'It is unfortunate that the Operator is a support type, but it has many better features than I had expected. In accordance with the description, five modules would reveal themselves to be picked by the user in each level up. Usually, only one of the five modules would be chosen.'

'But with my operator title, I can at least choose three of the five modules. Of course, the modules wouldn't be overpowered and would mostly be support skills. But when combined, support skills can absolutely break the firepower balance of normal attack skills.'

'Not only that, but it has a passive effect though something that has an unknown description.'

'But, nevertheless, the Myriad Thought Process sounds intriguing and might be helpful in the future.' Samara was hopeful after reading through the descriptions of her titles. She was destined to reach a zenith as long as she wouldn't die from any sad situation.

Of course, reality would always be far different from one's expectations. Either a lot better or a couple times more depraved. Even then, Samara was hopeful for her survival in the future. Though before she could continue with such thoughts, Samara sighed to herself.

"And here I was, hopeful on survival." Samara shook her head in disappointment as she immediately took the first-aid kit and escaped from the cafeteria. The reason for this was simple, multiple heads were peeking through the windows.

For quite a horrifying scene, Samara reacted calmer than one would think.

No need to worry, the homies were respectfully peeking.

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