
Apocalypse Leveling

The day was relatively calm and silent, making it gorgeous and tranquil. The inhabitants that resided in this aloof and serene world were going through the day like usual... Until the heavens fell. It all changed when lustrous and radiant lights fell from the ocean-like heavens like shooting stars treading through the azure skies. The falling radiance lightened the entire day for a single moment before making their landing on the earth. And upon crashing into the ground of the earth below the heavens, they brought city-wide destruction in their wake. Mushroom clouds emerged, followed by shockwaves that broke everything in its path. The heat of the fall vaporized anything below the radiance. And outside of the heat was nothing more but a wasteland of a former beautiful world. Thousands of such things fell into the cities of all nations worldwide. Nothing was left behind, resulting in the inevitable fall of humanity. Left behind by the disastrous landings of the gleaming lights was a pitch-black monolith and abominations resembling that of monsters from the abyss. It was the beginning of a new era. The era of the long-lasting apocalypse. And in this dark age was a young girl, Samara Grimes. She was someone who had to survive through the apocalypse while also leveling up. ――――― [Disclaimer: I do not own the cover of the book. All credits will goes to the creator of the cover. If you wish for its removal, tell or pm me, and I will remove it.] 

OrdinaryHuman · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Effects of Bloodthirst

It was afternoon, and the heavens were covered in deep ashes, bringing darkness to the land below it. A decimated learning center resided beside a small mountain's base. It was known throughout the city as the Gloss High School. An academy where a couple of thousand students dwelled, though, unfortunately... At this moment.

One could consider it a mass graveyard, just like the city near it.

A young high school student was fighting for her life in this particular high school. She escaped through the hallways of the ground floor at full speed, running away from her horrifying assailants. It was a terrifying circumstance to find oneself in, but the student seemed to have a dead-calm expression.

Not only that, the high school student wore an article of somewhat strange clothing.

She wore a white t-shirt covering her plump chest and had coal-black shorts lodging on her waist and legs. In addition, she had jet-black pantyhose sheltering her feet and thighs. She looked rather strange and didn't resemble a student. It was as if someone from their house got dragged into school.

Though, it didn't end there.

The young high school student had a shadow-black apron covering her chest to her waist. It made her look alluring, a unique way to convey the feelings of dread within this horrifying situation. Anyhow, her name was Samara Grimes, a not-so-normal student after having her first kill.

Concluding her first kill, she discovered many things concerning the system within her brain. It gave her titles that seemed to have interesting passive effects that increased her survival. Samara didn't know if she should be thankful that the world had become a game or be distraught.

Having the world as a game was the least of her problem. She was now being chased by pale abominations crawling on the ceilings. They had scary faces with fish-like eyes. They looked spiny and had long claws on their limbs. Their mouth was heavily extensive, and saliva kept pouring from them.

The bastards were made for horror movies. Samara was sure about it.

"Damn, what do I do?" Samara muttered while running through the hallway. She knew there were limits on how much she could run in the school building. She might have to go around in a circle, but that was under the circumstances that the ones chasing behind her would be the last.

If there were more creeps in hiding throughout the school building, that would be bad news and immediate death. An event that Samara would want to pass before her.

While running through the hallways, several ideas emerged within Samara's mind.

The first one was, She could run and get out of the school building. The second one was to hide and wait for them to fade. The last one was, kill! She must exterminate them from existence until none of them got left alive within the school building. A reasonably violent final option.

The problem with the first one was the possibility of there being more creeps outside than inside. Besides, it would be hard for Samara to hide in the decimated landscape outside the school building. So it would be no less than suicide to leave the school building without preparations.

The issue found in the second one was that hiding wasn't always the best option. Sanara had already considered the issue of relying upon hiding. Especially when being chased by something or someone. Hiding before your position got revealed was a good thing, but hiding after the revelation of your existence was problematic and detrimental.

The last option was fighting against them, probably killing the creeps one by one. Samara would have never brought up such an option if not for the fact that she had already killed one of them. Additionally, She knew some information about them, and they weren't highly unknown to her anymore.

The fact that their sense of smell was lowered and their perception was higher was piece of excellent information. The creep's weakness, the chest instead of the brains, gives her the ability to precisely strike the bastards instead of wasting her time stabbing the head.

Each of the things she had gained from the first kill was helpful knowledge to have. She could apply them to her sooner kills.

Now that she had thought about it, Samara noticed something strange within her recent actions and reactions. She noticed that she was too calm while being chased by the creeps. Samara's thoughts were practically passing in an orderly manner and weren't rattled by the fact that pale abominations were right behind her.

'T-This... Is this the effect of bloodthirst?' Samara thought to herself as she remembered some of the descriptions regarding the title, bloodthirst. Samara would always be calm in all situations unless one could perceive blood through her five senses. Though, it would be different if blood emerged in the picture.

'The fact that it can really strangely affect my mind gives me an odd feeling.' Samara thought as she furrowed her eyebrows, thinking about the passive effects of the title. Before she could continue, Samara shook her head and decided not to think much about it.

The first thing she needed to do was decide on what kind of option or plan she would want to go through. Was it the first option? The second one? Or finally, the last one? Several ideas about what path it would lead her materialized in Samara's mind.

After a long thought highway, Samara sighed as she didn't think there would be a time when she would willingly throw herself into danger. 'It looks like the last option is a go.' Samara calmly thought as she continued running through the hallway, turning at every corner.

Samara would have to kill the pale abominations chasing behind her. How she would kill her was a question, but she had some ideas within her mind that might aid her during the termination process. But theories were different from real-life applications. It might have a more unexpected result than what she had thought.

Cautiousness was the best thing Samara could do at this very moment.

Samara continued running through the hallway and arrived at the part where numerous classrooms resided. She surveyed the surroundings first before turning her gaze towards one of the closets and sprinting towards it at full speed. She immediately opened the closet and hid within it.

She took a deep breath while dwelling in hiding to recover some of her stamina.

While breathing deeply to not exhaust herself, Samara noticed something while tightly holding the first-aid kit. She was tightly holding a knife beside the medical box, making her furrow her eyebrows. 'When did I get this?' Samara wondered as she was too quick to storm off from the cafeteria.

The knife she had was smaller than the one she used to kill the first terminated creep. But it was moderately sharp, which should be enough to pierce through the creep's skin.

"I guess I don't have to improvise on what weapons to pick," Samara mumbled while making herself comfortable in the closet. She was sure she needed some pointy steel to kill the bastard. She might even have to break a broom and use its sharp part to stab the bastard in the chest.

But with the existence of the knife, it became less complicated.

There was no need to improvise a weapon that might even increase the risk of her life.

Anyways, Samara was hiding in a closet near the classroom door. The reason why she had hidden so near the door was because of the fact that it had the least amount of time to reach the hallway. It would give her an excellent chance to stab the pale abomination.

Though, Samara couldn't help but feel dread about how calm she was. She should have been panicking at this very moment, wondering how to survive. But now... She was planning to kill something that could be considered a monster. It was an intriguing change. A little bit too fast.

'There is no need to have useless thoughts. The calm, passive effect is helping me survive. So why should I be feeling dread about something that increases my chance of survival?' Samara thoughtfully questioned as she couldn't help but think of herself as a foolish individual.

The reason why she was having such thoughts, to begin with, was because of the passive effect of calm. Without it, her mind would be in a different place, and her heart would be wildly beating without a hint of delay.

Before Samara could continue thinking to herself, she had numerous thuds resonating through the hallway. Cracklings of footsteps echoed from the ceiling as the pale abominations passed by the classroom she was hiding in. Finally, they were met with a dead end with a locked door, meaning their prey was hiding in the four classrooms nearby.

The pale abominations were quite prominent in quantity, but they divided themselves to check every classroom for their prey. They dropped from the ceiling and started searching through each room, never noticing Samara watching from a small closet while tightly holding a knife.

"Four in numbers, they, fortunately, divided themselves in accordance to their quantity. Do they have a good amount of intellect, or is this base on their instinct?" Samara muttered as she couldn't help but question herself. Though, she immediately shook her head and mumbled.

"This isn't the time to ask questions."

The single pale abomination was searching through the classroom with its fish-like eyes. Samara knew that this wasn't the time to hesitate, so she took a good gulp on her throat and slowly exited the closet. She had a calm and cold expression on her face as she hid under the silence and the cover of the chairs.

Samara was entirely focused on the pale creep. She slowly walked towards it while holding the knife tightly under her fingers. On the other hand, the pale abomination kept searching and searching, never noticing Samara's silhouette behind it. Samara quickly stabbed the creep's chest several times before it could even release its cries.

The only thing that could be heard from the classroom was none other than Samara's knife piercing through the chest and flesh of the pale monster.

Several seconds later, the pale monstrous abomination fell to the ground as Samara held a bloodied knife tightly in her fingers. She didn't have the hint of dropping it from her hand, as she knew that it wouldn't end here. She still had three other abominations waiting for her to kill.

'A glass cannon like the one from before. Is this one of the many types? After all, the enemy would probably have more different castes in their monster army.' Samara couldn't help but think to herself as she remembered some of the RPG games she had played before the disaster.

She again shook her head as she wondered why she kept thinking of such useless thoughts and comparisons. 'Is this the sign of me becoming mad? Or am I just crazy at this very moment?' Samara had a grim, and sadly it didn't end there.

Samara turned her gaze towards the cold corpse of the pale monstrous abomination. Blood was escaping from its pierced chest, and Samara couldn't help but gulp to herself. She didn't know why but her body was heating up. She was becoming excited by the sight of blood.

It was at this moment that Samara remembered bloodthirst.

Samara immediately covered her eyes and nose as she didn't want to have any more of the effect. But no matter what kind of things she had done, the bloodthirst kept getting worse. Samara wanted to pierce through someone's body. She wanted to smell and see blood.

'W-What the hell...' Samara noticed it was worsening by the second, and then, a thud sounded in the hallway. She turned her gaze towards it as she had a cold expression. Instead of her survival, killing the bastards became more of a priority.

She was now lusting for blood.