
Apocalypse: I Transmigrated into a Villain

During his journey across parallel worlds, Bruce unexpectedly discovered a massive change in his identity: he became the heir to wealth in this world. However, his happiness didn't last long, as he received shocking news: the apocalypse was imminent, humanity was about to undergo a massive evolution, and he was to play the role of the villain in this end-time scenario! Armed with the knowledge that the protagonist, Jesse, would be reborn before the apocalypse, Bruce wasted no time in devising his own plan. After the apocalypse, the reborn Jesse found himself in dire straits. His powerful allies had vanished without a trace, and the once-loving and sacrificing goddess of the moonlight now disregarded him. Jesse roared in fury, vowing to uncover the conspiracy behind it all and reclaim everything that belonged to him. This is a tale of adventure spanning parallel worlds, filled with complex emotions and conspiracies, where a story about fate and justice is about to unfold.

MidnightEcho · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
100 Chs


Immediately, screams and cries for help could be heard outside the classroom.


Before anyone could react,




A scream suddenly pierced through everyone's ears.


Following the sound, a petite female classmate suddenly half-knelt in the aisle.


This classmate, named Cathy, was the representative for the art class in the class.


She was considered quite a cute girl.


But at this moment, she was covering her face with her hands.


Her hair became disheveled, and dark veins filled her arms.


Her body seemed to be enduring immense pain, trembling uncontrollably.


"Cathy, Cathy, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me like this?"


A female classmate who was close to her instinctively went over to inquire about her condition.


However, the next moment,


"Heh heh!!"


Cathy raised her head, revealing a terrifying and grotesque face to everyone!


Her eye sockets and cheeks were sunken, her pupils turned grayish-white, and blood vessels spread across them.


Her face and corners of her mouth were stained with blood and pus, accompanied by monstrous roars.


Yes, she had turned into a zombie.


The female classmate was obviously scared by Cathy's appearance and instinctively tried to leave the spot.


But it was clearly too late.


The transformed Cathy had already pounced on her, opening her blood-stained mouth and biting into her neck.




Blood sprayed wildly, gruesomely.


Cathy unexpectedly had immense strength, and no matter how the female classmate struggled, it was futile.


Several male classmates noticed something was wrong and tried to help, but another scream followed.


Another student had turned into a zombie?


Then, the third, the fourth...


Not only that.


The thick fog outside the window also gradually dispersed, revealing a large number of strange creatures in the vacant area below the teaching building.This is a group of lizardmen, their bodies entirely green and covered in small scales, dragging long tails behind them.


They are not tall, generally ranging from one meter two to one meter four.


But they not only look fearsome, their numbers are also ridiculously high.


In groups of three or five, densely packed, their vertical slit pupils typical of beasts dart around, swiftly searching for their prey.


This is a creature humans have never seen before.


Because of this unfamiliarity, people feel fear at the sight of them for the first time.


Looking at these suddenly appearing monsters, humans are baffled.


With numerous lizardmen hunting humans outside and some humans turning into zombies inside!


The entire world has instantly descended into chaos.


Fear and panic pervade the hearts of everyone... Time rewinds one minute ago.


Cosmic storm?


Bruce Roberts certainly felt it too.


And along with this surge of energy, his mind felt as if it had been bombarded by dozens of shells.


A buzzing in his brain, just for that moment, almost made him lose consciousness.


Fortunately, this surge of energy disappeared in an instant, and Bruce Roberts regained consciousness immediately.


But he found cold sweat seeping from his forehead, and he felt inexplicably exhausted all over.




[Ding, detection of your physique strengthening in progress.....]


[Ding, detection of your wind attribute abilities awakening.....]


Physique strengthening? Wind attribute abilities?


Seeing these two system prompts, Bruce Roberts, who had just wiped the sweat from his forehead, couldn't help but be stunned.




Apart from the system, he actually has wind attribute abilities?


Awesome, my man.


No wonder he's the first antagonist boss of the original plot.


Obviously, the strengthening of his physique and the awakening of wind attribute abilities have nothing to do with the system.


These are powers that Bruce Roberts should have originally possessed.


Originally, he should have explored these abilities himself!


But now... the system has directly announced these abilities?


Bruce Roberts can only say, 666!


He glanced at his system.Personal Attribute Panel!


Name: Bruce Roberts


Age: 21 years old


Height: 180 cm


Weight: 136 kg


Vitality: 16 (Normal adult male value is 10)


Spirit: 20 (Normal adult male value is 10)


Strength: 17 (Normal adult male value is 10)


Agility: 15 (Normal adult male value is 10)


Enhancement Level: Black Iron Novice


Ability Level: [Wind Attribute (Black Iron Novice)]


Antagonist Exclusive Skills: [Antagonist's Eye] [Antagonist's Heart] [Antagonist's Aura]


This is Bruce Roberts' personal attribute panel.


Age, height, weight, and so on, there's no need to explain.


Like ordinary people, there aren't any special changes.


Here, the main point is about combat attributes and character skills.


In the apocalypse, apart from some groups of people who have awakened special powers, ordinary Awakeners can be divided into two categories.


Enhancers who are good at melee combat and Ability users who are good at controlling elements.


Both have the same level division: Black Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Dark Gold, and so on!


Each level is divided into three stages: Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced.


Bruce Roberts' current enhancement level and ability level belong to Black Iron Novice.


As for the four attributes on the character attribute panel: vitality, spirit, strength, and agility, their functions are quite obvious.


Strength represents the power of punches and kicks, where 1 point of attribute is basically equivalent to 1 kilogram of strength, and it may increase by 20% to 50% on top of the original base when stimulated by external factors.


Agility is the speed of running and the coordination of the body.


Vitality represents the body's immunity, recovery ability, and resistance to attacks.


Spirit is a bit more responsible; it represents a person's attention, reaction speed, control over abilities, and the speed of releasing abilities.


In short, when it comes to attributes, the higher, the better.


Bruce Roberts is a typical rich second generation, and he used to work out, so his usual attributes are higher than those of normal adult men.


Especially his spirit, because of the crossing, is much higher than that of normal people.After the baptism of the cosmic storm, his average physical fitness has exceeded that of ordinary people by multiple times.


It's already comparable to some professional athletes.


He glanced at his other skills.


[Antagonist Aura: Although as an antagonist, you will attract the protagonist's hatred in the dark, not only are you immune to the protagonist's aura of intellectual decline, but you can also gain the opponent's abilities after killing the protagonist!]


[PS: After killing the female lead, you will receive some attribute rewards, but if you alter the fate of the female lead or cause her to lose her protagonist destiny, you will receive some additional rewards.]


"Kill the protagonist, and I can gain his abilities?"


Seeing this attribute, Bruce Roberts smiled again.


"Hehe, not a bad ability, it seems being an antagonist is quite comfortable, huh?"


"What... what's happening?"


Bruce Roberts stood by the hotel window, studying his system.


Cynthia Sanchez, standing beside him, was utterly bewildered.


Just now it was sunny and clear, how did it suddenly turn into this?


Thunder followed by fog?


The phone has no signal, then it just shut down?


Even emergency calls can't get through?


What kind of joke is this?


She clearly remembers that her phone still had 42% battery left? How did it suddenly shut down?


And that chilling sensation just now made her feel unusually exhausted.


What's going on?


Could it really be, as that guy said, the end of the world outside?


How is that possible?


Cynthia Sanchez looked at Bruce Roberts with astonishment.


Did she see him staring at her too?


Bruce Roberts didn't make her uncomfortable, he just picked up the clothes, shoes, and socks he had thrown on the ground last night and tossed them in front of her.


"Put on your clothes first, even if you want to call the cops on me, you have to find a way to survive first!!"


"I... is it really... the end of the world?"


"Put on your clothes and come take a look to find out."


Bruce Roberts said, nodding towards the window.


Although Cynthia Sanchez didn't believe Bruce Roberts' claim of the end of the world at all.