
Apocalypse: I Transmigrated into a Villain

During his journey across parallel worlds, Bruce unexpectedly discovered a massive change in his identity: he became the heir to wealth in this world. However, his happiness didn't last long, as he received shocking news: the apocalypse was imminent, humanity was about to undergo a massive evolution, and he was to play the role of the villain in this end-time scenario! Armed with the knowledge that the protagonist, Jesse, would be reborn before the apocalypse, Bruce wasted no time in devising his own plan. After the apocalypse, the reborn Jesse found himself in dire straits. His powerful allies had vanished without a trace, and the once-loving and sacrificing goddess of the moonlight now disregarded him. Jesse roared in fury, vowing to uncover the conspiracy behind it all and reclaim everything that belonged to him. This is a tale of adventure spanning parallel worlds, filled with complex emotions and conspiracies, where a story about fate and justice is about to unfold.

MidnightEcho · Sci-fi
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100 Chs

Activation of the System

Isn't the butterfly effect supposed to happen only when a butterfly flaps its wings?


But right now, this butterfly of his hasn't even flapped its wings yet.


How could it possibly cause the butterfly effect??


The more Jesse Thompson thought about it, the more wrong it seemed.


But with less than an hour left until the end of the world arrived, he didn't have time to dwell on it.


He could only quickly get in the car and head towards the direction of the school.


"Darn it, does this mean that even in this second life, I can only live in fear and uncertainty? No... never."


"I won't let any of those who wronged me in my past life get away."


Thinking about those scumbags who bullied him in the past, Jesse Thompson's heart hardened, and he instinctively clenched his fist.


The sudden burst of killing intent in his eyes sent shivers down the spine of the taxi driver.


As Jesse Thompson returned empty-handed, time passed second by second.


The gentle morning sunlight began to grow scorching.


The light shining through the window into the hotel room made it impossible to fall back asleep.


"Where am I?"


Room 8008 of the Rhine Hotel!


Cynthia Sanchez woke up groggily from her slumber, feeling a splitting headache.


Rubbing her temples, she murmured as she got up, suddenly feeling like something was amiss.


She subconsciously scanned her surroundings.


Suddenly, a well-built, handsome man caught her eye. He was dressed in a t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers!


He was sitting by the hotel window, seemingly lost in thought.


Seeing this man, and then looking down at the situation under her blanket, Cynthia Sanchez instantly understood what had happened before!




After a woman's scream, she quickly covered herself with the blanket.


"You... you..."


Cynthia Sanchez was flustered, pointing at Bruce Roberts, at a loss for words for a moment.


Bruce Roberts heard the voice and slowly turned his head.


"Are you awake?""What did you do to me?"


Cynthia Sanchez's pretty face was filled with defiance and anger.


Though she hadn't had a serious boyfriend before, she was still a 20-year-old college student.


She was well aware of what had happened to her.


She had once dreamed of what her other half would be like.


But she could be sure that the boyfriend she wanted was definitely not someone like Bruce Roberts, a spoiled rich kid.


But now...


"What I did to you, you should know very well. But I had my reasons for doing so!"


"Reasons?" Cynthia Sanchez laughed bitterly, looking at Bruce Roberts disdainfully. "Huh, I'd like to hear what reasons you could possibly have?"


The anger in Cynthia Sanchez's heart was starting to boil.


She had already decided that no matter what the reason, she would never forgive Bruce Roberts for his criminal actions.


Bruce Roberts didn't care, he just glanced at the time and said, "It's now 8:59, and there's less than a minute before the end of the world arrives. By then, the entire Earth will turn into a living hell."


"And me, I awakened an ability to foresee the future a week ago. In order to survive, I had to make you my woman, so..."


The activation condition of the system was that one couldn't reveal the arrival of the end times before it happened.


But now there was less than a minute until the end of the world.


The system had allowed Bruce Roberts to speak freely, so he no longer had any reservations.




"The end of the world?"


Upon hearing this, the disdain on Cynthia Sanchez's face deepened. "Huh, Bruce Roberts, you're really ridiculous! It's one thing for a rich kid to resort to such despicable means."


"But to come up with such an absurd excuse? Let me tell you, Bruce Roberts, unless you kill me today, I will definitely call the police and have you arrested!"


"10 seconds left."




"8... 7..."


"Fine, fine! You bastard, enjoy your time in jail!"


Seeing that Bruce Roberts didn't take her seriously at all and showed no intention of stopping her from calling the police, Cynthia Sanchez was thoroughly enraged.


She picked up her phone and dialed the emergency number directly.Though her family wasn't as wealthy as Bruce Roberts', her parents were considered elites in society.


They placed great importance on personal integrity.


And she herself was knowledgeable about the law.


In a situation like Bruce Roberts', he definitely wouldn't escape a sentence of over three years.


So, knowing that she had been violated last night, she was determined to send Bruce Roberts to jail.


But in the instant she dialed the emergency number.




Suddenly, a thunderous roar reverberated through her eardrums.


The volume of this thunder was extremely high, causing the windows to tremble slightly, let alone how painful it was for her eardrums.




Cynthia Sanchez was so scared by the thunder that she dropped her phone and quickly covered her ears with both hands!


Though Bruce Roberts was also caught off guard by the thunder, he was prepared after all.


While covering his ears, he breathed a sigh of relief.


"It seems I won't have to go to jail."


[Ding, the end of the world is approaching, system activation condition check in progress...]


[Ding, check completed.]


[1. Before the end of the world arrives, do not reveal the existence of this system or any information about the impending end of the world. (Achieved)]


[2. Do not leave the Dragon's Roost area before the end of the world arrives. (Achieved)]


[Ding, prerequisite conditions met, end of the world antagonist system activating...]


[Ding, activation complete, receiving the antagonist grand prize package.]


[Ding, antagonist grand prize package automatically opens, acquiring exclusive antagonist skills [Antagonist's Eye], [Antagonist's Heart], [Antagonist's Aura].]


[Ding, character attributes panel activated...]


The series of system prompt sounds brought a smile to Bruce Roberts' lips.


When good news comes, spirits are lifted.


The end of the world, here I come! While Bruce Roberts' system was activating, inside a university classroom.


"This is... unexpected..."


All the male classmates were a bit bewildered by the sudden thunder!


Faintly, many classmates began to feel uneasy, with a not-so-optimistic premonition creeping into their hearts."Oh god, no..."


"Is the end of the world really happening?"


"Huh, no signal on my phone?"


"My phone really has no signal?"


"Mine too, the signal's gone."


One by one, the students checked their phones, all finding that they couldn't receive any signal without exception.


And in the next moment, everyone felt a cold energy sweep over their bodies.


It froze them to the bone, as if it was going to freeze their marrow!


"Ah, what was that just now? I felt like I was being electrocuted!"


"Difficulty breathing... I could barely catch my breath, it felt like my throat was being strangled."


Most people were panting heavily, as if they were exhausted!


Some couldn't even stand steadily and collapsed directly to the ground.


Some weak-bodied boys were struck by the energy just now, causing their noses to bleed profusely, unable to stop, staining their mouths with blood!


The collars of their shirts were dyed a glaring blood-red!


Jesse Thompson's roommate Dash suddenly remembered something, looking at his phone, which had already gone black, his voice trembling uncontrollably.


"Co... cosmic storm!"


"It's the cosmic storm Jesse Thompson talked about. What just swept over us was the cosmic storm, which paralyzed all the electronic devices..."


"We're done for, we can't even turn on emergency lights..."


"All the things Jesse Thompson said... have all come true..."


Another roommate of Jesse Thompson named You also exclaimed.


Everyone looked at each other, horrified!


Just as everyone was somewhat at a loss, a thick fog suddenly rose outside the window.


A vast expanse of white, where you couldn't see your hand in front of your face.


In less than five seconds, a clamor broke out.


"Oh my god, what is this..."


"Ah!! Monsters, monsters..."


"Don't come near me, don't come near me!"


As the thick fog rose, all the flora and fauna on Earth began to grow wildly at a visible speed.


Countless eerie figures appeared in the sight of humans.