
Apocalypse Ascend:Cataclysmic Contest

In a world that once knew peace, everything transforms overnight into a deadly battleground. The once untouchable wealthy officials? The peerlessly charming celebrities and campus beauties? In this savage and blood-soaked reality,only the truly powerful have the right to live, while the weak face subjugation or elimination. A calamity of celestial proportions, a conflict of gods and demons,it's the true apocalypse, but not the end of humanity!

WhisperingWinds · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Spider Creature

When the rain finally ceased, the cloak of night descended upon the forest. Beneath this shroud of darkness, the forest stirred awake. The shrill chirping of insects filled every nook and cranny, with the eerie roars of unknown creatures echoing intermittently, sounding both distant and nearby. Even though they were safely perched on tree branches fifteen meters off the ground, with water directly below, ensuring most creatures couldn't reach them, an unsettling feeling persisted.

Zhang Mu constructed a makeshift platform between the branches, cushioning it with leaves to serve as a bed. He started a campfire within a small tree hollow using pine wood. The warm, dancing flames provided a glimmer of light and warmth, contrasting the chilly blackness of the night.

Chunks of terrifying fish meat roasted over the fire. The group, their stomachs growling with hunger, began their evening meal. While this fish was a creature straight out of nightmares, its flesh was surprisingly tender and delicious, especially the belly meat. They had brought some food into the forest, mostly chocolates and candies. High in calories, yes, but hardly filling.

The seven of them huddled around the fire, drawing warmth and a sense of security from its flames. Qin Min and Leng Yun chatted to one side, having known each other even before the catastrophe struck.

fatty, holding a slightly charred piece of grilled fish, laughed heartily and said, "Haha! This silly fish wanted to devour us, but now, it's our dinner!"

Sun Bing chuckled in his easy-going manner, "Honestly, I still can't believe we managed to defeat such a massive beast."

fatty took off his soaked shirt to dry it over the fire, revealing rolls of flesh that piled up like small hills. The women instinctively moved away, but fatty didn't seem to mind at all. His appetite seemed insatiable, and in less than ten minutes, he had devoured several large pieces of meat."I'm stuffed!" The chubby guy patted his belly contentedly and remarked, "This meat tastes quite good, but it's a shame it lacks seasoning. Boss, why didn't you bring more? We could have taken some for the road!"

Zhang Mu prodded the campfire with his sword, replying nonchalantly, "Use your head! Carrying raw meat with us is asking for trouble. The forest is teeming with creatures with sharp noses, not to mention the swarms of insects. Given the daytime heat, the meat would rot in no time."

The chubby man realized the logic in that.

Qin Min took a piece of meat from the fire and handed it to Liu Yao and Chen Ling. "You better eat up, or fatty here will devour it all."

Chen Ling gratefully responded, "Thank you."

Qin Min smiled warmly, "No need to thank me. We're partners now."

Chen Ling nodded, recalling the scene where team leader Zhang Mu had fought fiercely against a monstrous fish. She was profoundly shaken by the memory. Had she not witnessed it herself, she would never have believed that such a delicate-looking young man could be such a fearless and intense warrior.

Both of them were the newest members of the squad. Liu Yao was a typical introvert, quiet and not great at communication. In contrast, Chen Ling, a white-collar worker, was more diplomatic and thus, relatively approachable. Despite surviving numerous dangers, the pair hadn't quite found their bearings yet.

Zhang Mu advised, "Eat well and get some rest. We have to keep moving tomorrow."

After finishing their meal, everyone lay down on the makeshift wooden beds to rest. The chubby man's snores echoed within minutes, while Zhang Mu slipped into a light sleep. However, for most of the others, sleep remained elusive. The utter darkness around them, coupled with the damp, cold atmosphere and the uncomfortable wooden beds, made it hard to relax.

By dawn of the next day...After a long and restless night, everyone's faces looked notably haggard, except for Zhang Mu and the guy everyone called "Fatty". Once they cautiously reached the riverbank, they continued their journey northwards.

The morning after the nighttime rain was especially clear and bright. The dense foliage shielded most of the direct sunlight, but when the rays did pierce through, they were scorching. It made the forest feel like a sauna. After just a short walk, they were drenched in sweat, no different than if they'd just been pulled out of water. Trekking in such a dense forest was challenging; the thick undergrowth often obscured their view, making the path ahead indistinct. It was easy for someone without experience and a cool head to go around in circles, covering less than three miles in a day, and eventually getting hopelessly lost.

The jungle teemed with venomous insects and snakes, and even some plants contained lethal toxins. One misstep could cost a life. Signs of wildlife were everywhere: droppings, scratch marks, remnants of meals, shed snake skins, and even enormous dinosaur footprints.

Many of these signs were quite fresh, serving as a constant reminder of the lurking dangers that were never too far away. But fortune was on their side. After about two hours of walking, besides encountering a few isolated creatures, there weren't any significant threats.

"Wait." Zhang Mu suddenly raised his right hand, signaling everyone to stop, which immediately put the group on edge.

Fatty gripped his axe tightly and asked anxiously, "Boss... What's wrong?"

Zhang Mu sniffed the air and frowned, "Something's off about this part of the forest. It's too quiet. And there's a faint smell of blood. Qin Min, scout the surroundings."

Trying to catch the scent, Fatty took a deep breath and commented, "Blood? I can't smell it."

Zhang Mu, having been through countless bloody battles, had developed an acute sensitivity to the scent of blood.Qin Min knew better than to let her guard down. Without hesitation, she summoned a bird to scout the nearby area. The bird had only just approached the nearby forest when suddenly, a streak of white shot out from the trees. The bird, hit squarely by this projectile, let out a mournful cry and plummeted to the ground.

Qin Min cried out in alarm, "There's a creature lurking in the bushes!"

There was a rustling sound from the underbrush. Before anyone could react, another white projectile shot out, landing on Qin Min. She screamed in terror and fell to the ground, ensnared by a white web tinged with red – a poisonous spider's web. Patches of blisters began to form on her delicate skin, which started to deteriorate.

"Xiao Min!" Leng Yun, who had a close bond with Qin Min, rushed to her side, panic evident in her voice. "Are you okay?"

Zhang Mu quickly unsheathed his sword, holding it defensively in front of him, and shouted, "Sun Bing, guard up!"

Sun Bing responded immediately, raising his shield to protect both Qin Min and Leng Yun. The rustling from the jungle intensified, and soon, a horde of grotesque giant spiders emerged. These creatures were as big as wagon wheels, their bodies a deep grayish-black. Their eight legs were razor-sharp, with hairs that looked like pointed steel needles. Their multifaceted eyes gleamed with a cold, eerie light, and their blood-stained mouths seemed to be constantly chewing on something, giving off an unsettling vibe.

[Forest Giant Spider] (Common Monster) – Level 5, Health 55, Magic 35.

More and more of these spiders crawled out from the surrounding bushes, and within moments, the group was surrounded by twenty to thirty of these creatures. Their primary attack was spitting out their toxic webs, which, although not damaging by itself, could immobilize their prey with its stickiness and poison.

Zhang Mu gripped a sword in each hand, warning, "Watch out for the web attacks!"

But before anyone could make a move...

"Ahhh!"From the back of the group, a terrified scream rang out. It was Liu Yao, who had recently joined the team. Due to his low level, lack of experience, and absence of equipped skills, he had been positioned at the rear with Chen Ling. When the team turned to look, the sight was utterly horrifying.

A massive spider, its body a stark shade of red, had silently descended on a thick strand of webbing. It had wrapped its legs around Liu Yao. The spider's legs, covered in sharp barbs, held him firmly, preventing any escape. Almost simultaneously, it sank its fangs into the soft skin of his neck. The moment Liu Yao was bitten, his eyes rolled back, most likely due to some injected venom. His entire body reddened and convulsed violently.

Chen Ling screamed in terror, frantically backing away.

"Damn it!" shouted the man known as Fatty, rage apparent in his voice. He swung his axe at the spider, roaring, "Die!"

This red spider wasn't ordinary; it was of an elite class. Its reflexes were lightning-fast. Before the axe could even connect, the spider swiftly retracted its web, propelling itself back onto a tree branch over ten meters above. Liu Yao, weakened and unable to resist, was quickly entangled by the spider's thick webbing. In a matter of seconds, he was cocooned like a mummified figure.

Leng Yun conjured an ice arrow, shooting it straight into the spider's abdomen, right where a circular pattern was visible. The spider shrieked and quickly retreated, still holding onto the cocooned Liu Yao.

Fatty stomped his foot in frustration.

Suddenly, an onslaught began. Numerous giant spiders surged forward aggressively. As they came into range, they shot out venomous strands. Zhang Mu took on the majority of their attention. Dodging several strands, he threw his short knife, piercing one spider's head, then activated a swift glide skill. Skimming the ground, he rushed forward and drove his Fearfish Sword into the spider's skull.

The spider let out a bizarre, high-pitched sound, "Zhi zhi!" From the wound, a thick, foul-smelling black substance oozed out. After a few moments of struggle, it lay motionless.

Zhang Mu brandished his sword, preparing for the other approaching spiders.These spiders have fragile defenses; a hit or two can take them out. Their appearance might be terrifying, but their offensive abilities aren't that formidable. Apart from their troublesome webs, they're not that challenging to deal with.

fatty and Sun Bing stood on either side, holding off the spider onslaught. Leng Yun's ice arrows could instantly kill the spiders. However, they had a long cooldown, meaning she couldn't use them at will. After leaving a few of their kind behind, the spider horde eventually gave up their attack and retreated into the forest.

Zhang Mu returned and asked, "Are you all okay?"

Sun Bing's shield was covered in spider webs. After shaking off the immobilization, he said, "I'm fine, but one of the young ones got taken by the spiders. What do we do?"

Zhang Mu just shook his head without uttering a word. Things looked grim for Liu Yao.

Leng Yun cried out anxiously, "Hurry over here! Xiao Min's condition is severe."

Zhang Mu might not be too concerned about Liu Yao, but Qin Min was a vital scout in their group, especially crucial in this perilous jungle environment. Everyone quickly moved to her. A spider's webbing had hit Qin Min's face, causing swelling and decay. Thankfully, Leng Yun had mostly treated the wounds, but the poison had damaged Qin Min's eyes, rendering her almost blind.

With her eyes tightly shut, a panicked Qin Min exclaimed, "What do I do? I can't see, my eyes!"

Leng Yun's skill, 'Healing Touch', could restore health, but it couldn't restore disabilities. At least a grade C healing spell would be needed for that. Going blind in such a place was as good as being handed a death sentence.

"Don't worry." Zhang Mu bent down to inspect her, comforting, "It's okay, this injury isn't too severe. As soon as you level up, you'll recover."

Leng Yun sighed in relief, gripping Qin Min's hand tightly, "It'll be alright. We'll help you level up."Qin Min felt a bit more at ease. She was on the verge of leveling up with her experience bar at 99%. She just needed to defeat a few more ordinary creatures to reach level 5.

Zhang Mu looked around and exclaimed, "This place isn't safe. We need to move, now!"

There was a looming threat of the spider horde returning. Leng Yun had just finished treating the wounds of Sun Bing and the chubby guy. The group carefully avoided the forest touched by the spiders and proceeded in a certain direction. After walking for just a few hundred meters, they came upon a clearing. In the distance, a figure wrapped in spider silk emerged.

The chubby guy gasped, "Isn't that... Liu Yao? What's he doing here?"

Sun Bing stuttered in a hushed tone, "Captain... Look there..."

Following Sun Bing's gaze, Zhang Mu's eyes landed on a sight that sent chills down his spine. A vividly red elite spider was lying split in half amongst the bushes, its deep purple blood staining the grass around it. But its head was nowhere to be found!

The chubby guy exclaimed in shock, "What in the world happened here? Who could've killed this spider?"

A sense of foreboding washed over Zhang Mu, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. He felt an overwhelming sense of dread.