
Apocalypse Ascend:Cataclysmic Contest

In a world that once knew peace, everything transforms overnight into a deadly battleground. The once untouchable wealthy officials? The peerlessly charming celebrities and campus beauties? In this savage and blood-soaked reality,only the truly powerful have the right to live, while the weak face subjugation or elimination. A calamity of celestial proportions, a conflict of gods and demons,it's the true apocalypse, but not the end of humanity!

WhisperingWinds · Sci-fi
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16 Chs

Deadly Mantis

This formidable elite spider, clearly no pushover, had been cleanly sliced in half and lay among the grass. There wasn't a single sign of struggle nearby.

Zhang Mu whispered, "Step back carefully. Let's get out of here."

When the five of them saw the elite spider, chills ran down their spines. It had left with Liu Yao not more than five minutes ago. In other words, it had died here just moments ago. Whatever killed the spider might still be close by.

The area was thick with grass, some reaching almost the height of a person. No one knew what lurked within. A breeze from the south rustled the grass and bushes, filling the air with the sound of swaying leaves. It was then that the group realized an unsettling silence had enveloped them.

Other than the wind and rustling, there was nothing.

Not even the chirping of birds.

Suddenly, as if driven by some unseen force, Zhang Mu looked up towards a distant tree, and his heart skipped a beat. On that tall tree was a massive creature. It blended seamlessly with the greenery, standing at about 1.5 meters tall but stretching over four meters in length. It had a triangular head, large and luminous compound eyes, long antennae on its head, and its forelimbs were unusually large, with scythe-like appendages. It was... a mantis!

​1​- Level 6 Silver Elite, Health 600, Magic 400, Attributes ???, Skills ???, Description: The mantis that symbolizes death!

Unless one saw it with their own eyes, they'd never believe such a gigantic mantis existed in the world.

This damned insect was even larger than a water buffalo!The praying mantis stood erect on its six slender legs, its forelimbs – resembling two scythes – held aloft a dark object, which turned out to be the head of an elite spider. The mantis slowly gnawed at it with its mandible, consuming most of the spider's head. A viscous fluid dripped continuously onto the leaves below. As it feasted on the spider's skull, the mantis's jet-black, emotionless compound eyes coldly watched the six people standing beneath it.

Though the "Death Mantis" was only level 6, as a silver elite, its combat capabilities far exceeded that of a level 7 bronze elite Terror Claw Dragon.

The Death Mantis was a formidable opponent, especially given its swiftness. With Zhang Mu's current equipment and skills, he would probably stand no chance against it. However, the mantis seemed preoccupied with its favored food, showing little interest in the group. As long as they didn't provoke it, it likely wouldn't attack. The group moved in silent understanding, not uttering a word, and slowly began to retreat.

"What's going on, everyone?" Qin Min, blind to the situation, didn't recognize the imminent danger. Sensing the tense atmosphere, she instinctively posed the question.

The sudden noise startled the Death Mantis. Its triangular head snapped up, and its gem-like compound eyes gleamed menacingly.

Zhang Mu exclaimed in alarm, "This isn't good, move!"

Suddenly, the Death Mantis spread its wings. Its green silhouette swooped down like a gust of wind. Zhang Mu instantly threw himself to the ground, feeling a fierce gust pass overhead. A tuft of his hair was sliced off, and the strong wind threatened those behind him.The sharp green blade of the praying mantis slashed toward him. Sun Bing barely had time to react. Just as he lifted his shield, the force sent him flying several meters, crashing hard into a tree. His shield slipped from his grasp, landing ten meters away, marked with a deep gash. Holding his bleeding right hand, Sun Bing screamed in pain, writhing on the ground. His physical constitution wasn't robust enough to withstand the immense power, resulting in a broken arm on the spot. If this was Sun Bing's fate, one could only imagine that anyone else slashed by the creature would either be split apart, blood spattering everywhere, or instantly killed.

Fatso was taken aback, quickly retreating, not daring to engage.

Chen Ling, frightened, hid in a nearby thicket, not daring to show her face.

The Death Mantis was lured away by Leng Yun and Qin Min. Leng Yun, needing to drag Qin Min along, was the slowest.

As Zhang Mu got to his feet, he saw the Death Mantis raise one of its bladed arms. He swiftly slid over, shouting, "Watch out! It's preparing a special attack, dodge!"

But it was too late.

The Death Mantis unleashed a blade of energy, so fast that the naked eye couldn't discern it. It mowed down everything in its path, even flattening the grass. Both Qin Min and Leng Yun were struck, blood spurting out. They fell to the ground, their conditions unknown.

"Damn it!"

With a furious roar, Zhang Mu slashed the mantis's back with his Terror Fish Sword. Despite its incredible speed and power, the mantis's defense was weak, resulting in a 31-point reduction in its health. Zhang Mu's left hand thrust a short dagger into the mantis's belly. Given his swift stabbing technique, the mantis couldn't dodge in time, and a gaping hole appeared, blood pouring out.

The death mantis screeched sharply, its blade-like arms moving fluidly, slashing through the air like a bolt of lightning. Zhang Mu took a half-step back, narrowly avoiding the tip of the blade. However, the sheer force of the attack still made contact. Thankfully, his leather armor absorbed most of it, resulting in only 17 points of damage. As a level 5 ranger, Zhang Mu had a base health of 60 points. Coupled with an equipment bonus of 15, he had a total of 75 health points. The mere graze from the mantis reduced his health by 17 points, revealing the incredible power of the creature's attacks.

Dodging another strike, Zhang Mu lunged forward, tearing open a deep wound on the mantis with his Terrorfish sword. He tried to follow up with a stab from his short dagger in his left hand, but the mantis swiftly parried, sending the dagger flying and nearly breaking Zhang Mu's wrist in the process.

A shrill cry echoed from a distance, followed by an ice arrow embedding itself in the mantis's back, causing 45 points of damage.

Relief washed over Zhang Mu upon seeing this, thinking, "At least Leng Yun is still alive!" The mantis, now slowed by the frosty effect of the arrow, turned its enraged gaze towards Leng Yun. She stood, pale and injured, blood dripping from her Fishbone staff. Her eyes, filled with fury, locked onto the mantis. However, Qin Min lay motionless nearby.

Seeing this, the man known as "Fatty" was engulfed with rage. "You're going down with me!" he bellowed.

Just as the mantis tried to take off, Fatty charged at it with a barbaric rush, stunning the creature. He managed to hack off one of its legs with his axe. As the mantis regained its senses, it shrieked and prepared to cleave Fatty in half with its blade arm.

Sun Bing quickly grabbed his shield. "Hey bug, over here!" he yelled, drawing the mantis's attention with a taunt.The Mantis of Death unleashed a blade of air with a swift turn, and even though Sun Bing was ready, shielding himself with his armor, the sheer force still threw him back, bloody and sprawled on the ground. Just as the bulky fighter was about to launch another attack, the mantis slammed its sickle-like arm, sending the hefty man screaming into the air, severely wounded and unable to continue the fight.

With 70% of its health remaining, the Mantis of Death was about to pounce on the injured Sun Bing when Zhang Mu had already retrieved his short sword. Shouting loudly to get the mantis' attention, he swiftly skated over, positioning himself directly in front.


The Mantis of Death elevated, looking down upon Zhang Mu with its massive height. Its twin blade-arms lifted, ready to slash Zhang Mu from both sides. If this hit connected, Zhang Mu would surely be cleaved into three.

Yet, Zhang Mu stood his ground. Just as the mantis' blades were about to hit, he activated his innate blessing, becoming momentarily invulnerable. The blades were deflected, sending the Mantis of Death staggering back. Seizing this brief opportunity, Zhang Mu leaped high into the air, spinning his two swords—one long and one short—and thrust them into the mantis' eyes.

For any creature, the eyes are both a vital and vulnerable spot.

Both blades plunged deep, causing significant damage. The Mantis of Death's health dropped sharply from 70% to just over 30%. Screeching, it retreated, while Zhang Mu swiftly rolled forward, avoiding its flailing arms, and struck its back with his blades.


Blinded, the Mantis of Death still managed to sense Zhang Mu's approximate location and swung its blade at him. Zhang Mu, barely keeping up with its speed, parried with his swords and stumbled back several steps before regaining his balance.At that moment, Pángzi, drenched in blood, charged forward again, bellowing, "Die!" With a swing of his axe, he struck the connection between the mantis's head and body, its most delicate spot and also one of its vital points. The mantis's head was nearly cleaved in half, its health dropping to just 15%.

Lěng Yùn shot an ice arrow, inflicting 43 points of damage.

The health of the deadly mantis was now down to just 8%.

Working together, Zhāng Mù and Pángzi launched another round of attacks. The mantis fell to the ground, lifeless.

It dropped three items: a skill book, a jade-green greatsword, and a jade-green ring, along with dozens of gold coins.

Additionally, Zhāng Mù, Lěng Yùn, Sūn Bīng, and Pángzi each gained an average of 18% experience!

"How is Qín Mǐn?!"

Without glancing at the spoils, Zhāng Mù rushed over to check on Qín Mǐn.

Lying in a pool of blood, Qín Mǐn's abdomen was gruesomely torn open, with organs and intestines spilling out. Although she hadn't breathed her last, her eyes were cloudy and her pupils fully dilated.

Lěng Yùn exclaimed in distress, "We defeated the creature! Why... why didn't she level up?!"

Qín Mǐn's health had dropped to zero. Even though she wasn't fully dead, the system had declared her deceased, leaving no hope.

Zhāng Mù looked at Lěng Yùn and slowly shook his head.

Tears welled up in Lěng Yùn's eyes as she gently cradled Qín Mǐn's head. "Xiao Mǐn, don't be afraid, we're all here."

Qín Mǐn's lips quivered, "Lěng Yùn... I'm so cold."

Unable to hold back her sorrow, Lěng Yùn's tears cascaded down like pearls breaking from a string. Both Pángzi and Sūn Bīng, covered in blood, rushed over to help, but froze in horror upon witnessing Qín Mǐn's tragic state.

Zhang Mu bent down with a sigh, "I'm truly sorry."

"No, Captain Mu..." Blood trickled from the corner of Qin Min's mouth as she struggled to speak, "You are... a good person! You're strong... and I'm sure you'll become a top figure. I really... really wish I could stand by your side and carve out our own destiny, but sadly, it's my time to leave."

Qin Min continued, "Leng Yun, don't be sad. I was always afraid of death... but now, suddenly, I'm not. Because I got to know all of you before the end, and that... that fills me with contentment. Thank you, Captain Mu. Please, all of you, keep living strong."

Her time was running out.

"Don't speak anymore." Zhang Mu held her cold hand, asking gently, "Do you have any last wishes?"

"Wishes? If... if you ever meet my sister, and my parents... I hope, I hope you can take care of them for me." Qin Min's voice cracked into sobs, "I miss them so much, so very much..."

Her voice faded until it was no more.

Zhang Mu gently closed her eyes, sighing, "Rest assured."

Leng Yun held onto the lifeless body, the once strong woman now reduced to tears. Sun Bing's eyes reddened, his fists clenched. Bonds formed in the heat of battle. Even the playful and laid-back fatty revealed a saddened expression.

"Damn it! Damn that creature!"

The fatty cursed, despite his injuries. He picked up an axe and ran to the carcass of the mantis, furiously smashing its head to pieces.

Zhang Mu remained composed, not out of cold-heartedness, but because witnessing the death of a comrade had unfortunately become all too common. His steady gaze swept over Leng Yun, the fatty, and Sun Bing. He remained silent.

This was no fairy tale.Losing a comrade is an inevitable part of life.

For the three of them, this was their first encounter with such a loss, but it might not be the last.

The world can be harsh. Through sorrow, we transform, we mature, and we become stronger.