
Apocalypse - Zombie Cultivation System

As the apocalypse descends, Howard unexpectedly acquires the Zombie Cultivation System. Instead of fleeing and fear, it's about dominance and attack! Now, these zombies that once devoured humans have become his private legion. As long as he cultivates the zombies, assisting them to become stronger, they can transform into sub-humans who do as the host desires. By continuously enhancing intimacy, he and the zombies can simultaneously gain powerful abilities and attribute bonuses. Please choose: 1. Cultivate male zombies: Unlock the title "Versatile God", strength +5, stamina +5, male zombie affinity +100 2. Cultivate female zombies: Unlock the title "Charm God", speed +5, recovery +20, female zombie affinity +100 Faced with these choices, Howard decisively selects the harem that belongs to him!

bomer_allen · Fantasy
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210 Chs

The Rules of the Apocalypse

Miranda's current food source was Howard, and she couldn't understand how a moving vending machine could possibly ask where to find food!

Wasn't that just ridiculous?

Why not just open the door and take out what you could eat?

Of course, she didn't know that Howard certainly couldn't do that; after all, even a tiger wouldn't eat its cubs!

"Forget it, I'll find something myself!"

Howard opened the refrigerator door. In the fridge, there were two cucumbers, two bags of chips, four cans of fruit-flavored cocktails, and a 1.5-liter jug of purified water.

In the freezer, there were two chocolate-coated ice cream bars.

The kitchen was completely empty.

This was all the food in Miranda's house!

As a flight attendant, she often flew around, spending most of her time on planes and in hotels in different places. She seldom stayed at home, so there was hardly any food stored.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have ordered takeout.

Howard used his skills to collect all these foods.

"Ding! You have gained 36 food points and 3.5 water points!"

Howard wasn't sure how the food points were calculated, guessing it was based on the amount of calories and nutrients in the food, because the chocolate-coated ice cream bars were 8 points each, while the cucumbers were only 0.5 points each.

The 3.5 points for purified water probably represented 3.5 liters.

He then went to the door, where Miranda's takeout had spilled on the floor: spicy hot pot.

Normally, food that fell on the floor would be inedible, but now...


"Ding! You have gained 11 food points and 0.4 water points, current food points are 47, water points are 3.9!"

"Create two pieces of honey-glazed grilled chicken legs!"

"Ding! 25 food points consumed, 2 honey-glazed chicken legs created."

As the image of the food formed in Howard's mind, the system automatically generated the delicacy.


Two large pieces of honey-glazed chicken legs appeared on the plate in Howard's hands, as if they had just been grilled.

Still steaming hot, they emitted a tantalizing aroma.

Howard picked up a piece and took a bite.


The chicken skin was grilled to a golden crisp, and the meat was tender and flavorful. With each bite, the juices burst in his mouth, tantalizing his taste buds.

This was even better than any honey-glazed chicken leg he had ever eaten!

Quickly, the two large chicken legs were gone, and Howard reluctantly licked his fingers.

Now, Howard's body wasn't just his own; it also belonged to Miranda.

When she got hungry, she would have to come to him for a buffet!

Playing both the roles of father and mother, Howard truly had it tough.

He needed to gather more food. With the remaining food points, there was barely enough for one meal.

What if they starved? How could he continuously feed Miranda?

Just the thought of it made his back ache.

"Ding-dong! Your order is about to time out, please deliver it promptly!"

At that moment, the phone rang again.

Howard picked up the phone and switched it to silent mode.

He then saw several messages from another order, also nearby.

Customer: "Come through the back door when you arrive, I've locked the front door, it's inconvenient!"

Customer: "It's already the agreed time, why hasn't it been delivered?"

Customer: "You're just over a hundred meters away from me, does it really take this long to walk a few steps?!"

Customer: "It's been over 5 minutes late, if you don't reply, I'm going to complain!"

Seeing these urgent messages, Howard was speechless. He guessed this guy hadn't stepped outside yet and had no idea the world had undergone drastic changes.

Go out to deliver food at this time? I might as well be fast food for zombies!

He quickly typed in the chat window:

Howard: "You might not know this, but the outside is full of zombies. I'm not lying. If you don't believe me, take a look outside or check the internet!"

The customer seemed to be right by their phone and replied instantly: "I know, that's exactly why food is the most scarce resource. That's all the more reason for you to deliver my meal!"

Howard: "It's all zombies out there. If I go out, I'm as good as dead. This meal can't be delivered!"

Customer: "Do you have any professional integrity at all? Isn't delivering meals what you're supposed to do? Since you accepted the order, you're responsible for delivering it. I don't care if it's hailing or if there are zombies outside; that's your problem, not mine! I must receive my meal today!"

Seeing this, Howard was speechless with frustration.

Dealing with unreasonable demands was a common occurrence during regular delivery runs.

To make money, Howard had always endured it.

But now? It's the apocalypse! Who cares about a bad review, catering to your every whim?!

If you don't care about my life, why should I care about your well-being?

Howard: "Your meal today? I'd rather dump it and feed it to dogs than give it to you. Rest assured!"

Customer: "Are you insane? Are you looking for trouble on purpose?!"

Howard: "Idiot! Get lost! Don't let me see you, or I'll kill you!"

Howard gave the customer a piece of his mind and then locked his phone.

What a relief! What a thrill!

Before, in the pursuit of money and positive reviews, he had no choice but to be submissive and grovel.

Now, in this apocalyptic world, strength and resources are king!

Starting today, he wasn't putting up with anyone's nonsense!

Howard stood by the bed and looked outside.

The streets, once orderly and thriving, were now eerily empty, not a soul in sight.

Cars on the street were haphazardly squeezed together, all deformed from collisions, with some still burning and emitting thick smoke.

Through the windows of cars parked along the curb, one could see pale hands continuously knocking on the glass, smearing the windows with blood.

The ground was covered in bloodstains, as if it had just witnessed a horrifying slaughter.

Blood flowed like a stream, gurgling into the clogged sewer drains.

There, a severed arm and the head of a small dog could be seen, but its body was nowhere to be found.

In the distance, clusters of city buildings emitted billowing smoke, dyeing the sky red as if it were a scene from a hellish realm.

Howard didn't have time to be shocked; his gaze quickly scanned this unfamiliar street.

Soon, he spotted a medium-sized supermarket at an intersection!

If he could get inside, food points wouldn't be a concern anymore!


Suddenly, a strange scream caught Howard's attention.

He saw a man dash out from a store by the roadside, with two clawing zombies following behind him.

Taking advantage of this moment, three girls hurriedly ran out from an alley and rushed into a real estate agency, swiftly locking the main door behind them.