
Apocalypse - Zombie Cultivation System

As the apocalypse descends, Howard unexpectedly acquires the Zombie Cultivation System. Instead of fleeing and fear, it's about dominance and attack! Now, these zombies that once devoured humans have become his private legion. As long as he cultivates the zombies, assisting them to become stronger, they can transform into sub-humans who do as the host desires. By continuously enhancing intimacy, he and the zombies can simultaneously gain powerful abilities and attribute bonuses. Please choose: 1. Cultivate male zombies: Unlock the title "Versatile God", strength +5, stamina +5, male zombie affinity +100 2. Cultivate female zombies: Unlock the title "Charm God", speed +5, recovery +20, female zombie affinity +100 Faced with these choices, Howard decisively selects the harem that belongs to him!

bomer_allen · Fantasy
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210 Chs

Proactive Miranda

"Ding! Congratulations host for the first time generating intimacy with a zombie, intimacy lottery activated. Current intimacy level is 5, increasing to 10 points will enable a lottery draw!"

The system's voice suddenly appeared in Howard's mind.

An increase of 5 more points in intimacy for a lottery draw!?

That sounds pretty good, but how exactly can intimacy be increased?

Just now, Miranda had devoured him twice in half an hour, and he felt it impossible to go for another two rounds in such a short period.

He had to think of some other way!

Howard stood in front of Miranda, pondering his next move.

Miranda tilted her head, her bright, large eyes carefully sizing up Howard, seemingly curious about why this vending machine was moving.

Looking at Miranda's delicate face, as exquisite as a porcelain doll, with tender skin that seemed like it could break at the slightest touch, Howard couldn't help but reach out and gently touch it.

His fingertips felt the cold and smooth sensation.

"Ah!" Miranda felt the temperature of Howard's hand, first surprised with her eyes wide open, then she closed her eyes in satisfaction, as if enjoying the moment.

"Ding! Miranda's intimacy level +0.5, currently at 5.5!"

Intimacy increased!?

Howard was stunned, it was that simple? Just physical contact could increase it?!

With that in mind...

Howard looked at Miranda's fair skin, her sexy collarbone exposed at the front, and couldn't help but extend his finger, gently sliding it along those straight, sexy lines.

"Ah..." Miranda's body couldn't help but tremble slightly, her eyes opening slightly.

But soon, she once again fell into a state of enjoyment, her lips involuntarily curling into a slight smile.

"Ding! Miranda's intimacy level +1, currently at 6.5!"


However, after these two touches, continuous stroking did not increase her intimacy level anymore.

It was time to explore new areas.

Howard's fingers glided over Miranda's skin smooth as jade, sliding from her collarbone to her shoulders, lightly fiddling.

The strap instantly slid down to her forearm, and the white lace bra inside the half-undone uniform suddenly loosened, revealing an astonishing curve ready to burst forth.

"Thump, thump, thump!"

Watching this tempting figure, Howard's heart started beating violently, his throat became dry, and he couldn't help but swallow.

As a kind person, reason told Howard that taking advantage of someone like this was wrong.

But now, with zombies everywhere, surviving meant becoming stronger.

"Sigh, to become stronger, I must go against my own heart. This is truly a reluctant choice, but I believe you can understand!" Howard sighed and reached out his hand towards those enticing breasts.


Miranda suddenly stepped back half a step, baring her teeth again with a fierce expression.

"Not allowing to touch? Isn't that a bit hypocritical!"

"Just a few minutes ago, you pinned me to the ground!"

"Now, I haven't even done anything yet, just purely appreciating from an artistic perspective, to touch for the sake of becoming stronger, enduring humiliation and going against my heart!"

"And you roar at me?!"

Howard said this while secretly observing Miranda's reaction.

He had just noticed that Miranda, in the process of transitioning from a zombie to a semi-human, apparently hadn't brought along human intelligence.

Her intelligence now was probably akin to that of a kitten, a puppy, or a three to four-year-old child.

To deal with someone like this, brute force wouldn't work; only clever tactics could!

Indeed, seeing Howard's expression, Miranda froze.

Her expression seemed to solidify, her open hand hanging in mid-air, standing there, completely at a loss.

After a moment.

Miranda's expression changed from fierce to frantic and helpless, her little hands nervously shaking, seemingly trying to explain that she didn't mean to be fierce towards Howard and pleading with him not to be sad.

But she couldn't speak, only becoming increasingly anxious and distressed.


Seeing Miranda fall for it, Howard was secretly pleased.


Suddenly, Miranda took a half step forward, as if making up her mind, and grabbed Howard's wrist fiercely, then forcefully pressed it towards her chest.


Soft, tender, smooth...

Howard's blood pressure skyrocketed, the turn of events was too unexpected.

He was just trying to give Miranda a hard time, waiting for her to run out of options before finding an excuse to forgive her, surely this would increase affection.

But unexpectedly, Miranda was too straightforward, delivering herself right into his hands!

"Ah!?" Miranda blinked her big eyes, looking concernedly at Howard as if observing his mood.

Seeing a strange smile on Howard's face, she finally breathed a sigh of relief and also started to smile sweetly and naively.

"Ding! Miranda's intimacy level +3.5, current level at 10!"

"Ding! Miranda unlocked skill: 'Rigid Claw Strike'!"

[Rigid Claw Strike]: Causes fingernails to instantly grow longer, obtaining extreme rigidity and sharpness! Damage increases with one's own level!

"Congratulations to the host and Miranda for reaching an intimacy level of 10, unlocking a lottery draw opportunity, would you like to draw now?"


"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill 'Food Reconstruction'!"

[Food Reconstruction]: Allows for the decomposition of food, storing it in the system in the form of food points. When needed, food can be synthesized by consuming food points!

"This skill is amazing!"

Howard's eyes lit up.

No matter what food, directly decompose it and store it in the system, this is equivalent to having an infinite space for food storage.

And being able to create any food he wants, this was even more incredible!

As time goes on, with the city losing power, many fresh foods like meats, dairy, fruits, and vegetables are the hardest to preserve, and after several months, they will become the most scarce food resources.

Whereas instant noodles, biscuits, and other foods with longer shelf lives will become the main food source for survivors.

Howard could transform instant noodles into milk, steak, or even apples through food points, increasing their value dozens or even hundreds of times!


Howard's stomach started growling.

Miranda, this zombie, had her fill, but he was still hungry!

"Do you have anything to eat?"

Howard asked Miranda.

"Hmm?" Miranda tilted her head, looking at Howard with a puzzled face.

"Food! Need to eat when hungry, got any?"

Howard explained while gesturing.

"Hmm!" Miranda nodded vigorously, now understanding.

"Where is it? Lead the way!"

"Ah!" Miranda pointed at Howard's pants, giggling.

Howard: "…"