
Apocalypse - Infinite Modification System

"Apocalypse in three minutes?" What should I do stuck in this dilapidated van in the middle of the city center? No worries! Infinite Modification System activated! [Ding! Successful modification of the dilapidated van, acquired one LV1 armored vehicle!] [Ding! Successful modification of the abandoned base, acquired one steel fortress!] [Ding! Successful modification of the exoskeleton armor! Acquired one Unicorn Gundam!] Transport plane? Cargo ship? Firearms? Ammunition? All modified!

moone_heroall · Sci-fi
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64 Chs

Two Evolved Zombies, Strength and Agility Types

Ray's eyes narrowed slightly, "If I'm not mistaken, this zombie is the culprit that caused that couple to jump from the rooftop earlier, and it looks like it has evolved!"

Beside him, Liu Yuqing covered her mouth to prevent herself from screaming out in shock.

And after that three-meter-tall evolved zombie fell and turned into mush, it took more than an hour for the building to gradually quiet down.

"Jarvis, try to check the situation inside that building."

Ray pressed his hand on the Bluetooth earpiece and instructed Jarvis.

It didn't take long for Jarvis's voice to respond after less than a second of silence, "Sir, there are no human survivors left inside the building."

"All infected?" Ray frowned and asked, "Can you find out how many evolved zombies are inside the building through the phone?"

"Sir, it's not possible to find out through the phone," Jarvis immediately replied.

"Is there another way?" Ray touched his chin and asked further.

After a second of silence, Jarvis's voice came through again.

"Some of the residents' doors on certain floors are equipped with smart surveillance linked to mobile phones. By reviewing the history of these surveillance videos, we have identified two evolved zombies."


Ray's gaze sharpened, and he immediately asked, "Can you describe what they look like?"

This time, Jarvis didn't answer directly but after a pause of two seconds, said, "Sir, I have captured the videos related to these two evolved zombies and imported them into your phone. You can view them at any time."

"There's such an operation? Let me see."

Ray was slightly surprised, took out his phone, and saw that indeed there were two notifications of successful video imports. Without hesitation, he opened one of them, and the next second, a black and white image appeared on his phone screen.

Seeing this, Liu Yuqing also leaned in, but was immediately startled by the image that appeared on the smartphone screen.

In the video, a zombie over three meters tall, with muscles covering its body, all hair fallen out, arms thicker than an elephant's legs, and veins like small snakes crawling all over its body, fiercely punched a security door about six or seven centimeters thick. The door, as if made of paper, dented inward instantly.

Then came another punch, making the security door shake, followed by a third, fourth, until the eighth punch landed, causing the security door to collapse instantly, and screams echoed from inside the house.

But in less than half a minute, the room that the zombie broke into quieted down.

This zombie, seen by both Ray and Liu Yuqing, was the same one that had been pushed from the twentieth floor and turned into mush. They hadn't expected its strength to be so formidable!

Yet, the scene did not end there. After a few minutes of silence in the house, the zombie reappeared on screen.

This time, however, it was covered in blood, munching on an arm, and after a few steps, it approached the house with the surveillance installed.

But this time, instead of using its fists to smash the door, it suddenly accelerated and charged at the security door.


With a loud noise, accompanied by dust flying, the wall around the security door instantly cracked, showing several fissures, and the door itself was deeply dented.


Following that, a second impact came, loosening the door frame of the security door. When the third impact hit, the entire security door, along with its frame, was knocked flying off, affecting the surveillance camera as well, causing it to fall off the wall and land on the ground.

However, possibly due to the good quality of the surveillance, it did not break upon falling to the ground. Moreover, by a stroke of luck, the camera angle was just right, facing the interior of the house.

Upon breaking the door down, the zombie charged straight into the house, heading for the homeowner.

As for the homeowner, Ray and Liu Yuqing recognized him upon a closer look. He was the same two-meter-tall, strong man who had pushed the zombie down the building, intending to die together with it.

Clearly, the homeowner was no pushover. As the zombie rushed in, he stood in the living room with a watermelon knife, seemingly waiting for its arrival, bravely confronting the zombie without a hint of fear.

However, the watermelon knife he wielded seemed to barely penetrate the zombie's skin.

"What incredible defense! This zombie seems to be of the same type as the one I've seen on TV before, but obviously, it's even stronger!"

Ray's pupils contracted slightly at this sight.

"Thankfully, this zombie has already been smashed to mush; otherwise, it would have been a real threat."

Seeing the homeowner resist for a few more minutes before finally gathering all his strength to push the zombie off the balcony, they breathed a sigh of relief.

With that, the video ended.

"Is...is that the one that fell earlier?"

Liu Yuqing recovered from her shock as the video ended, unable to help but look towards Ray.

"Mhm!" Ray nodded.

"Phew~ that's a relief. It would have been troublesome if that zombie came for us." Liu Yuqing patted her chest, relieved.

"Don't celebrate too soon, there might still be another one in that apartment building!"

Ray warned, as he opened the second video.


Liu Yuqing didn't quite catch on at first, but her gaze instinctively followed Ray's, both looking at the phone screen.

This time, the evolved zombie that appeared on the screen didn't shock Ray and Liu Yuqing as much, but it was still enough to make them wary.

In the video, there was a zombie about two meters tall, but with the physique of a normal person. The only difference was its legs!

These were legs with thin calves, thick thighs, and knees bent at a strange angle!

When it moved, its uniqueness was unmistakably evident.

According to Ray's judgment, its speed was at least three times that of a normal person!

If the previous zombie, like the one seen on TV, was considered a strength-type zombie, then this one could likely be classified as an agility-type!