
Apocalypse - Infinite Modification System

"Apocalypse in three minutes?" What should I do stuck in this dilapidated van in the middle of the city center? No worries! Infinite Modification System activated! [Ding! Successful modification of the dilapidated van, acquired one LV1 armored vehicle!] [Ding! Successful modification of the abandoned base, acquired one steel fortress!] [Ding! Successful modification of the exoskeleton armor! Acquired one Unicorn Gundam!] Transport plane? Cargo ship? Firearms? Ammunition? All modified!

moone_heroall · Sci-fi
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64 Chs

No One Would Think of This Question!

Digesting these messages one by one, Ray gradually formed a plan.

He returned to the restaurant, which had already been cleaned up. Ray grabbed a bottle of water and tossed it to Liu Yuqing, who was resting in a chair.

"Get a good rest tonight, we're leaving this place tomorrow!"

Leaving this place?

Liu Yuqing took the water and was slightly stunned, but she quickly understood Ray's intention.

Although the supermarket was stocked with enough supplies to last them for half a year, the situation outside was severe. Not only were there many zombies surrounding the supermarket, but these zombies could also evolve.

Staying here would mean merely waiting for death!

"Tomorrow, we'll try to move as much supplies as possible to the car. Also, I've noticed that zombies seem to dislike sunlight. Their activity decreases during the day, and their numbers reduce, so we'll set off tomorrow morning after the sun comes up."

"Okay, I understand!"

Liu Yuqing had no objections, and afterward, Ray talked to her about some things to be aware of after they leave.

"It's getting late, hurry up and rest!"

It was already past midnight, and they needed to make good use of their time to rest, as they might not have such a good opportunity once they leave.

However, they had experienced a lot today, from driving to escape to multiple killings in the supermarket, both thrilling and exciting. Their clothes were already soaked with sweat, and they needed to take a shower before resting.

After all, there might be even fewer chances to rest in the future, let alone take showers.

Fortunately, there was hot water on the fifth floor, but don't think about using a showerhead; they could only use a basin to bathe.

Luckily, there were places to provide privacy, as the fifth floor sold food, electronics, clothing, etc., so there were many places to block the line of sight.

Ray didn't mind as long as he could wash, especially since it was summer, and the nighttime temperature was around twenty degrees Celsius.

Given his current physical condition, even washing with cold water wouldn't matter much, and as for privacy, he didn't care at all, being a man.

But for Liu Yuqing, it was her first time bathing in such circumstances, and being a girl, she inevitably blushed a bit.

After a quick shower, Ray found a set of fitting summer clothes in a branded clothing area on the fifth floor, lit a cigarette, and leaned against the window, watching the zombies on the street below and the survivors in the surrounding apartment buildings who still had their lights on and hadn't gone to sleep.

"If nothing unexpected happens, these survivors probably don't stand much of a chance."

There wasn't much food in the residential area to begin with. Staying here, if they didn't die at the hands of zombies, they would likely die of hunger or thirst.

After smoking a couple of cigarettes, Ray felt his body relax.

At that moment, Liu Yuqing, having finished her shower, came over.

"Ray, I'm done!"

Liu Yuqing stood next to him, her gaze also turning to the group of zombies below and the survivors in the neighboring apartment floors.

Seeing Liu Yuqing fresh out of the shower, her hair still wet, changed into a cool sundress, with her fair skin slightly flushed, Ray was momentarily dazzled.

Her long, black, straight hair was damp, and although the sundress was loose, it couldn't hide her somewhat exceptional figure. Perhaps because she liked to exercise, Liu Yuqing's physique was just right, with long legs, a slim waist, a large bear...

In two words, perfect!

No wonder those guys were so intent on her!

Feeling a bit thirsty, Ray naturally averted his gaze, took a sip of water from a bottle beside him to cool down a bit.

This was hardly the time to be thinking about such things!

Liu Yuqing didn't notice she was being watched; she was looking at the zombies filling the streets, her brows slightly furrowed, "Do you think these zombies will starve to death if they can't find anything to eat?"

"We'd have to capture one and let the experts study it to know that."

"I think they would, after all, no living being can defy the law of conservation of energy," Liu Yuqing said again.

"Without a decade-long cerebral thrombosis, nobody would think about this problem!"

Ray lit another cigarette, took a deep drag, and couldn't help but laugh.

"This question isn't useless, though. If these zombies starve after a while without eating, then we wouldn't have to worry about survival later on. After all, we'd just need to find a place to hide for a while," Liu Yuqing said again.

"Would you be willing to take that risk?" Ray glanced at her lightly.

"...No." Liu Yuqing paused, then shook her head.

"There you go, instead of spending energy thinking about these issues, we might as well focus on getting some rest."

Ray stood up, ready to head to the restaurant's staff rest area to rest.

"That's true!"

Liu Yuqing nodded and turned to go rest as well.


Suddenly, a scream broke the quiet of the street.

"It came from over there!"

Ray and Liu Yuqing immediately returned to the window, looking towards a residential building at the northwest corner of the supermarket.

The scream came from that building, specifically from the rooftop of the thirtieth floor!

Although they were far away, making the scream not very loud by the time it reached them, in the silent and deserted deep night, it was still very stark, allowing them to hear it very clearly.

Looking at that residential building, Ray remembered that there were quite a few survivors inside, but now a scream had come from the rooftop of the thirtieth floor.

The next moment, before he and Liu Yuqing could take a closer look, a young couple jumped off the rooftop.

Bang! Bang!

Beep beep beep—

The sound of them hitting the ground was heard, and they were instantly turned into a mess, immediately triggering a series of car alarms nearby.

Immediately afterward, Ray and Liu Yuqing saw all the zombies inside that residential building go berserk!

At the same time!

The zombies wandering unconsciously on the surrounding streets also simultaneously turned their gaze towards that building. Then, they charged into the building, howling and roaring like mad.

Soon, the building was overrun!

Every survivor in the building either screamed, jumped from the floors above, or was infected and mutated by the invading zombies, becoming one of them.

And this commotion directly caused the survivors in other buildings to panic and become terrified, hastily turning off their lights and daring not to make the slightest noise, fearing that their building would be the next to fall.

Meanwhile, Ray and Liu Yuqing, who were inside the supermarket, also crouched down to carefully observe the situation.

As for the lights inside the supermarket, Ray had Jarvis, who had already taken control of the supermarket's electrical system, turn them off.

After about fifteen minutes!

Under Ray and Liu Yuqing's watchful eyes, a strong man exerted all his strength to push a bulky, three-meter-tall zombie from the balcony of a twentieth-floor apartment in the complex.

They fell to their deaths together, turning into two puddles of mush on the ground.