

"Mysterious places at Hogwarts!" exclaimed Rahul. He tried to open the book, but he saw those pages as blank. "There is nothing in this book, then why professor Dumbledore is trying to hide it. Peter might bring this?" he thought. He asked the same thing to Peter, and it hooted very happily. "Hagrid's orders?" asked Rahul with a surprising look. Peter looked at him once and flew out through his window. "Going back to where Peter?" he shouted. "It is going to Owlery, Rahul. The Owlery was a room on the top of Hogwarts Castle's West Tower, where the school owls and the owls belonging to students lived during the school year. It might feel uncomfortable in your cage. If you disturb me again, I will cast a spell on you." groaned Ben. "Sorry, Ben !" he said and played down on his bed.

The next morning Rahul hid the book in his bag and met Hagrid using the cloak. They discussed arranging the giant pumpkins that needed to be crafted for the feast. After a good discussion and planning, Rahul showed the book which he brought with him. Hagrid looked closely at that book and said, "Yes, I sent this for you. Professor Snape wants this book with you. All permissions are granted, but you should not show this to anyone because some books are dangerous". Rahul looked at him thoughtfully. "How can they say that? I'm a prey for a killer, and again this dangerous book will tear me apart?" he thought. He did not say a word, ate Hagrid's Rock cakes, and said that he would meet him again in the class.

Rahul went to the Great hall and sat beside Lily and having breakfast. "Forty points? How did we lose them?" yelled the fifth year Gryffindor student wearing a badge named PERFECT. Everyone on the Gryffindor table is seriously discussing it. "Rahul, the portrait man is the reason for this?" Whispered Sophia. Rahul nodded reluctantly. "What kind is he? He's terrifying. Forty points? Why? How can a portrait take away our points? This is ridiculous," said Sophia.

During lunch, the students from each house were discussing this incident. Slytherins were laughing at the perfects of Gryffindor. Rahul looked at them unwillingly. "Guys, is there a place where we can talk in private?" he requested. Ben took them to the school grounds and gathered near a pit. "Woah, What it is, Ben?" said Lily looking at an old tree without leaves but many branches. "It is whooping willow a precious, very violent sentient species of magical plant. I do not know why they planted this old tree here. Nevertheless, people say that it is very intense if we disturb it. Even Professor Tiffany Weasely noted that we should not go near this plant.

They sat near the pit, and Ben made some benches to have some lunch and begin to discuss the Halloween festival.

"I want to dress up like a dragon," said Ben and continued, "I got a dress from my mom." However, Rahul is not listening to them. He opened the mysterious book, and finding out any clue is hidden in them. "Rahul! What are you doing? What is that book?" yelled Sophia. They came near to him and looked at that book. "This is empty," said Sophia looking at the book and scanning the empty pages. I need your help, guys. I think Sam Martinez and this Book got a relation. However, how can we know about her, and how do we persuade her to help us?" replied Rahul doubtfully. "Let us kidnap her," said Sophia taking out her wand and pointing towards a bug and cried, "I know a spell Petrificus Totalus." The bug became motionless, bulges body, and blasted. Rahul, who is looking at this, giggled.

"Oh, Stop it, Rahul," said Sophia angrily. She saw that Ben is calculating something. "If we sneak into her common room, then we may break 11 rules, if we use a spell on her we may break 27 rules, and if you use this charm which is about to kill 56 or 89 or 110 or expelled from Hogwarts." chuckled Ben. "I will be busy with Hagrid for a week. Try to talk to her and be careful with this Book, guys. No one should find about this.

Rahul did not meet them for a week, even in classes or standard rooms. Even professor snape didn't deduct any points and made him practice the Expelliarmus charm. He's also busy with Hagrid in decorating the great hall. On the D-day, he woke up early and took his invisibility cloak, and met Hagrid. "Happy Halloween, Rahul", said Hagrid merrily and gave him some candies. They both sat in the house and having some tea. "Did Ben, Lily, Sophia came to see me, Hagrid?" he asked. "No, Rahul, they are not attending my classes for a week. Also, we are busy with this work. Let's meet them at the party. I've invited the staff and ghosts." Announced Hagrid drinking the whole cup of tea in one gulp. "One week? Ghosts?" he thought. Rahul heard the name ghost when Ben said about Professor Binns, who teaches the History of magic in the second year.

"Hagrid, I don't know anything about Hogwart's ghosts. Can you explain to me about them?" requested Rahul. "Sure, Hogwarts nearly have twenty ghosts, but I know most about the Hogwarts ghosts represented the four Gryffindor houses, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff in their own unique ways. Nearly Headless Nick was a wizard who attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, who became the resident ghost of Gryffindor Tower at the Hogwarts Castle. He's really good at solving students' problems, the Bloody Baron, the horrifying one, and the Slytherin house ghost. The Grey lady, not a very talkative person, is the Ravenclaw ghost, and Fat Friar is the Hufflepuff ghost. She helps me sometimes with cooking," replied Hagrid.

"Thanks, Hagrid. I will meet them for sure, and I need to find Sophia once. If we got her, I could find out where Ben and Lily are," told Rahul. He didn't mention anything about the book giving to them.

Rahul searched for them till nightfall. He asked about them to the fellow Gryffindors, but there's no sign of them. "Maybe they are still working about the book in a secret place. After it has done, they might meet me", he said to him twice and costumed up for the party.

Rahul arranged the great hall with Hagrid for the Halloween festival till the end of the week. But he didn't see how's the final output. So in the evening, he dressed up quickly and went to the great hall.

The great hall is decorated with many glowing spooky pumpkins from Hagrid's garden, and the shining violet color walls portrayed the flavor of the event. The enchanted bats were moving around the mysterious tree, which is located at the center. "Good decoration Rahul, we need it for the choir too", said Professor Flitwick Jr." Thanks, professor", he responded quickly and went to search for his friends.

"Hey, Rahul! Come over here", called Hagrid. He dressed in a violet suit. Rahul has seen the four ghosts which surrounded Hagrid and talking to him. "Hello, Professor Hagrid, and Nice to meet you, Sir Nicholas, Sir Baron, Madam Grey lady, and Madam Friar. I am Rahul Jones From Gryffindor", said Rahul very politely. "Good, but we will be so happy if you call me Nick," replied Nearly headless Nick. His silvery and translucent body came towards him and looked at his face very closely. "We have a situation, Rahul, and I need your help. Peeves escaped from the doors!" said Hagrid worriedly. Rahul did not hear anything about peeves, but Hagrid's tone explains that he is very dangerous. "Who are peeves Hagrid... Er Professor Hagrid? "Chocked Rahul. He does not want to know about his friendship with Hagrid. "He is the Hogwarts Poltergeist, really irritates everyone and spoils everyone a good time. You need to bring him to me if you do not want to get this party at stake. Remember he has a clown hat", said Bloody Baron. Hagrid is so shocked while he is also talking like, the remaining ghosts. Generally, Bloody Baron does not speak with anyone.

"Sure, Sir Baron, I will get that student and stop him from ruining this party". "He is not a student. It is just a spirit of chaos. Bring me the peeves", said Baron with a louder tone. This time everyone in the great hall turned towards them. "O..k Sir," replied Rahul with worry. "A spirit?" he thought. He left the great hall by keeping his wand in his pocket and searching out for anything suspicious.

"Very boring, like Rahul", said Richard, who is coming from the stairs with fellow Slytherins. Rahul immediately wanted to leave the place. However, Richard found him and laughed, "Oh loser, come on, you can show your face. We promise that we will not make it funny". The fellow Slytherins giggled at him. "He lost a duel with me, cried like a baby with my attack", said Richard with a smile. "Do not test my patience Richard, and I have no work with you," replied Rahul recklessly. This made Richard lose his temper. He took out his wand again and pointed it towards him and said, "Say that again, Rahul, I shall show you the real magic." But Rahul didn't listen to him and proceeded through to find peeves. "Cru..." murmured Richard, but he stopped between. "Richard, your pants..." said Ivana, the first-year Slytherin with a feared voice. And then Richard Pants suddenly flew in the air along with his body. "This is what real magic," said a spokesperson in the air. Rahul turned back and looked at Richard's face and laughed. Suddenly the mysterious thing dropped him down and took his pants, and came near to Rahul. "Master!" the thing cried aloud. Listening to that voice, Richard tensed a lot and ran away from the place, crying out loud, "Peeves attacked me!". "Peeves?" said Rahul looking at the clown hat at the top of his head. "Master!!" cried Peeves and bend his head to show his loyalty. Rahul is so shocked by its behavior. Baron said that he's a trouble maker. But looking at this, he thought that he misunderstood him. "There are three people in my cage, I will take to you them," said Peeves and hugged him and flew in the air and took him to the third floor. "I need to send you to the baron, so let's go and meet him," he struggled from its hands. "Master! But what about the three.." replied Peeves. "Three?" remarked Rahul thinking about his missing friends. "Are they Gryffindors?" he questioned. But before he completes his question, he found that he's on the third floor." Get in, Master!" said Peeves pushing him. "Ouch! That hurts!" told Rahul, but he felt that he hit something. He bent down and looked at it. It was the same book given by Rahul to his friends a week ago. "LUMOS!" he cried. Then a point of light emitted from his wand and found Ben, Lily, and Sophia in a translucent state lying in the air five feet higher from him.