
A meet with Snape

"I am Rahul Jones, Mr. Harry James Potter," said Rahul. He can't believe that he's talking to the greatest wizard who destroyed Voldemort during the secondary wizarding war. "So, will you join with me to communicate with Professor Dumbledore?" Harry asked him. They went beside Dumbledore's portrait and sat in front of him.

"How's your detention going on Rahul?" asked Dumbledore. Rahul was so shocked because he didn't even mention to him that he's in Detention. He felt so cool suddenly. His robes become wet." Rahul! I think it's time. You need to meet a person who is the greatest protector of Hogwarts. He will help you to get perfection in dark arts, I am sure you will meet him tomorrow in your dormitory. Now if you please excuse us. I will have a word with Harry," said Dumbledore.

Rahul saw that Dumbledore is discussing seriously with Harry Potter, and he's listening to him more sincerely. After a while, Harry rose from his chair and came towards Rahul holding a box. "What's this?" he asked curiously, looking at the Gold covered wooden box. "This is a gift for you! Hope you like it. We will meet some other time Rahul, I need to talk with Hagrid too," said Harry and disappeared, making a sound. Rahul holds that gift in his hands and searches for Harry.

"Apparition is an advanced spell used by fully trained witches and wizards to disappear from one place and appear almost instantly somewhere else. I thought that you know about this Rahul," said Tiffany weasely, reappeared in the room making a pop sound. "Apparition? Is it linked to Appareted?" asked Rahul curiously. He heard about Appareted when Sophia did quite research on Mr. Kingson. "Appareted? It's some old dark magic used thousands of years ago used by Deities. I've read about them when my brothers are working as Aurors. An Auror is "a Dark wizard catcher." They are an elite group of witches and wizards, loyal to the Ministry of Magic, whose mission is to fight against and capture the forces of the Dark Arts, Anyway head back to your dormitory its already late," replied Tiffany weasely giving him a horrifying look. But Rahul didn't look at her eyes. He wants to ask her a question. "Professor, But we can't apparate or appareted in Hogwarts grounds, can we?" asked Rahul, packing some courage in his voice. She expected this question and said reluctantly, "Exceptions can be made Rahul Jones."

Rahul went back to his dormitory and saw that Ben, Lily, and Sophia are waiting for him. "Where you have been?" questioned Lily with an angry tone. "I, just went to meet a visitor, "said Rahul with a stammering voice. "Rahul! You said that you came from an orphanage, and then who visited you? And what's that Gold colored box in your hands?" asked Sophia starring at his gift box. He said everything about the Gates, how he felt when he's near him, and about meeting Harry Potter and the Unknown Greatest Saviour of Hogwarts.

Rahul felt so happy moreover easy. He never felt this much more comfortable because everyone in the orphanage called him a weird kid and bullied him. But looking at his friends and their care, Rahul thanked Hogwarts and said," I just don't want you to get killed; that's why I shouted on you guys. Please forgive me!" he cried. But neither of them listening to him. "Harry Potter? Great!" said Sophia. Rahul was furious but happy now. "Let's see what's in this box," said Rahul angrily. They opened the box and found one dirty black cloak inside it. "What's this? It's so dirty," chocked Rahul when the dust fell out from the box. He looked at others. They were choking, but their expressions are giving a different meaning. "What's wrong with you, guys? Are you ok"? But they didn't reply to him. They were admired to see some dirty cloak. "Oh! You are driving me mad. Can any one of you explain what's going on?" shouted Rahul. This time Ben came back to his senses.

"Is it real, Lily, are you sure?" he asked. "I am Damn Sure, Ben, it's the famous thing," said Lily looking more closely to the dirty cloak." Rahul began to think, 'An extraordinary thing? '. "It's the CLOAK OF INVISIBILITY, Rahul!" cried Sophia. "The what?-" said Rahul. He's so confused now. "The CLOAK OF INVISIBILITY is a magical artifact used to render the wearer invisible. But why Harry potter gave this to you, Rahul?" said Sophia looking crazily over the cloak and trying to wear it. " I dunno-" he said.

They promised that they would not mention this to anyone. The next morning Rahul had some breakfast and attended the classes. But Rahul is not listening to them. He was thinking about that Greatest Saviour of Hogwarts." Rahul! Demonstrate the Levitating charm," said Professor Flitwick Jr. He has done it with ease and set back at his seat.

During lunch, everyone is looking at the roof except Rahul. "What's going on Sophia, Why everyone is looking at the roof?" asked Rahul. "Owl Post, Rahul. Owl post is a wizarding system of sending messages or items using owls as the carriers". Replied, Sophia coolly. "Oh like DTDC," said Rahul writing about this in his To-do-List. Then suddenly hundreds of owls zoomed into Great hall, holding some parcels and letters. "This is great, isn't it?" said Lily opening up her package. Sophia got a big box of sweets, and Ben received a dress. Everyone is so enjoying a lot except some guys and Rahul. "Hey look at that Red-Velvet Screech Owl," a first-year shouted. The Owl made some rounds and landed at the Gryffindor table beside Rahul. Everyone, even the seventh year students, looked so shocked. "Rahul, you got a letter," said Sophia looking at the name on the letter brought by the Owl. Rahul grabbed the message from it and began to read.

Dear Rahul,

There's a Halloween celebration occurring this week, and you are going to help me design it. Join you at my house, and this Owl belongs to you. It's a limited variety brought from Bulgaria. Take care of it. Its cage is in your dormitory. See you soon. ~Hagrid

"It's a letter from Hagrid, we need to meet him this night," whispered Rahul to Sophia. Everyone's attention in the Great hall turned towards Rahul's Owl except Slytherin. "It's just an owl, you fools," shouted Richard from the Slytherin table. But anyone is not listening to him. The Owl flew and landed on Rahul's shoulder and making some signs. "You need some orange juice?" asked Rahul keeping his goblet near its beak. The Owl hooted and drank it in one gulp. " How do you know that he's thirsty" questioned Lily. " It's just a basic one Lily, why you always doubt about something," said Ben from the other side. That's a perfect day for Rahul in the Great hall. "I want to call him Peter," said Rahul taking Peter to his dormitory. On their way, they saw Richard is waiting for them. "Oh, I heard some Peter? The very old name isn't it guys. So what about Quidditch " he asked. At this time, his merciless laugh surrounded the whole corridor. "I don't know what quidditch is and don't involve me and names aren't old the guys who named became old. So please shut your mouth and move away from here," said Rahul angrily and pushed Richard away from his way. Richard is so upset now, took out his wand, pointed towards him, and cried " Flipendo" Rahul, who didn't expect this attack got a hit at his back. Peter flew from his hands and sat on Lily's shoulder. The Slytherin students were laughing at him. "This time learn some spells Rahul to protect yourself or you'll become a toast for your prey," he said and went off.

"Are you ok, Rahul?" asked Sophia, placing a bandage on his back. "It's fine now and it's nearly evening," said Rahul and hurriedly continued, " Get the cloak now, we both are going to meet Hagrid."

They covered the cloak and said to Ben and Lily that they were going to meet Hagrid. The cloak disappeared from their presence, but still, they can see what's on the other side. When they reached Hagrid's house, they found the door opened. "Close the door Rahul if anyone finds us we're going to be in trouble," said Sophia with a freaky voice. It's her first visit to Hagrid's house. Rahul shut the door and removed the cloak and started Searching for Hagrid.

Suddenly the room went dark, and a green flame appeared at the end. A man with some scary eyes looking over him. "Huh? Rahul, who...who, is he?" stammered Sophia. Rahul looked at him and said, "It's a portrait leave it, Sophia, Hagrid keeps something stupid on the wall sometimes. Listening to this, the man in the portrait went mad and shouted, "You are a feeble-minded one, Mr. Jones." Rahul was so shocked. He heard this voice somewhere, but he's unable to recollect it. "Are you the savior of Hogwarts?" he asked the man in the portrait. " I am Severus Snape, Mr. Jones not pleased to meet you at all. But if I am a house head and found you in this nasty place sure I'm going to send you home," he said with his hateful look and continued "So, Dumbledore's ordered me to take care of your wand casting, but I requested him a favor to do.

" His small smile is scariest than Richard's laugh. "Professor Dumbledore said that you would meet me in the dormitory," Rahul asked him by not looking into his eyes. "Ten points from Gryffindor, You have no right to ask me questions, Mr. Jones, Another one you will lose twenty points," said Snape seriously. Sophia is shocked. Even Rahul is transfixed with the situation. "He's fierce, how can he be a savior of Hogwarts," he thought. "Send your girlfriend back to your common room Mr. Jones, stop thinking about me and move your lazy body." Said, Snape.

"Sophia I am so sorry but take this cloak and get back to the dormitories," said Rahul hurriedly. Sophia took the cloak and went away. Nearly for an hour, Snape taught him how to defend using his wand, and Snape earns 40 points from him. "Enough Today, Mr. Jones. Get back to your dormitory or you will lose another 40 points today," said Snape mercilessly. Rahul felt so bad, but he learned a significant spell, The Disarming charm.

He went back to the standard room and sat near his bed. "Tomorrow I should meet Hagrid peter, and..." Rahul stopped in the middle and saw Peter standing on a book. He took the book and saw the silver embedded words on it- "MYSTERIOUS PLACES AT HOGWARTS BY KEVIN MARTINEZ."