
Anything for my Queen

Coming Soon

Mcintoshstar · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Levi's voice was one she could never forget. How could she? He was the love of her life. She turned around with tears in her eyes and hugged the man behind her tightly. She wept in his arms while he patted her head and comforted her by whispering sweet nothing in her ears.

"And who might you be?" Mr. Kang asked upset, 'What is happening? Are they purposely trying to embarrass me?' he thought angrily.

"I'm Levi Ouyang, her husband. Sorry about your event, We will be leaving here now." Levi announced before swooping Alice into his arms and holding her princess style. The onlookers stared in even more shock at what event that was unfolding before them.

How convenient is it that her husband appeared right on time? Maybe she planned to introduce him through the event? These were some of the thoughts that were swimming through the onlookers, minds.

"Is this true Ms. Tong?" asked Mr. Kang, 'This is not possible, this ruffian must just be trying to cover for her.' he thought angrily.

Alice nodded, not removing her head from Levi's chest as she could only imagine the mess she looked like right now, or maybe it was because deep down, some part of her thought this was a dream. Mr. Kang said nothing more as to prevent ruining the event any further.

Levi then left the stage with Alice in his arms and looked around the room for Mr. Jiang. Once he found him in the crowd, he went over and explained the situation. "I'm heading back now, I got what I came here for." he said smiling at Alice's figure in his arms. Mr. Jiang waved him off giving him the go ahead to leave.

While he left the mansion, he could hear from the distance Mr. Kang apologizing for what had happened just now.

It didn't take too long for a taxi to appear and Levi had waved it down. He then proceeded to give the driver directions to the hotel. The ride was around thirty minutes and during this time period Alice had fallen asleep. He smiled at her sleeping face while humming the song being played by the radio.

Once they arrived to Shang Hao Veture, the hotel he was staying, he paid using the card Mr. Jiang had given him earlier. Alice still had her head in his chest and her breathing was still evened out, he looked at her face to verify his theory for her still being asleep.

Upon entering the lobby, they garnered the attention of everyone present. People that had their eyes on him were almost green with envy. 'Who was the woman in arms? Where did she come from?'

Levi ignored all the stares and continued his journey to his hotel room. He entered the elevator where he pushed the button which corresponded to the twenty-fourth floor where his room was located. Once arriving to his floor, he located his door and swiped his card twice before entering and made sure it was locked behind him.

The hotel room he was staying in was nothing short of grand. It had a bathroom, a jacuzzi room, kitchen, large living room and two bedrooms. Though one can't be too surprised. He was staying in the most grand hotel in all of Shang Hao, a relatively wealthy city. Most of the people that were considered poor here, are considered middle class in other areas of the world.

He brought his wife's sleeping figure to his bed and removed her shoes. After making sure she seemed comfortable he went over to his closet and grabbed some clothes before going to take a quick shower. Those some clothes being a white tee-shirt and dark blue sweatpants.

Levi entered the bathroom where he stripped bare before entering the shower. The water felt cool on his body and he used the time in the shower to collect his thoughts. 'I'm finally back in Shang Hao, back with my baby. Though I doubt she'll forgive me.'

Levi pondered on a few more thoughts before getting out the shower and getting dressed. "What now?" he thought aloud. After his shower Levi realized he was hungry and when to the kitchen to prepare a quick meal. He prepared something for Alice too incase she woke up before morning and was hungry.

Levi decided on watching television to pass the time but he instead just had the tv running while he reminisced about his high school days. When he had just met Alice, to when they started dating, and even their flash wedding.

Time had flown by quickly and Levi didn't even notice it was pass 3am. "I need to get to bed I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow." he said stretching before going to place his dirty plate in the dish washer. This made him happy, he was tired of washing dishes by hands now.

Levi headed to his room and layed beside his wife on the King sized bed. He tried falling asleep and failed miserably, so he instead settled on just closing his eyes and resting his head on his arms. Around five minutes later he heard sobbing. He opened his eyes to see Alice leaning over him asking why.

"Why- why did you leave me Levi?" she asked before bursting into tears. Levi sat up and held her in his lap as he tried to explained why he did, what he did. At first she tried to fight him off but she eventually gave in.

"I'm sorry Alice, I had to grow stronger, strong enough to protect you. I wasn't supposed to be gone five years. I'm sorry." he apologized continuously, wiping her tears with a spare rag he kept in his drawer.

Alice didn't argue with him, she knew he only did what was best for her. That's what he always did. Before he knew it, Alice had cried herself to sleep once more. Levi didn't move her head from his chest. He instead repositioned her in a way where they were both lying down and her head was resting on his shoulders.

"We'll talk in the morning." he mumbled kissing her forehead before drifting off to sleep.