
Anything for my Queen

Coming Soon

Mcintoshstar · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

"Remember our deal Levi." reminded the old man before Levi could exit the vehicle. "Yes, yes, I must keep you company until someone comes up to have a conversation." the young man replied rolling is almost black eyes.

"Don't you dare catch an attitude with me young man." scolded the old man which could be identified as eighty-nine year old Mr. Jiang. A man considered to be a medicine god in Shang Hao city.

Both males exited the taxi before approaching the door of the mansion. Yes there were guards, but no one dared to stop the medicine god from entering their building. Even though it has been years since Mr. Jiang left Shang Hao, no one could forget his face, who would dare? Mr. Jiang stepping foot on someone's property alone was considered an honor to many.

The males entered the building where a waiter came up to them and offered a glass of red wine. "Any wine Sirs?" They accepted the waiter's offer after which Mr. Jiang started pointing out influential people he remembered from his last time in the city.

It didn't take long before someone came up to him. "Mr. Jiang, Mr. Jiang, I'm so glad that you decided to return to Shang Hao, the city just hasn't been the same without you- may I ask who is the gentleman next to you?". The owner of the voice was Mr. Gao, a well known businessman in Shang Hao city.

"This is Levi Ouyang, my apprentice. He's the reason I decided to return to Shang Hao." smiled Mr. Jiang.

'His apprentice? I'm sure to get into Mr. Jiang's good books if I butter up to this kid.' thought Mr. Gao before introducing himself.

"It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, I'm David Gao, CEO of Gao enterprise. If you ever need help in the future, don't be afraid to ask. "

"Pleasure to meet you as well Mr. Gao. I will keep your offer in mind.". Levi then raised the glass of red wine before he turned to Mr. Jiang where he got permission to wonder.

'Damn brat didn't even introduce himself. I wouldn't have even bothered to introduce myself if you didn't come here with Mr. Jiang.' thought Mr. Gao angrily as he watched Levi fade into a crowd of people, he then decided to brush it off before redirecting his attention back to Mr. Jiang.


Levi wondered the crowd searching for reason he came to the event. 'She was just here a minute ago.' he thought as he continued to wonder through the crowd. He didn't want to ask the guest for help as he didn't want to draw attention to himself.

The lights suddenly went dim and the stage was now the center of attention. There on the stage, he saw the reason he endured his hardship over the years.

"Welcome everyone to this evening's charity event. While the purpose of this event is to raise funds for Liam orphanage I'd like to give some important news. The engagement between Ms. Alice Tong and my son, Robert Kang." after Mr. Kang finished speaking applause could be heard filling the building.

'Engagement?' Levi thought now amused. 'Well now, isn't this interesting?

The applause stopped when Alice took the microphone from Mr. Kang's hand. "There is a misunderstanding here. I never said I'd marry Robert. " Alice clarified.

"W-what?" laughed Mr. Kang now embarrassed. "Robert told me-" "He lied." said Alice cutting off Mr. Kang. The crowd was now intrigued as they watched watched with interest.

"But I'm sure you wouldn't mind marrying Robert right? He's strong, handsome and the heir to Kang enterprize one of the top businesses in Shang Hao." he tried to persuade her a bit nervous. 'She better agree, after this I'm going to give Robert a stern punishing for makin me embarrass myself on stage.' Mr. Kang thought angrily.

"Sorry Mr. Kang, no can do I'm a married woman." This caused the building to be filled with chatter, with all the excitement everyone failed to notice that Levi slipped onto the stage.

'Is she really married?'

'She must be lying to escape the situation.'

'Now that I think of it she does always where a ring on that finger, I just always thought it was for decoration.'

"Ms. Tong you must be joking, the media said nothing about you married." Mr. Kang was not only embarrassed but was now upset. 'How dare she lie to me, is she trying to make me lose more face?'

"I don't keep my business for the media to see Mr. Kang, now if you'll excuse me. I have business to attend to. " before Alice could leave the stage Levi entered the light and rapped his arms around Alice's waist. "Nice to see you haven't forgotten about me wifey." he smiled into her hair.