
Additional story (For DarkKnight32 request) Part 1

(Dark's POV)

I woke up next to my sister who was laying on the mud naked... I remember being caught and turned into slaves by human traffickers!

I stood up and looked around to see "Saito Eiji was here" written on the mud. There is also a lot of money... let me count...

"10... 2... 15... 300k!! That is a lot, it is enough to... I forgot I was poor... I don't know what it is enough to do, but it is a lot more than I ever dreamed of having!"

I woke my sister up and made her wait here while I go and buy clothes for both me and her... After 10 minutes of running I finally arrived at a poor clothing store which always treated poor people nicely. I heard the people talking about Saito Eiji, calling him the hero of the poor people!

I will always be grateful for Saito Eiji for saving my sister's chastity, which I almost failed to protect.

I picked up a dress for my sister and a perfume for us both, also some clothes for me, and started running back to my sister.

I arrived to see her crying asking me "Well mom and dad ever return home?". I felt guilt that I lied to her telling her that they will... Mom and dad abandoned us when she was still young, and I always tried to comfort her, but I think it is about time I tell her the truth.

"Mom and dad left us, they will never come back... But we can start all over again! We have the money, and you have me! We also have Saito Eiji! He is like a dad to us, protecting us when we needed him the most!"

She started crying louder, so I hugged her. We wore the new clothes that I bought and went straight to the poor parts of the town where we once lived. We showered, then went to eat in a cheap restaurant, after that I bought an expensive suit for me, and a more expensive dress for my sister...

'I already spent 10k ryo, in less than a day... I need to think of a way to gain money.' We were down the street just to find a casino, so I decided to enter while grabbing sister's hand to make sure she don't lose her way or get caught by human traffickers.

Once we entered, the place looked amazing! I was pretty sure that the floor of the casino cost at least 10 times what I spent in my whole life! I looked around, and saw a lot of games, but what I found strange was a handsome guy, he looked so handsome, that me and my sister stopped moving the moment we saw his smile... his looks and dress, they were all amazing!

He was playing at the roulette, using some strange way to bet that I never seen before... The shocking thing that he was actually winning 1/4 of the times ending up gaining money. I knew his way of betting was a strategy... so I decided to look into it more

There was also that blonde grandma with cow boobs! and with her was another girl who looked young and shy. A man with a big cigar was the one who usually bet the most, but he somehow still manage to lose less than the cow boobs grandma.

I stood there looking at the handsome man for 4 hours, studying his strategy, until I understood what he was doing! With this, I can gain some good amount of money! My sister on the other hand, just sat on the ground, and every staff wanted to kick us, but whenever they came close, the handsome man will send them a glance which stops them from coming close... They maybe thought that we were relatives or something.

I am actually appreciative for the handsome man for looking over us. But when he left, the staffs tried to kick us, until I showed them money and said "I want to buy those betting money stones too!!, for the roulette!" They all looked at me at shock, but they just smiled because they thought that it was easy money, and they also wanted to get back at the handsome man who made the penniless.

I started copying the strategy that the handsome man was using, and gained a lot of money... The original 300k became 500k in 1 hour... But after that I was kicked from the casino.

At my way back to the poor parts of the town, a gang of thugs blocked our way saying "Give us the money, and we might let you leave without turning you into a slave!"

I was scared, my sisters was scared... I thought it will start all over again... But then a masked ninja came and completely defeated the thugs. He looked at me and said "Do you have any information about Saito Eiji?". I nodded my head and said "Saito Eiji is my savior, he saved us from slavery... He is already considered the hero of the poor! I want to become like him when I gro..." Before I finished saying that, I looked aat the wall to see "Wanted, Saito Eiji for killing innocents in Konoha". The price on his head was unimaginable... 2m ryo!

I looked at the masked ninja then said "I don't know anything about Saito Eiji, if you want to hurt him, you better get through us first!"

The ninja laughed and said "Well, my mission here is finished! Bye young boy!"

I just got annoyed and continued my way to the place where I call home...


My friends are going outside...

So, no more chapters for today, I am spending the night outside playing league and stuffs!

Have fun!

Voidnecreators' thoughts