
Another Cinderella

story of a girl named cinderella but her life is more like a teenager girl leading her to a world with unavoidable fate

Zeyneb · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 010

Next day was a sunny spring day. The air was ladden with the sweet pungent smell of and cherry blossom was on its peak. As a gale blew the cherry petals spread across the scene.

Cinderella was walking to academy completely lost in her thoughts without knowing of her surroundings. She was wearing a scarf. When a strong gale of air blew it took the scarf away and Cinderella was a little startled and looked around. Suddenly she realized, she was missing something beautiful, the blue hue with the pink tinged petals.

She suddenly got full of herself, a motivation not from out but something from deep inside. She said to herself

"Why am I wasting my precious time over something so trivial? I should enjoy my surrounding, may be the weather never get this shade again that I'm missing out or may be I'll not be here next time it is this beautiful."

She was able to come out of that phase which was almost about to ruin her day. A gale seeping through.

She reached academy in time, and was able to do everything normal.

She was running down the stairs when she came across Lucas but due to her speed she ran past him. Suddenly she stopped an again came back.

" Thanks for yesterday Lucas."

Lucas was a little surprised " My pleasure."

She again turned around and said

" All are ordered to gather on the assembly ground some general is visiting. Don't be late, latecomers will be punished"

When she was gone he smiled and a gale of wind surrounded him.

Cinderella started to work hard because her dreams were bigger than her powers. So in order to get what wasn't her power she added hardwork.

Even IQ is nothing if it's left alone to suffer.

About the assembly it was held by the principal for the new comers though it was almost an year for the new comers.

When all the students were assembled principal appeared from the side of the stage and walked to the rostrum.

He cleared his throat and started

"I know you don't have the slightest idea that what is this meeting about. I'm sorry that you were kept in darkness but it was for your own safety.

This academy is a training centre as you all know but for what? Why we spend million of currency on you? What benefit we get from it have you ever considered it. Of course some of you might think it's for a good cause but my dear students it's not. This academy is training warriors for the war we are fighting on the frontiers. Our city is surrounded by a protective wall. Outside that wall are horrendous monsters that if break in will destroy the cities and wipe out human race.

Some of you have already come across such monsters in your life. Some of you already knew the feeling of being helpless. Our role is to hone your skill in fighting the monsters and your role is to protect the human beings.

This war has been going on for decades. Sometimes when our shield weakens monsters break into the city and our warriors go to that place and rescue people.

You have to get so much stronger that you don't have to watch helpless people dying.

So stay strong and make sure that you're on the peak of your skills. "

This time Cinderella was on the verge of crying because she knew the feeling of the last sentence