
Another Cinderella

story of a girl named cinderella but her life is more like a teenager girl leading her to a world with unavoidable fate

Zeyneb · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 009

She was concerned about her current situation but didn't know where to go to cure herself. She was becoming mute but she soon realised something. That at least saved her from the inferiority complex.

During the discussions, she started listening to everyone while being quite.

Silently comparing her knowledge with that if others like Kim, Lucas and Haku. She came to know that she is nothing less but the only thing that lacks in her is a little self confidence and the style of presentation.

Because they all speak her mind that she was unable to express and due to that reason she was lagging behind.

But she did not know how to correct these things.

Suddenly Cinderella started noticing a boy in her periphery. He had always been there but she started noticing him recently. He was calm as cucumber. Always smiling with his brown eyes reflecting the whole world.

He was his classmate but she was never able to talk to him because she herself was quite busy in challenging others and self pitting . But he was always there.

Whenever Cinderella tried to look around he was always there smiling at her. She also did know not why he was so common in her surroundings. He was good looking but she never took interest in him most probably he must be a crush of a lot of ladies of the class and might be pre occupied so why she should even be bothered.

Cinderella gave him the importance of a dandelion growing by the road but forgot that when dandelion blooms it spreads everywhere and get the attention it wants. Everyone stands for a while to gaze at the flying Seed.

Well the time to get Cinderella's attention had not come yet.

Cinderella like daily routine was preparing the quiz half heartedly. When she received a message from Lucas. He was batch mate one of those who tell the overview and the poor Cinderella gets ruined.

He asked "are you okay?"

Cinderella was a little confused because she never got a chance to talk to him. They were more like classmate type friends just exchange notes and a little hello hi. As he was more of a gentleman type and she never bothered him. Since a gentleman would dump him right away especially if he is a group mate.

Deep down she was insecure about her reputation and she used to think that everyone of her group think low of her. And that thing was chaining her down and caging her true potential.

And this also made her think that a gentleman would definitely fall for a lady and not for a dumbo like her.

So she also guarded her heart so that it might not get lost in the unknown and get hurt.

Well so where were we.....


So she got a message from him.

That how was she?

She was trying to figure out the answer to this question and at last typed.

"I'm okay. Why?"

"well you didn't seem to. Also you are not interested in the discussions these days."

"It's my life I do what I do"

"I have no right to say this but please don't do what you are doing. it."

"Why are you giving me an advice therapy, who are you to me?"

"Just as a well wisher it's only a piece of my mind & I'm also not in position of forcing you it's all upto you."

" I just don't care. "

" please care before it's too late "

" Stop it you are pissing me off. You are a good guy and I don't want to disturb you with anything stupid. "

" you can tell me what ever you want. I'll be listening."

"Right now the only thing I want to tell you is stop bothering me"

" sorry I bothered you but it was bothering me"

Cinderella did not know what to do and what to type so she just laid her phone by her side. And the phone didn't rang even for once.

But the new problem was how to face lucas on next meeting and to know what was going on on his mind because receiving such a message out of blue had really shake her. She thought was he drunk or something or may be someone else was typing she was thinking different scenarios.

At last Cinderella shouted

You.... Lucas..... Stop getting on my nerves