
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Passionate Red

As I got up from the couch, I was sleeping on for another morning of bodyguarding and sheer boredom, and I got a message on the temporary Scroll Lil' Miss loaned out to communicate with me for status reports. It's apparently untraceable and operates on the Spider gang's private network. I went to check the message, and it said.

[ The remnants will be mopped up within the week or next week at the latest, let the twins know.]

I sighed in relief at finally finishing this bodyguard gig in two weeks. A month and a half of being cooped up in this safe house were driving me crazy, and not only me, as even Miltia was getting burned out on her soap operas. Since the twins were still sleeping, I decided to make some breakfast for everyone. I went to the fridge to see what I was working with; aside from some frozen and refrigerated lunches that reminded me of convenience store Bentos from my stay in Japan, there wasn't a lot of stuff to cook with, but I should have just enough to make some pancakes.

Seeing the ingredients, I smiled at the memory they brought. Roman was the one that delivered them, and the thought of Roman grumbling that he was a criminal mastermind being treated as an errand boy just made me chuckle in amusement. I started wiping up the batter after putting on my special oven mitts; after all, no one wants fur in their food, and then finely minced some fruits Melanie and Miltia had to snack on, mostly apples and strawberries. I then divided the batter in two and mixed in the apples and strawberries separately. As finishing the batters, I started frying up the pancakes.

After making about a dozen flapjacks, Miltia was the first one up, and she greeted me after yawning.

" Good morning, Silva."

" How's my favorite twin?"

Miltia wryly smiled at my question and retorted in a polite tone.

" Melanie is not woke up yet, so she can't hear that, Silva."

I shrugged as it became a habit for me and Melanie to try and get a rise out of each other to alleviate our boredom from being cooped up. Miltia looked at breakfast and asked me, looking surprised as I flipped another pancake.

" You can cook?!"

" Yes, I can cook. Is it that big of a surprise?"

Miltia then answered my question while looking a bit sheepish.

" Forgive me if I am wrong, but you don't seem to be the type to, well, do anything but fighting and training."

I teased Miltia for her impression of me.

" Hey now, I also sleep and eat too."

The more polite twin smiled at my tease, and I then told her.

" The reddish pancakes are strawberry flavor, and the others are apple, so take your pick."

" Thank you, Silva, for breakfast, but quick question. Do we have any syrup?"

I finished frying the last flapjack and checked the cupboards but found no syrup, and I told Miltia.

" Sorry, it looks like we will have to make do with the pancakes without syrup."

" That's alright, though my sister will likely try to start something over it."

I shrugged, not caring about Melanie's quarrelsome nature, and sat down at the table. I then informed Miltia of what I had just learned this morning.

" Your mother is almost finished mopping up the gang remnants, and we should be able to get out of here in two weeks at the latest."

Miltia looked excited and said.

" Finally, not that I don't find your presence a bother, Silva, but being trapped within this safehouse is starting to grate my nerves."

As she explained herself to prevent sounding offensive, I shrugged and told her as I got my first bite of pancakes ready.

" Don't worry; I understand what you mean, and I also hope to get out of this safe house soon."

After I set aside some pancakes for Melanie, I started my breakfast with Miltia. The pancakes turned out pretty well, and the more polite twin complimented me with a pleased smile.

" These are delicious, Silva; thank you."

" Your welcome."

Not long after, Melanie finally got up and saw the pancakes, then said.

" Where is the syrup?"

" We don't have any."

After I answered her question, she narrowed her eyes in annoyance and complained.

" What kind of idiot orders pancakes but doesn't ask for the syrup to go with it?!"

I shrugged since I made the pancakes from scratch rather than order them from somewhere, making her question unrelated to the current circumstances. Miltia then corrected her more brash twin.

" Melanie, Silva did not order the pancakes but made them from scratch, and we did not have any syrup on hand, so we made do without any."

Melanie then looked at me incredulously and asked.

" You can cook?!"

I just nodded in reply as I finished off my last pancake, then got up to start training again in the living room. As I walked past Melanie, I told her the flavors I had made for breakfast.

" The reddish pancakes are strawberry flavor while the others are apple, enjoy."

I then remembered to tell her the good news.

" Oh, right! Your mother will be finished dealing with the remnants in about two weeks at most."

" Finally! We can get out of this stinking safe house soon!"

Melanie started eating the pancakes I made and commented with a slightly surprised look.

" Surprisingly, not bad."

I smiled at the compliment and started working out to kill time for today.


As I, Silva Branwen, was sweating up a storm from standing on my paws as I did push-ups from that position, Miltia and Melanie were playing a board game to kill time. Miltia was focused on the game against her twin. Melanie was browsing through her Scroll while barely paying attention to the game. Suddenly Melanie shot up, looking happy and surprised, then exclaimed.

" Miltia! Our favorite store has a massive sale this week! We need to go! We can get the dresses we have wanted at these discounts!"

Miltia sighed at her sister's exuberance, and she reminded her of their current situation while looking a bit downcast.

" Melanie, we can't leave the safehouse; you know that."

" Come on! Mom is all but done dealing with the remnants. It wouldn't to go out for a bit."

Melanie tried to persuade her twin to go along with her, but Miltia was firm in her denial.

" I am sorry, Melanie, but it's too risky; you know the remnants will do anything to get leverage on Mother right now. Besides, there will be other sales later."

" But when will that happen? It has been years since Sky and Sea's last sale!"

I stopped exercising and got ready for a fight to stop Melanie from leaving. I then reminded the brash twin what my job was and what I would do to ensure I completed it.

" Melanie, you do know you have to go through me first to get to that sale, right?"

Melanie turned towards me to retort but saw I had my weapon on hand, or I guess on paw in my case. She narrowed her eyes in displeasure at my offensive gesture and whined.

" But-."

" Melanie, if you try to go out that door right now, I will knock you out and tie you up."

I interrupted Melanie before she could give any argument and stood in front of the door. She pouted but compiled in anger.

" FINE!"

Melanie stomped off to her and her sister's room in a fury, and I relaxed my guard a bit. I looked toward Miltia and asked her with a bit of concern.

" Can you keep an eye on her?"

" Certainly."

As Miltia agreed to my request, I felt assured. Just two more weeks, and I get paid with the parts and blueprints I need to help get the gunship up and running.