
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Painful Red

I, Silva Branwen, am ready to finish off my bodyguard gig, but I still have just over a week left in being cooped up in this safe house. I sighed as another morning went by slowly as I finished my reps in my workout and was clueless about how to spend my day. Miltia continued watching her soap operas, but Melanie had gotten tired of arguing with me, so I was even more bored than before. I tried seeing if there was anything like anime or cartoons sites on the Cross Continental Transmit System. Still, unfortunately, Remnant is a bit lacking when it comes to animated entertainment compared to Earth.

There are a few decent shows like the Huntsman and Huntress channel that go over missions of certain Huntsmen/Huntresses like Grimm extermination, but that quickly got stale. A lot of cartoons and anime are centered around overcoming fear and other negative emotions to inspire(brainwash) kids into not attracting Grimm. It makes sense, but they're almost as bad as Xianxia novels and shows from Earth. Not that I disliked them or anything, but they can be a bit repetitive, so it's hard to find hidden gems in that genre.

Although now that I think about it, there is nothing that actually resembles Xianxia on Remnant despite its oriental cultures. Hmm, possible moneymaker? Something to consider, at least if I want to find more legal ways to acquire Lein and maybe some plagiarism from Earth's famous works, of course, after I make some changes, of course, to make it more relatable to Remnant while adding some changes I would like. As I debated internally on the line between plagiarism and inspiration, Melanie came up and asked me.

" Would like some coffee?"

" Nah, not much of a coffee person, but my adoptive mother got me on tea due to her being a tea addict."

I shrugged off Melanie's offer; although I found it strange for her and not Miltia to make this sort of offer, I ignored it and refocused on my possible career as a writer to earn some Lein. A pen name is a must because if what I have in mind is as popular here as on Earth, I rather not have any annoying fans. Then again, there is no guarantee that what I would write would even be popular on Remnant; after all, Earth was made up of a lot more nations and humans than Remnant, and there is no Grimm on Earth to unite people against a common threat.

First, I need to pick one that I remember the most about from novels, comics, mangas, and TV shows and work from there. As I typed down some ideas on my Scroll and tried to remember as much as I could about some of my favorite novels and shows, Melanie came back again and offered me some tea.

" I brewed you some tea if you want some?"

" Thanks."

I grabbed the cup and took a sip, then frowned as I commented on Melanie's ability to make tea.

" There is barely any flavor, and there isn't any sweetener in it; even sugar would've been fine."

" You! I try to do something nice, and you..."

Melanie growled at me in anger and stomped her foot which snapped my mind back from my thoughts. I apologized to her, sincerely feeling sorry for denying her surprisingly good gesture.

" Sorry, my mind was somewhere else, and I was overly blunt. If you are interested, I can show you how to brew a good cup of tea if you want, to show my appreciation?"

Melanie just snorted at me and walked away, still looking upset. After a few steps, she stopped and said, without facing me.

" I might take you up on your offer later... because there isn't anything else to do around here."

" Okay then, just let me know when you want to learn."

I felt glad she accepted my apology, and as she walked off, I realized she was acting a bit different than usual today for some reason... Whatever, it's not an issue right now, and I need to type down as much as I can remember and make some notes on adaptions required for a few novels I have in mind. Let's see, let's start with something that has a wide target audience, maybe a Remnant version of Harry Potter? Although tapping into the big three of Shounen anime and manga could also work even if I make them more like light novels than mangas.


After about an hour, I got a decent idea of what to start with in my career as an author. I felt nature call me like never before. I rushed to the bathroom as it was a crap my pants emergency at the complete suddenness of my need to relieve myself. As I did my business, I felt something go horribly wrong within me; it felt like my internal organs were forcing themselves to come out of my anus. My hell, then started on the porcelain throne.


Miltia yawned out of boredom as she watched a rerun of her faunus soap opera when her twin sister Melanie came up to her in a rush.

" Miltia, come on! We need to hurry if we want to get to Sky and Sea's before their sale is over!"

Miltia blinked in surprise at her sister's demand and asked.

" But what about Silva?"

Melanie avoided eye contact as she replied shyly.

" He has been dealt with..."

Miltia narrowed her eyes and asked in an accusing tone.

" What did you do?"

Melanie continued to avoid eye contact but still felt her sister's gaze boring into her until she caved.

" I might have slipped him some extra strength laxatives while he was distracted with something..."

Miltia just looked at her twin in stunned silence, and Melanie changed the subject back to her original objective, Sky and Sea's big sale.

" Well? Are you coming or not?"

Miltia sighed and told her sister honestly.

" As much as I would love to say yes, we can't leave with the remnants still scurrying around Mistral, and not should we even consider it in the first place."

" Come on! You know how thorough Mom is; if she says two weeks, it means she is practically done already and is just double-checking everything. It will be years, YEARS before Sky and Sea have another sale like this!"

Miltia looked tempted to agree with her sister but ultimately stuck to her guns with a little bit of compromise mixed in.

" I won't go with you, but I won't stop you either, and if you promise to get the dress I want, I will keep Silva distracted because he will put two and two together. After all, he isn't stupid, and he does strike me as the vengeful sort, so he will likely seek to get some payback for the laxatives you gave him."

" Deal!"

The twins agreed to the arrangement, and Melanie took Miltia's money as she ran off to get to Sky and Sea's big sale. Miltia then went to the bathroom and heard Silva's pained groans, and she winced from how much pain he sounded like he was in and knew Melanie would have to deal with a very pissed-off snow leopard fanus soon. The more polite twin knocked on the door and offered some assistance to Silva.

" Silva, are you in pain?"


Miltia cringed at Silva's pained wail and sent a silent prayer to Melanie because, from the sounds of it, Silva was going through hell. The more polite twin then sent a text message to Melanie that asked her where the laxatives she used were and was told to check under the pillows of their shared room. Melanie quickly found them and read the instructions and warnings for them aloud.

" Take two a day after your first meal... long-lasting explosive diarrhea... dehydration, loss of skin color... death... DEATH?!"

Miltia screeched in surprise at death being a possible side effect of overdosing on these laxatives and quickly threw the bottle away. The more polite twin muttered out in concern and grim countenance.

" Silva's going to kill Melanie."

She sighed and got Silva a jug of water from the kitchen so he could stay hydrated. Miltia knocked on the door and said with empathy.

" Silva, I brought you some water so you can stay hydrated; I am coming in."

As Miltia opened the door, she gagged at the stench of crap but pinched her nose as she internally cursed at her twin for choosing to use laxatives instead of something like sleeping pills. She saw the state Silva was in, pale, sickly skin and loss of more than a few pounds. He looked at Miltia was his now sunken eyes, and she quickly handed the jug over to get out of the bathroom and heard Silva call out.


Miltia sighed and let out a rare complaint.

" I am going to need a shower after this..."