
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Mischievous Green

I, Silva Branwen, am currently checking out the nightlife of the city of Vale or, more specifically, the clubs that reside within the city. I am trying to find Junior's club so that I can ask for two particular pieces of information. One is finding out about unusual robberies to help find Emerald if her Semblance has been awakened yet, and another is on the current Fall Maiden, Amber. Emerald goes without saying since she is a loyal person, and helping her out now will make her devoted to me. As for Amber, it's just for reference, depending on how my plan of reasoning with Salem goes.

It took me sneaking into two clubs, but I finally managed to find someone who knew where Junior's club is at. Interestingly enough, I couldn't find it using my Scroll as it wasn't listed in any of the searches I used to try and find it. After I found out about it on my own, thanks to Soul Archive, it turns out Junior's club is a high-end place with a select clientele that people can only find his club if they are in the know about it. As the night drew long, I entered the club and heard some familiar music playing.

I smiled as I heard the Volume 1 soundtrack of RWBY play Mirror Mirror, which could be explained as Weiss is probably singing it herself. As for the others, I wonder who is writing these songs in this world. Hmm... food for thought. I looked around and saw Hei Xiong A.K.A. Junior at the bar. A big guy with short black hair and a mustache and beard offering a sharp contrast to his pale skin. He has on red sunglasses with a black vest over his white dress shirt and matching black pants with a red tie included.

As I went to the bar, Junior, who stood a few inches taller than me, took notice of me and said.

" Aren't you a bit young to be here, big guy?"

" Yeah, but I'm not here for a drink but rather for information."

Junior lowered his sunglasses, revealing his gray eyes, and warned me while looking skeptically at me.

" It will cost you."

" Money is no object, so long as I get the information I want."

Junior hummed in reply, then asked directly.

" So, what do you want to know?"


With Miltia and Melanie Malachite plus Neopolitan.

The twins were enjoying their respective hobbies, Miltia with her soap operas and Melanie keeping herself entertained by browsing the various fashion stores of Vale through her Scroll. Neopolitan was playing a game on her Scroll to kill time. All this took place at the condo Silva set up for them while he built his dream house near Forever Fall Forest. The girls were pleased with their new accommodations as it was a step up from the dorm rooms of Lady Browning's and the squatting they did in abandoned buildings. Suddenly a knock came at their door, and Miltia asked her sister.

" Melanie, are you expecting anything?"

" I haven't ordered anything recently. Neo, are you?"

Neopolitan shook her head as she turned away from her game and got up to see who was knocking. Neopolitan grabbed a dining chair and looked through the peephole on the door. After a few moments, she put away the dining chair and then used her Semblance to change her appearance. She now looked like Qrow Branwen, and she then pointed to herself to ask the twins if they knew him. The twins answered together in perfect harmony.

" I don't know him."

Neopolitan broke her construct and shook her head to say she didn't recognize him either. Qrow, on the other side of the door, knocked again and called out from the door.

" Silva! Open up! It's me, Qrow!"

Neopolitan gestured towards the door as to say, that explains it. Melanie then asked her twin.

" Isn't Silva on his way towards Upper Cairn on an airship?"

" Yes, Silva said about meeting someone there."

" So what now?"

Miltia shrugged at her sister's question, unsure what to do. Qrow started to bang on the door and call out more loudly.

" Silva! Are you there?"

Neopolitan had a mischievous look and opened the door, revealing Qrow. Qrow seeing Neopolitan, asked.

" Hey, short stuff, is a guy name Silva Branwen here?"

Neopolitan raised one finger to ask for a moment and closed the door on Qrow. Miltia and Melanie watched Neopolitan as she then changed with her Semblance to the likeness of Silva, and the twins had a knowing smile as they knew the tri-colored girl was going to mess around. Neopolitan took the likeness of Silva but only wearing a black speedo that was bursting at the seams with a massive cock. Melanie smiled and commented.

" I am looking forward to seeing that guy's reaction to this."

Miltia sighed and wiped her hands clean of this to avoid earning Silva's ire for not stopping them. She focused on her soap opera and said.

" I'm not involved."

But she was watching them from the corner of her eye. Neopolitan opened the door again with Silva's appearance, and Qrow seeing this said, looked happy.

" Hey, Snowball, good to see you after all these years and..."

Qrow paused as he saw the fake Silva's appearance and looked a bit uncomfortable seeing a guy tower over him with a raging boner and a speedo barely his said boner. The fake Silva stared at Qrow menacingly, and the drunkard then said with a sudden look of understanding and mild embarrassment as he thought his nephew was entertaining a lady friend.

" If you were in the middle of something, I could wait a bit."

The fake Silva raised one of his claws to say, wait one moment and closed the door again on Qrow. The false snow leopard faunus grinned at Melanie, which she returned with a giggle escaping her. Miltia's lips twitched into a smile for a moment but schooled her expression and warned the two before they went too far with their prank.

" Don't forget Melanie; Silva can be quite vengeful."

Melanie briefly thought back to the spanking Silva gave her and shuttered from the phantom pain of the memory. The more brash twin then also warned Neopolitan not to take things too far.

" Neo, remember what I told you when you should avoid ticking off Silva too much."

The false Silva had a pondering look and considered what to do next. After a moment, Neopolitan shrugged and covered her Silva persona in a pink frilly dress. Melanie then asked her friend morbidly.

" What do you want to be written on your tombstone?"

Neopolitan waved off her friend to convey that she was worrying too much. The false Silva opened the door again, and when Qrow saw the fake's appearance, his jaw dropped in surprise, and he asked himself.

" Am I drunk? I mean, more drunk than usual..."

Qrow took out his flask and sniffed it to see if it had a high alcohol content than usual. Melanie decided to end this charade and threw a couch pillow at Neopolitan and shattered the fragile construct on contact. This brought Qrow back to reality, and he saw the tri-colored girl replace his nephew's place. Qrow then said, looking a bit impressed.

" That's some trick you got there, short stuff."

Neopolitan gave an exaggerated bow at the compliment, and Qrow then said.

" Considering you took Snowball's appearance, I am guessing you know him?"

Neopolitan held her chin with a thinking expression, then raised one finger to ask for a moment. Neopolitan then slammed the door in Qrow's face and locked it. The tri-colored girl then skipped away in a good mood for messing with someone today, and Qrow started to bang on the door repeatedly. The twins just shrugged at one another, not caring about the possible relationship between Qrow and Silva because Silva will be back later today anyway so that he can deal with it. Qrow eventually gave up because he recognized the type of person Neopolitan was, which was a practical joker.

Qrow then left and decided to try and reach Silva another day since he isn't likely here now. The drunkard then went to find himself a bar to get his fill of alcohol.