
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Homely Green

At Beacon's headmaster's office, Ozpin was reviewing some paperwork for the Vale Council and some information on new students. Ozpin made a silent prayer of gratitude to Glynda Goodwitch because she filtered through the paperwork for Ozpin, leaving with only important and urgent paperwork that needed his signature and what he wanted to know. Ozpin looked mildly disappointed by the information about the new students as there were no noteworthy applicants for him to consider taking under his wing. Ozpin sets aside the information on the new students and looks at his paperwork for the Vale Council since he holds a seat being Beacon's Headmaster.

As Ozpin looked through the paperwork, one thing caught his eye, a permit application for some land towards Forever Fall Forest. He found this strange since it is a well-known fact that Grimm is attracted to the unique sap from the trees there, meaning there are always Grimm in that forest regardless of how often Huntsmen/Huntresses clean it out. He looked at the identity of the person applying for this land permit and saw a surprising name.

Silva Branwen.

Learning of this, Ozpin decided to give Qrow a call to let him know where his nephew was at.

" What's the matter, Oz?"

" Qrow, I may have found your nephew."

Qrow sounding surprised, asked the Old Wizard.

" Where is he, Oz?"

Ozpin smiled as he sent a file to his drunken ally and answered.

" Apparently, your nephew has an interest in Forever Fall."

" Got it, Oz, thanks!"

" My pleasure, Qrow, but do bring him in to see me at his earliest convenience as I am curious about the young man that caused your sister to change."


I, Silva Branwen, am currently scoping out the land I just bought near the red forest of Forever Fall, and it's far more beautiful than what was shown on RWBY. The endless sea of bright red with hints of black made me feel like this was a good purchase despite the constant Grimm problem, which actually works to my favor as the Grimm could be used to test some weapon ideas I have buzzing around my head aside from my ideal weapon. I used Soul Archive to access some knowledge that I have acquired from its secondary ability I unlocked from constant use during my two years of training on the mountain.

Soul Archive can copy the knowledge and memories of people and animals I touch. Funny enough, I unlocked this ability from beating up a Beowolf but not killing it to try and sort of train it to be a challenge to fight. It worked to a degree, but Grimm are both slow and fast learners. They learn important stuff like dodging and blocking easily enough but tactics and planning are mostly beyond them. Once I understood what this new facet of Soul Archive could do, it made Atlas an absolute needed stop because if I could not only meet Pietro Polendina but the other bright minds of Atlas, then I could have the collective knowledge of all of Atlas' scientific research.

I still felt giddy at the thought of entering Atlas and making away like a thief with the almost literal keys to the kingdom. But I am going off on a tangent; I used Soul Archive to access all the knowledge needed to construct a fortress slash mansion here for my residence here near the City of Vale. I really must thank all the artisans of Mistral for their collective knowledge of architecture and a number of other things I found useful for my end goal of living this life to the fullest. After all, my life does not revolve around saving the world or defeating Salem.

As I worked out a rough draft in my head, Miltia came up to me and stated.

" Silva, while you said you would be setting up a residence in Vale, I thought you meant buying a pre-existing house or apartment building and not actually constructing a home from scratch."

" I just wanted something from the heart, that's all. Do you have any requests? Like a game room or spa area or maybe a greenhouse?"

" A large bathing and spa room would be great!"

Miltia blinked a few times in confusion at my question, and Melanie answered for her in excitement as she quickly got behind the idea of constructing a home for them. Neopolinyan added her thoughts on the matter by making a gesture of playing a video game. Okay, a game room for Neopolitan and me. I refocused on Miltia as I awaited her to say what she wanted, and they then asked.

" Would a sunroom and roof garden be too much to ask for?"

" Not at all."

I started finalizing the rough draft floor plan and made sure to add a few things for some people I would like to make a connection with, like the main cast of RWBY, if that is still a thing. Of course, the best part of this whole thing is that the primary building material I am using is roman concrete which I know how to make from a documentary from my past life, which I can make myself and gather components myself, making it free. I may have a lot of money, but I have one habit that was carried over from my past life, and that is to either to find the best deal or figuring out how to do it myself for whatever I need.

But I digress. Even with Remnant's unique advantages, Dust and Aura speeding up the building process, it will take a minimum of a year to construct this on my own if not longer, but that is fine. I will set up a condo for the girls to stay at, and they can clear the site of Grimm for me for payment. I believe giving away money is for charity and fools. Miltia, Melanie, and Neopolitan are definitely not charity cases, they can take care of themselves, and I am just helping them out by giving them work until they figure out what to do with their lifes.

I took out my Scroll and started searching for the equipment needed to make my roman concrete and the required steel to reinforce the structure against the creatures of Grimm. I then briefly wondered if I should try and find Emerald now since I am in Vale because no way in hell am I letting Cinder have her; she deserves a lot better than to be treated like a tool to be discarded. Emerald was always one of my favorite girls because while she was loyal and devoted to a b*tch like Cinder, she did redeem herself in the end despite knowing that Salem is immortal.

Better sooner than later, I guess.


Back at Mistral.

Raven was contemplating all the decisions she had made in her life. Some she would do again regardless, like leaving Taiyang or maybe not even getting together with him in the first place. After all, they got together out of wedlock since when Raven first found out that Salem was immortal and Ozpin had no real plan to deal with her, she tried to drink her problem away like her brother Qrow. One thing led to another as Taiyang tried to cheer up Raven, and the next moment the former bandit chief was pregnant with Taiyang's child.

Raven also considered what would've happened if she didn't decide to take Silva under her wing and realized that she would've stuck with the tribe until the end, or something else entirely could've happened. Raven sighed as she was lost in thought and laid down on the bed inside Silva's airship. Raven's mind wondered about the memory of sleeping with Silva a few nights ago and commented to herself.

" He has grown quite a bit."

Raven now needed to look up at Silva to see his eyes, and those two years of training did him a lot of good. Silva was now well-muscled but not excessively so as each of the snow leopard faunus muscles was finely chiseled and defined. Raven did enjoy using Silva's soft fur-covered arm as a pillow, not that she would ever admit it. Raven then smirked at the thought of Silva attracting attention to himself as he could be considered decently handsome and said to herself.

" Silva is going to have no shortage of girl trouble in the future."

Raven then briefly recalled how Silva sometimes looked at her as a woman rather than a mother, sister, or leader. Raven then considered maybe using Silva to scratch an old itch she hasn't indulged in since with Taiyang Xiao Long. She weighed the pros and cons and thought, why not? After all, Silva is more than capable enough to make his own decisions, and it's not like there is a need for a romantic relationship between them, as it could be just a casual relationship of sating each other's lust. As Raven considered using her adoptive son as a means of comfort, Silva felt an odd sensation touch him that he couldn't identify and ignored it.