
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · Anime & Comics
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280 Chs

Explaining Remnant

The ceremony to designate teams were over, and everyone got their assigned rooms. After dropping my bag in my dorm room, which I am now sharing with Cinder, I told her.

" I have something to do, and I won't be back until classes tomorrow."

" Oh? What are you up to?"

" Private business."

I curtly answered the fiery woman, and I left the dorm room. I sent a text message to Neopolitan, Argint, Luna, and Emerald to meet me outside. I then made a call to Raven first, and she picked up after a few minutes.

" Silva? What's the matter?"

" Are you and April free?"

" Yes, but why?"

At the former bandit queen's question, I told her.

" A few things have happened that I need to inform everyone about, and I want to hold a big meeting so I don't have to explain myself multiple times."

" It must be important if you are bringing in everyone. Should I expect a portal soon?"

" Yes, see you soon."

I heard her goodbye before she hung up, and I decided to call Willow next as I was planning to add her to my inner circle before my unexpected trip through the multiverse. After a few minutes, she answered.

" Silva?"

" Sorry to bother you, Willow, but are you free for the next couple of hours? It's important."

" I can always make time for you, Silva. Just give me 10 minutes to reorganize my schedule today."

I thanked her and told her to expect a portal soon. I then called Winter next as I was thinking of letting her in on some of my secrets since we had been dating for a while. My favorite ice queen picked up my call.

" Dear?"

" I was wondering if I could borrow you for the next couple of hours if possible."

Winter was currently in the middle of a tour of duty as an Atlesian Specialist in Mistral, so I am not hopeful about her attendance at the meeting.

" Actually, I asked for some time off in advance since you would be attending Beacon along with Weiss to celebrate, but what brought this on?"

" I'll tell you, along with everyone else, it's quite the story."

After exchanging goodbyes, I made one last call, to Salem. We may be acquaintances at best, but I plan to ask for her help as I knew she would be interested in what I had to offer her, a real chance at revenge. I made the call, and she picked up almost immediately.

" Hello, is this another social call?"

" Not quite. It's a long story that might interest you and a meeting of everyone involved with me on an intimate degree."

" Oh? You have me intrigued."

I told her to expect a portal soon, and my housemates finally reached me. Emerald looked at me with concern as she asked.

" Silva, what is the matter?"

" A lot, but I plan on telling everyone once we reach our destination; please be patient for now."

I used Door To Darkness to my home, Forever Fall Manor, where Melanie and Miltia were watching a drama in the living room. The twins looked at me and my group in surprise.


They exclaim in perfect unity, and I ask the two.

" Mind putting off your show for now? I have something important to talk about that I rather not wait to speak about."

The twins looked at one another, and the more polite twin asked.

" Silva, what is going on?"

" A very long story that I am about to tell once I have everyone gathered and readied."

" Father?"

Lucifer, my male digital idol, with Lilith, his female equivalent, also showed up, and I asked them to wait. After opening multiple portals at once, all my Semblances have been pushed to the absolute limit due to my travels and evolved to the point previous reduction no longer applies. Raven, April, Willow, Winter, and Salem came through the black portals, but before anyone could ask or say anything, I announced.

" I am sure everyone is curious about why I called you here, but we still have one more stop before anything else."

I used Kaleidoscope to create a multicolored portal to another world and told everyone.

" Please step through here, and I will start explaining once we get comfortable."

Everyone had varying looks of doubt and curiosity but complied as they went through one by one, and I went last. They were all looking at the night sky or, more specifically, the whole unbroken full moon. I let them absorb the sight for a few minutes, and Salem was the first to recover and ask.

" Where are we, Silva Branwen?"

" I'll get to that in a moment; for now, let's get comfortable at my residence here."

We were at my home in Fuyuki, and I called out in Japanese.

" Sakura, I'm home."

" Otou-sama!?"

She came out and hugged me. I returned the embrace, then asked.

" Mind preparing some snacks for the rest of the family and guests."

My daughter looked at everyone I had gathered as they stared at me and her. She introduced herself after separating from me with a polite bow.

" It is a pleasure to meet you all; I am Sakura Branwen."

" Sakura, dear, most of them don't know Japanese."

I teased Sakura, and she blushed before returning to the house to have some snacks and drinks ready. I then told everyone.

" Come on in, everyone. It would be better to sit down before I start explaining."


I told my story from the beginning, starting with my past life, for those who don't know about it, to my confrontation with the System User. They listened as I told how I got involved in the fourth Holy Grail War, about All The World's Evils corrupting the Grail, my saving and adoption of Sakura, and my wish to purify the Grail so Angra Mainyu did not follow me back to Remnant. I went on about how I spent ten years in this world, unaging, and the start of the Great Holy Grail War by Zelretch's machinations.

My conflict with the Red Faction, my victory, my fusion of Zelretch so I could gain the Second Magic to return to Remnant. I glossed over my journey through the multiverse, and they all looked at me without touching the drinks and snacks Sakura brought as they tried to understand what I had told them. I drank my cola to wet my throat before grabbing a rice cracker to munch on as I waited for the inevitable questions. They all exploded at once with question after question.

" How is this possible?"

" What is going to happen next?"

" How many more girls have you met during your travels?"

" Why are we here?"

" Are you alright?"

I waited until they all ran out of steam before answering, and after a constant barrage of questions, they finally settled down. I then told them.

" Take your time to absorb the information I told you; we can return to Remnant at the exact point of time we left, so there is no rush. Rest for tonight; I will answer all of your questions in the morning to the best of my abilities."

Most wanted answers right now, but they saw I was going to keep silent no matter how much they pestered me. They started to unwind, and Sakura came in, and I apologized to her.

" Sorry for the trouble the next day is going to bring, Sakura."

" It's fine, Otou-sama. I have always wanted to meet the people you are close with in your home universe."

My daughter happily said as I considered whether or not to bust out some alcohol to help everyone unwind.