
Chapter 1

They looked at each other. Ford smiled and put the machine away.

"Ford, what are you doing!? It's a dream demon!" Dipper exclaimed.

"She's a nice one and the shyest dream demon around," Ford said.

(y/n) gave a little wave to them.

"I'm (y/n)... nice to m-meet you." (y/n) said.

"Is she really nice, Grunkle Ford?" Mabel asked.

"Of course. Now, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I'm looking for Bill. Have you seen him?"

"No, we got rid of him once and for all," Dipper said.

"No, you didn't. I can still sense him."

"Well, how is that still possible?" Stan asked.

"I don't know." She turned around. "Oh, there he is."

She floated over to a rock and looked at it. The others followed her and looked at the rock. It was a statue... of Bill Cipher himself.

"See? Now how do I get him out?" (y/n) asked.

"Wait, you want to release him?" Dipper asked.

"Yes." She then looked at the hand. "Oh, of course. Shake the hand to release."

"What if he causes trouble again?"

"Oh, he won't. I have a plan."

"Her plans are usually really good," Ford said.

"They're all good. Now take a few steps back. He might be angry when he gets out."

They all took a couple of steps back. Well, a lot of steps back.

"I didn't mean that much, but okay." (y/n) said then warped her body into a human. She stretched out. "Wow, I haven't been human for a long time. Forgot how good it felt."

She walked up to Bill.

"Right... it's a deal." A (s/f/c) flame emitted from her hand.

She shook Bill's hand.