
Issei And the Student council

I keep on with a daily schedule for a week. I made pretty damn good grades even tho I skipped out of class.

I've been building things alot lately because I've been bored. I plan on going to a few anime worlds later so I made a few things in advance.

That reminds me I have the Mage ability and I can use magic but I need to work more on my magic circles. maybe I'll visit negima the anime to learn magic and maybe the marvel universe just to learn from the ancient one.

anyway I'm currently on my way to the occult research club. everyone is already there beside kiba and issei. Rais sent kiba to go fetch issei so I'm going to the club to see through this, maybe to sleep.

I walk inside and koneko eating her chocolate again. akeno is doing something and Rais is in the shower.

"hey koneko" shiro walks up to her

" hey" koneko says

I shine then transform into a fox the size of a kitten then jump onto the couch next to koneko, I curle up and take a nap, it could take a while for issei to get here.

"ahhh" shiro yawns

-30 minutes later -

the door opens and kiba comes inside with issei looking confused

"where are we" issei asks

Rias then comes out of the shower and got dressed before showing herself. she gives issei the whole talk about she's not the only devil and what they do and stuff. honesty, I'm kinda happy I'm aleep.

akeno sat down next to me and grabs me and puts me in her lap, she starts to pet me and frankly, I might be human but I can see why animals love this.

Issei talked for a while until he finally saw me. the small silver fox in akeno's lap. I guess he felt kinda jealous because the look in his eyes said that he wanted to trade places with me.

"so what's with the fox" issei finally asks.

"oh your talking about the new student Kaneshiro Uzumaki." Rias informs issei

"shiro, you mean the new pimp kid thats just as popular as kiba." issei said

"yeah, and he's the softest thing ever" Akeno said squishing me into her boobs with a hug.

Issei didn't look like he liked that. He looked real jealous there.

"If he's here does that mean he's a devil too and if so then why is he a fox." issei asked confused.

"no issei, shiro is human and fox, a special race in he supernatural world. tho just because he's not a devil that doesn't mean he's not strong, he probably the strongest one within the room" Rais says sipping her tea.

"He might be all hot and strong and stuff but deep down he's just a lazy teddy bear that likes to sleep." Akeno said as she squished me again.

"stop smothering me, I can't sleep when you do that." shiro said pawing her arm slightly then jump from akeno's boobs into the air

issei watched as akeno's boobs bounced up and down.

I landed ontop on koneko's head and I layed down. I kinda blended within her white hair and she didn't try to stop me. she's not every open to people but she dosent try to stop stuff like this unless your a pervert like issei.

I slept like that until school was over.

-The next day-

I was laying outside the school under the cherry blossom tree. it was a beautiful sight to behold. I recently bought some headphones and so I'm listening to music for the fist time since I died. it was pretty relaxing

I then felt someone walking over, I looked over to see the student council vice president walking over.

"Kaneshiro" Tsubaki

"please just call me shiro" shiro said putting away his ear phones.

shiro got up and looked at tsubaki, she was kinda tall, long black hair and nice body with big boobs. she wasn't bad looking at all.

"what can I do for you student council vice president" shiro said with a bow.

"I would like fot you to come with me, our president would like to meet you." tsubaki

"very well" shrio said

Tsubaki lead the way to the student council room, she didn't speak at all. when we arrived the whole student council was there. there was only one open seat too, which was across from sona with a chess board in between us.

Shiro walked over then bowed polity to sona like usual. ( we need our Mc to look elegant and nobal.)

"it's a pleasure to meet you president." shiro said then sat down.

"As is you shiro." sona replied

"so I'm guessing you want me to go first." shiro asked.

"if you would." sona

shiro reached over and grabbed a pawn and moved it up. sona replied by moving a peice of her own.

"so I'm guessing Rais must have already informed you about me huh." shiro asked with a smile moving a chess piece.

"that she has, why is that problem." sona

"no accually, I like it better if you knew because now I could this." shiro said swirling his finger and a chess peice floated up and moved to a new spot on its own.

"I'm real lazy you see, so it's better this way, instead because now I don't move much." shiro said taking out a small bag of goodies from his pocket and started eating.

everyone was kinda surprised by what I did and the way I was acting.

"so let me guess, since you know you can't have me in your perage and yet you still wanted me to come here then you must have wanted a to form a friendly relationship correct." shiro said as he continued to play the game and corner sona. shiro then moved a pawn into a certain place and.

"check" shiro

"yes I wanted to make sure we wouldn't have any misunderstandings you see." sona replied as she moved her kind.

"I can do that. here." shiro said raising the palm of his hand as a small silver ring with a golden nine tailed fox fell out of golden ripple and floated above his palm. he push it to sona and floated over and landed on her plam.

"what is this." sona asked curiously

"call is a token of our friendship. it's a storage ring, you can store items inside with a thought plus there's a defensive array built in. when in danger a shield will deflect any attack for you but only once. it can even deflect then attack of an ultimate class devil." shiro explained as he moved his last piece

"checkmate." shiro

sona was shocked about then ring then about the game. she's never lost before, besides to rias.

"you were leading me into your trap from the very start of the game weren't you." sona asked shocked.

"chess is a simple game of strategy, and non is more clever and cunning then a fox." shiro said with a smile.

"have a good day sona." shiro said walking out leaving everyone else shocked that there president lost.


floating outside hight in the school above the school was a little loli girl with black hair watching the school.

"interesting, why do I feel a connection to him" loli said disappearing from the area suddenly.