
anime system reincarnator(dropped)

An otaku died getting struck by lighting and so he went onto another world with a few gifts in which he already knows the future/plot of the story so he wants to have some fun and change what he disliked. watch as the main character gets immersed within this world and starts to love it as if his own and the twist his he might not get to stay so long. Disclaimer : anything within these anime do not belong to be in anyway or fashion and if i may get something wrong then stick with me please as im just getting started.

immortalmagcian · Others
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74 Chs

My own Journey into the dungeon ( I )

The next morning since I was ready I made my way to the dungeon. I was taking my time, walking along the streets, greeting those who greet me back while helping others. After about 30 minutes of walking, talking and helping those in need I finally arrive at the entrance to the dungeon. huge metal frame like door that was open with a few sentry's so that monsters don't get out.

'ok I should limit myself. I'll turn my gravity seal up until I have a peak level 1 stats. I should most likely only use magic from this world, and I'll keep my Argonaut skill out of it unless its absolutely necessary.' I thought

I quickly set my gravity seal to make me a peak level 1 adventurer. I then set off into the dungeon for my very first real adventure.

I walk through the dungeon's passageways and finally came across my first monsters. I was still on floor 1, so the monster weren't much but they were a monster I already knew. I have been coming down here for combat training for a while now, plus they have these in myths on earth.

In front of me were a small group of goblins. no more than four, and every one of them was small, maybe my waste height, green skin and red eyes.

I pulled out a knife from my right hand arm guard and held it in my left hand. I raised my right hand and aimed.

"thunderbolt" zero said releasing a bolt of lightning from his hand. It traveled fast and before they knew it right in between them the lightning bolt hit the ground. the lightning then sparked and traveled to all four goblins, paralyzing them. I then quickly killed them all.

I continued onward up to floor 2 and found more goblins. As to which I killed pretty easy. On floor 3 I found a kobold. he was like a dog headed monster thing. he looked weird, but he was alone. I killed him with a quick firebolt and continued on my way.

On floor 4 I found a small group of dungeon lizards. they only had six within there group. I wanted to test out I thought I had. I put forth both my hands up.

"Firebolt" zero

"Thunderbolt" zero

A Firebolt shot out of my left hand and a Thunderbolt from my right at the same time. they moved fast. They both shot through the air without much resistance and in midair they clashed. tho they didn't fight each other. Instead they fused. It became a fiery thunderbolt and it landed in between all the dungeon lizards. first it shocked the whole group, paralyzing them. then exploded. All but one of the dungeon lizards died, but since the last on was still paralyzed he couldn't get away. tho he wouldn't be able to even if he wasen't paralyzed because the explosion took off his leg. I quickly dispatched him, and continued on my way.

When I was traveling through floor 6 I was surrounded by Three frog shooters. one opened his mouth and shot out his tongue. it wrapped around my right arm. I cut it off then aimed at him.

"Ice Javelin" zero said holding out his right hand. water condensed from the air and took the shape of a spear before quickly freezing, becoming hard as rock and firing faster then the eye could follow. the spear then pierced the frog through the eye and he turned to dust. the other two didn't last long either.

I was continuing trying to find the path to floor 7 when I came across some war shadows. they were weird shadow people who looked evil. I quickly killed them all but more just came. I ended up fighting twenty war shadows by the time I was done.

'why would there be twenty war shadows on floor 6 all together. I thought floor 6 was supposed to be easy fro beginners.' I thought

I continued fighting my way up through the floors pretty quickly. I fought alot of monsters from floor 7. I ended up fighting some Killer ants, purple moths, and some needle rabbits.

Floor 8 and 9 I found weird monsters. there were alot of them but they were as week as monsters from floor 3. so I guess numbers were there strength.

when I arrived at floor 10 I was amazed. It looked a little different then the others, and I started fighting monsters that work together. I fought alot of imps, the little creatures were ugly. the orcs would hide untell Im near them and ambush, and while the orcs and imps were busy fighting me some bat like creatures would swoop down attacking with there sharp claws and teeth. they could also create sound wave attacks to make you lose concentration but that didn't really work on me.

On floor eleven I found more Imps, orcs and bats but this time there were a few other monsters. there was an armadillo monster that would roll up and attack. there was an infant dragon and even a silver back. on this floor at one point I was being attack by all of them from different sides. of course they couldn't hurt me but that didn't mean I liked it. I ended up using some Lightning god slayer magic to pierce a hole through them all really quickly. they pissed me off.

when I was finished with that I wanted to rush through the middle floors because they were pissing me off.

Floors, 12, 13, and 14 I fought wyverns, boars, hell-hounds, and a worm like creature. I wanted to finish it quickly so for the wyverns, boars and hell-hounds I just used my Ice Javelin in a large way, creating over 20 ice spears piercing through anything in my way.

The It happened on floor fifteen I found Minotaur's. now I know I am stronger then them but from watching the anime back when I was on earth, they became one of my favorites. I wanted to fight him for real without the use of my O.P. magic. I want a battle like bells. ever since I was transferred to the naruto world I never really had a fun battle, sure some of them were fun, but not the kind of fun because your fighting someone stronger then you.

I stopped about a few meters from the Minotaur and l Looked at him. I was behind him, he sniffed the air and then turned around to see me.

"Roarr" Minotaur screamed. he looked like he wanted to kill me. He had glowing red eyes, and the body of a bull. he had both horns on his head, and on his body he had a few old scars. he looked like he was in a few fights. he also held a sword made of stone.

He charged at me and sliced downwards with his sword at me. I materialized my hestia knife from pure energy and blocked with it pushed back up. my strength was greater then his and I was still holding back at level 1 stats. I took my other knife from my arm guard and sliced his stomach.

"Roarr." Minotaur screamed again. he slice wasen't very big and wasen't life threatening to him but he didn't like a lowly human injuring him. he kicked me with foot and I skidded back a few meters. I was not expecting the kick so I was surprised and he attacked with his sword. I was still surprised so I mad a stupid mistake of blocking with my other knife. It shattered and the sword kept traveling. I didn't have enough time to dodge, I was limited by the level 1 stats so my speed was reduced. my sword kept traveling and sliced my arm off. my arm flew and fell on the ground 2 meters away. the Minotaur actually looked kinda happy from that.

"Think you won, huh. Think again." zero said walking over to my arm. I grabbed it and put it back on and it healed back almost instantly. It felt as thought it never left my body and It didn't even have a scar.

"Roarr." Minotaur screamed pissed.

"ok lets get a little serious, I wouldn't want to hurt your Minotaur pride by holding back." zero said.

I threw my broken blade on the ground and dispelled the hestia knife. I then pulled my short sword from its sheath and activated my sharingan. I ran at the Minotaur, he saw me coming and swung his blade. right when the blade was a few centimeters from my face I Turned my body to the side and watched as the blade passed by me and hit the ground. I then swung my short sword and cut off the Minotaur's arm that held the sword. I grabbed the sword that was still stuck in the ground and pulled it out then jumped away from the Minotaur.

"you were fun to play with while it lasted. I'll also have to congratulate on surprising me and taking my arm off. your the first to ever do that. so I'll say goodbye and end your life." zero said raising the Minotaur's sword back the throwing it back at the Minotaur. the sword traveled through the air spinning and didn't stop even when it hit the minotaur. It cut through him and kept traveling until hitting the wall behind him. the Minotaur slowing fell down into two separate pieces.