
anime system reincarnator(dropped)

An otaku died getting struck by lighting and so he went onto another world with a few gifts in which he already knows the future/plot of the story so he wants to have some fun and change what he disliked. watch as the main character gets immersed within this world and starts to love it as if his own and the twist his he might not get to stay so long. Disclaimer : anything within these anime do not belong to be in anyway or fashion and if i may get something wrong then stick with me please as im just getting started.

immortalmagcian · Others
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74 Chs

Journey to the land of waves

It was finally time for the mission.

"ok zero, why don't we head over now its time to leave." kakashi

when I heard this i was shocked, kakashi is always late and now he wants to make it on time.

"your always late, so why don't we keep practicing your abilities anyway." zero said with a evil smile

kakashi saw where I was going with this and also got a smile on his face even tho I couldn't exactly see it.

"true ok." kakashi

for 30 minutes we continued to practice and kakashi showed me some more jutsu styles of Chidori that I didn't know of and practiced his mangekyou abilities. thats when i noticed his eternal mangekyou looked different then it used to, but i just brushed it off as the pill. I also had enough time to teach him the flying thunder god jutsu and he learned it pretty fast, he even almost came close to being as proficient in it as i was.

After we finished we started to walk back.

"thanks zero, this really helped." kakashi said as he was reading his book.

"don't worry, I was only returning the favor. if you never brought me to the village i could have been kidnapped or even killed. so now were even ok" zero

he looked at me a second and you could clearly see a thank you in his eye, and yes I said eye. even tho he can turn his sharingan off, I told him to continue to cover his eye up. it would become a surprise in battle when they notice he has two sharingan.

when me and kakashi finally arrived, everyone looked mad. besides sasuke,naruto and sakura.

"why are you late" Akane said looking at kakashi

"I was helping an old lady carry groceries back home." kakashi

Haruka then turn to me.

"then why are you late zero." Haruka

"well kakashi is always late, i thought you would know that so i arrived late because i knew he would. I happened to catch kakashi on the way while he was helping an old lady carry groceries so I ended up helping as well." zero

she stared dagger into me for a few seconds then finally gave up.

"ok why don't get going then ok." kakashi


[ New mission, complete your first C-rank Mission as a ninja. Rewards - 50,000 system points and system upgrade.]

"system what is the system upgrade." zero

[ well host, like I told you last time. Right now you have the system version 1. thats why your limited on what you can buy in the system store. Im an anime system but because you chose to reincarnate into the naruto world you can only buy naruto stuff from the system store until the system gets an update. once the system is updated then you can buy devil fruits or even the bloodline of the devils from highschool dxd that would allow host to use magic, but even if system if updated that will be out of your reach.]

"cool, but system why will it be out of my reach" zero asked confused.

[well host your in the naruto world so everything in the system related to naruto is cheaper then anything else, if you can manage to travel to the one piece world. everything from that world will cost less, why everything else cost more. that way you don't just buy all the powers and become a god an anyone world without hard work. god reincarnated you mostly to just entertain himself so if you become too strong too fast it wont be any fun now will it.]

"damn, oh well." zero

we then headed off into the direction of the land of waves.

( Time skip)

Its been half a week, during this week when ever we sat camp ive been training my team including sakura in chakra control. I taught sakura and haruka some medical ninjutsu that was pretty easy. I also taught them some ninjutsu on the genin level. I still need to teach them water walking but I haven't had time yet. I gave everyone on my team a kunai with my FTG jutsu seal on it and told them not to use it just to keep it with them. kakashi ended up doing the same.

we were currently walking on a trail, and ive been searching for the sign the whole trip when suddenly I see it. I walk up to naruto and sasuke and talk very quietly.

"naruto, sasuke don't make any noises or do anything out of the ordinary. those puddle have ninja hiding in them. keep walking and be on guard for when they pop out." zero

they both understood, but they didn't show it.

we passed the puddles when suddenly two figures emerged from them without making any sound. they silently took a step forward and both attacked kakashi. two chains with sharp points launched at kakashi and surrounded him, binding him then pulled back ripping kakashi into pieces. both of them smirked thinking they successfully killed the most powerful member of our team, but me, naruto and sasuke all knew kakashi wasn't dead. he wanted to see our team work.

"KAKASHI SENSEI" sakura screamed with a few tears in her eyes.

"Sakura, Akane, Haruka protect tazuna." zero

All three of them nodded and moved to protect tazuna.

"Naruto, Sasuke. Finish them." zero

naruto and sasuke both nodded. I just sat down like it was none of my business. when both of the enemy chuunin heard this they smirked.

on saskue's side he pulled out his chakra blade I gave him and ran and the opponent. the opponent was a chuunin and even tho his speed was higher than sasukes his strength wasn't. they collided at high speeds but the opponent when skidding back a few meters with every clash with sasuke. sasuke jumped back over 3 meters and started flipping through hand signs then put his right hand down and his left hand holding his right arm.

"chidori" sasuke

Lightning started to form on his hand and make the chirping sounds of birds he than ran at his opponent at high speed, when he was within swinging rang his opponent tried to hit him but with sasukes sharingan active he dodged and struck. the chidori passes right through his opponents chest and he fell to the ground.

on Naruto's side he did the last hand sign then.

"shadow clone jutsu" naruto

Then, poof. with a puff of smoke there were 9 Naruto's not including the original. each one started to form a rasengan in his hand. yes narutos rasengan mastery is higher than the anime with him being about to do it with one hand. his clones then started to bombard his opponent. the enemy killed about 7 clones before being hit with a rasengan flew 3 meters into the air where another naruto was waiting for him and hit him with another rasengan. he flew and hit the ground where he died on impact.

naruto and sasuke looked at each other before nodding. akane, haruka and sakura where in shock. they didn't think they were this strong. kakashi was watching this whole time and he was in shock also. he knew ive been training the, but he didn't know exactly how strong they were. he could also they were holding back quite a bit. then kakashi showed back up

"kakashi your alive." sakura said shocked.

"well yeah, im a jonin. a trick like that can't kill me, i just wanted to see how you all work as a team, and ive got so say im impressed." kakashi

haruka and akane looked at naruto and sasuke.

"how did both of you become so strong." haruka and akane asked in unison

"brother taught me." sasuke said pointing a me

"yeah zero taught me too." naruto said pointing at me also

they both turned and looked at me.

" sense when are you so strong." akane

"sense before we got put on a team together. im as strong as kakashi if i fight normally." zero

Haruka and akane both looked shocked by this.

"what, ive been wanting to bring you both to my training sessions but I didn't know how to approach you both, ive had no training talking to the opposite gender." zero lied.

they both looked a little relieved when i said that.

"ok fine then, after this mission you have to start training the both of us." haruka said with a little grumpy face

"ok im fine with that, just to let you know tho. my training in intense, you can ask naruto or sasuke. I gave them both gravity seals to use to train and right now there both using x14 gravity. that fight they were in wasn't even close to there full speed" zero

they all looked shocked when I said this, but they managed to nod there heads anyway.